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Friday, September 11, 2015

Hillary Clinton hands Bernie Sanders another opening

The Washington Post / Post Partisan

Hillary Clinton hands Bernie Sanders another opening

By James Downie September 11 
If you were looking only at national polls, you would be forgiven for thinking that Hillary Clinton had weathered the Bernie Sanders storm. The Vermont senator and thorn in Clinton’s left side has fallen back to about 20 percent support among national Democrats after hitting 30 percent in mid-August. But at the state level, things aren’t looking as good: A new Iowa poll finds Sanders ahead by one point. Some were quick to suggest that the poll is an outlier, but that’s what people said about the first poll showing Sanders ahead in New Hampshire, and he has led in both other polls there since then. While it’s only September, perhaps this wasn’t the best time for Clinton to hand Sanders another opening for him to exploit.

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