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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

NEFA: Ft. Hood Cleric Awlaki Urged Muslims to "Fight Against Government Armies" in July '09 By Evan Kohlmann

NEFA: Ft. Hood Cleric Awlaki Urged Muslims to "Fight Against Government Armies" in July '09
By Evan Kohlmann

aulaqi.jpgThe NEFA Foundation has obtained a copy of an English-language online blog post from just this past summer by Shaykh Anwar al-Awlaki -- the Yemeni cleric suspected of influencing Ft. Hood shooter Maj. Malik Hasan -- titled, "Fighting Against Government Armies in the Muslim World."

In his message, dated July 14, 2009, al-Awlaki openly admonished his supporters, "there can be no Islam with the presence of these armies... These armies are the defenders of apostasy in the Muslim world. They fight against Sharia and kill the Muslims who attempt to bring it back. They are fighting on behalf of America against the mujahideen in Pakistan, Somalia and the Maghrib. If this is the case with these armies how could anyone place the blame on the ones who fight them, accusing them of fighting against Muslims?! What kind of twisted fiqh is this? The blame should be placed on the soldier who is willing to follow orders whether the order is to kill Muslims as in Swat, bomb Masjids as with the Red Masjid, or kill women and children as they do in Somalia... Blessed are those who fight against them and blessed are those shuhada [martyrs] who are killed by them."

A complete copy of Anwar al-Awlaki's manifesto urging Muslims to "fight against government armies" can be downloaded from the NEFA Foundation website.
November 11, 2009 12:14 PM Link

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