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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The South China Sea Showdown: 5 Dangerous Myths

The South China Sea Showdown: 5 Dangerous Myths

Why 'Asia's Cauldron' may only get more dangerous in the years to come.
September 29, 2015
Myths about the South China Sea and related U.S.-China strategic interaction have been multiplying in Washington like fruit flies of late. There is the curious notion that China’s recent actions in the South China Sea portend a spasm of aggression spanning East Asia, spilling into the Indian Ocean and then through the Middle East, Africa and beyond.  Almost as fanciful is the idea that Beijing is about to erect figurative toll barriers around the South China Sea, only admitting the ships of nations that agree to perform the infamous 磕头[kowtow].  Presumably, naval vessels requesting admittance would require either multiple prostrations or at least some very fat 红包 [red envelopes].

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