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Friday, March 3, 2017

The Week With IPS 3/3/2017


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The Labour Market Is the Key to Equality for Women in Latin America
Alicia Bárcena
Latin America and the Caribbean is the only region in the world where, for the past four decades, states have continuously met to discuss and commit themselves politically to eradicating discrimination and gender inequality and moving towards guaranteeing women the full exercise of their autonomy ... MORE > >

Half a Century of Struggle Against Underdevelopment
Pablo Piacentini
This oped was written by the Argentinian journalist Pablo Piacentini, cofounder of IPS to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the agency in 2014. IPS is republishing it now to celebrate his life. Piacentini passed away in Rome on March 1. MORE > >

From El Nino Drought to Floods, Zimbabwe’s Double Trouble
Jeffrey Moyo
Dairai Churu, 53, sits with his chin cupped in his palms next to mounds of rubble from his destroyed makeshift home in the Caledonia informal settlement approximately 30 kilometers east of Harare, thanks to the floods that have inundated Zimbabwe since the end of last year. Churu’s tragedy seems ... MORE > >

Women's Rights Activists: “Nevertheless, We Persist”
Tharanga Yakupitiyage
Human rights groups have expressed concern for the future of global negotiations on women’s rights in a climate of restrictive policies ahead of an upcoming annual UN meeting on the status of women. While discussing the 61st Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), organisations highlighted ... MORE > >

“Women in the UN Working Together to Improve the Lives of Women Worldwide”
Chitra Deshpande
This International Women’s Day we celebrate women in the changing world of work, recognizing the need to fully realize women’s working potential in order to achieve Agenda 2030. We know that when women earn money, they spend it on feeding their families and educating their children. It is ... MORE > >

Valuing Women’s Unpaid Work
Shaheen Anam
Women’s work remains unaccounted for even though the issue of unpaid work carried out by women is being discussed globally at the policy, academic as well as practitioners’ levels. Defined as “unpaid care work,” this includes taking care of children, elderly and the sick, cooking and cleaning, ... MORE > >

Caribbean Leaders Want Swifter Action on Climate Funding
Desmond Brown
When Tropical Storm Erika hit the tiny Caribbean island of Dominica on Aug. 27, 2015, it killed more than two dozen people, left nearly 600 homeless and wreaked damages totaling more than a billion dollars. The storm dumped 15 inches of rain on the mountainous island, caused floods and mudslides ... MORE > >

Stemming Illicit Financial Outflows
Jomo Kwame Sundaram
International capital flows are now more than 60 times the value of trade flows. The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) is now of the view that large international financial transactions do not facilitate trade, and that excessive financial ‘elasticity’ has been a major cause of recent ... MORE > >

The United Nations and the Religious Right​
Andy Hazel
Religious advocacy groups have a long history of working with the United Nations, pushing back against progressive interpretations of the terms ‘family’ and ‘marriage’ as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That effort was seemingly rewarded in 2016 as more people voted ... MORE > >

A Day to Remember That Every Child Deserves a Chance
Emina Ćerimović
The day I met Julija she was playing cheerfully with her baby sister on the floor inside their room in Kragujevac, a small town in southern Serbia. When she saw me – a stranger -- on the doorstep, she smiled widely and stretched out her hands, offering a hug. As I held her, I could hear how ... MORE > >

These Women Cannot Celebrate Their Day
Baher Kamal
This is a story that one would wish to never have to write—the story of hundreds of millions of life-givers whose production and productivity have systematically been ‘quantified’ in much detailed statistics, but whose abnegation, human suffering and denial of rights are subject to just ... MORE > >

Avoid Patent Clauses in Trade Treaties that can Kill Millions
Martin Khor
Recently a very interesting article on why there are inequalities in access to health care and how medicine prices are beyond the reach of many people was published in The Lancet, one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world. The authors, who are eminent experts in development and ... MORE > >

Community Stations Fight for Frequencies in El Salvador
Edgardo Ayala
The Izcanal Radio and Television set is simple and austere, but this TV station made history in El Salvador, being the first, and until now the only one, to make the leap from community radio to community TV channel, in 2006. It has done this through a local cable TV station, not an open signal ... MORE > >

Maritime Boundary Dispute Masks Need for Economic Diversity in Timor-Leste
Stephen de Tarczynski
Juvinal Dias has first-hand experience of mistreatment at the hands of a foreign power. Born in 1981 in Tutuala, a village in the far east of Timor-Leste, Dias’ family fled into the jungle following the 1975 invasion by Indonesia. It was during this time, hiding from the Indonesian military, ... MORE > >

The Peasant Farmer Who Stood Up to the President of Nicaragua
José Adán Silva
The unequal battle that small farmer Francisca Ramírez is waging against the Nicaraguan government of Daniel Ortega has become so well-known that people are calling for her security and her rights from the political heart of Europe. Who is she and why did the European Parliament order Nicaragua ... MORE > >

Unrest Brings North-East Nigeria Next to Starvation
Lyndal Rowlands
Years of violence and unrest in North-East Nigeria have left millions of people at risk of starving to death. Both the violent up surging of Boko Haram and the government’s harsh military crackdown have left already historically marginalised communities with next to nothing. Some towns have ... MORE > >

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