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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Global Health Update: REFUGEE HEALTH

Treated Like Garbage
Syrian and Palestinian refugees living among garbage in Lebanon's camps are at risk of cholera, typhoid and other health problems, doctors warn, especially with the closure of a major landfill that led to illegal dumping.

Lebanon, host to 1.8 million refugees—nearly half its population—is overwhelmed by overcrowding and poor sanitation in the camps. This has upped the risk of diarrheal disease outbreaks—not only in the camps, but for the host community as well, said Alissar Rady, the medical officer in charge of WHO Lebanon.

The government's failure to solve the garbage disposal crisis sparked the You Stink campaign ( in Beirut.
International Business Times (

Related: As refugee crisis grows, UN agency faces questions – Thomson Reuters Foundation (

Related: Europe’s migrant crisis: what the EU is forgetting – Fortune (

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