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Thursday, September 10, 2015


Guidelines to Respond
As the refugee and migration crises in Europe escalate, urgent health needs are prompting the WHO to detail the specifics.

About 350,000 refugees and migrants have reached European countries in 2015, according to the WHO. Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO’s regional director for Europe, said that to adequately respond to the influx “in the full spirit of Health 2020, WHO/Europe's framework for health and well-being … requires health system preparedness and capacity, including robust epidemiological data and migration intelligence, careful planning, training and, above all, adherence to the principles of equity and solidarity and to human rights and dignity.”
Infection Control Today (

The WHO has also published a detailed set of FAQs specific to the health needs of refugees ( and migrants arriving in Europe. Detailing common health problems of concern—NCDs as well as infectious diseases—the WHO squashes myths about the importation of infectious disease during refugee crises.

Related: Global warming is not driving this refugee crisis, but it may drive the next – Mashable (

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