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Monday, November 30, 2009

Commentary from Agence Global - November 30, 2009

The Dubai Crisis by Patrick Seale
The world has been far too quick to suggest that the glossy city-state of Dubai is about to go bankrupt. This is far too gloomy a prediction. Dubai will undoubtedly weather the storm.

From Biblical to Poker Principles by Rami G. Khouri
We should not respond to Netanyahu’s proposals with only another round of passive Arab rejectionism. We need to get out of the ambiguous biblical epics and move into the definitive world of poker.

Turkey, the Kurds and Israel by Patrick Seale
Turkey is thinking creatively and actively about how to resolve its internal problems and improve its external relations, while Israel seems stuck in a sterile and outdated mindset.

Monarchs, Mosques and Markets by Rami G. Khouri
The triad of monarchy, market and mosque is not new. It represents the Arab order from the ancient period before Byzantium and also from the early and middle Islamic eras. What is new is the emerging centrality of the Arab citizen.

Is Obama Failing in Afghanistan, the Middle East, and Iran? by Patrick Seale
Obama’s cautious, conciliatory approach has all too often seemed like dithering -- even at times like a failure of nerve -- especially in Afghanistan, the Middle East, and Iran.

Hope for Palestinian-Lebanese Relations by Rami G. Khouri
For the first time in many decades, Palestinians and Lebanese seem to agree on the critical areas that matter to both of them. The new Lebanese government would do well to put high on its agenda the issue of Palestinian-Lebanese relations.

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