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Friday, June 19, 2009

Selected Foreign Policy Commentary from Agence Global

Netanyahu’s Dilemma by Patrick Seale
Israel has two historic errors two make right: the land-grab in the occupied territories, started in 1967, that continues to this day, and the doctrine that Israel’s security lay, not in making peace with its neighbours, but in dominating the entire region militarily

Ban's Way by Barbara Crossette (The Nation)
General Ban Ki-moon is halfway through his first term. Whether he gets a second term depends on his ability to get results

Iran's Rural Vote and Election Fraud by Eric Hooglund
Is it possible that rural Iran, where less than 35 percent of the country’s population lives, provided Ahmadinejad the 63 percent of the vote he claims to have won? That would contradict my research over the past 30 years, including just recently.

Freedom from Fear by Nadia Hijab
Although Netanyahu reiterated a description of the world grounded on fear -- as the American neocons would have it -- Obama’s speech expressly announced that the United States was moving beyond this world of fear.

Iran’s Culture Clash by Richard Bulliet
Whether last week’s election was fair may never be known. In a fair election the baby boomers may already have the numbers to win. But if not, their share of the electorate is bound to grow in coming years.

Nothing New from Netanyahu by Rami G. Khouri
Netanyahu wants for the Israelis today what God promised the ancient Hebrews in Deuteronomy, Exodus and Numbers: eternal, exclusive, pure, powerful, secure statehood in a land owned by others that will be miraculously ethnically cleansed with Divine mandate and legitimacy.

What Kind of Two-State Solution? by Immanuel Wallerstein
Obama takes a strong position on issues the ultra-right Israeli government refuses to accept: dismantle settlements and the two-state solution. Positive and courageous in the context of US internal politics, dangerous in terms of any real solution.

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