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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Obama the Hedgehog Must Now Become a Fox

Obama the Hedgehog Must Now Become a Fox

Lobelog, September 9, 2015

by Robert E. Hunter
In fighting and succeeding to gain congressional approval of the agreement to keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons, President Barack Obama has proved to be a very able hedgehog. “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing,” as Isaiah Berlin used to say. Obama indeed knew the “one big thing” he most needed to know, rolled himself into a ball, and warded off an army of determined opponents. In so doing, he has taken the first, difficult step toward repairing (if that is the right word) the frightful damage that his predecessor did in the Middle East and to US interests by invading Iraq a decade ago and shattering what passed for order and stability throughout the region.

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