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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Russia calls on other nations to help arm Syrian government:

Russia calls on other nations to help arm Syrian government:
 Lavrov said in Moscow on Friday that Russia would continue to supply Assad with weapons and called on other countries to help the Syrian government and its ground troops. "You cannot defeat Islamic State with air strikes only," Lavrov said. "It's necessary to cooperate with ground troops and the Syrian army is the most efficient and powerful ground force to fight the IS."
Russia to U.S. - talk to us on Syria or risk 'unintended incidents':
Russia called on Friday for military-to-military cooperation with the United States to avert "unintended incidents" as it stages navy exercises off the coast of Syria, where U.S. officials believe Moscow is building up forces to protect President Bashar al-Assad.
Obama Says Russia's Support Of Assad 'Doomed To Fail':
Obama said on September 11: "The strategy that they are pursuing right now, doubling down on Assad, I think is a big mistake." Obama said Russia's escalated military involvement in Syria indicates that Assad is worried and is turning to Russian advisers for help.


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