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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Germany’s Position on Greece: A Reality Check

Germany’s Position on Greece: A Reality Check

It’s not about debt forgiveness now, but what Greece must do to reshape itself.
By , February 18, 2015 |
Many U.S.-based analysts, from Paul Krugman on the left to Chris Whalen on the right, claim that the biggest part of Europe’s current Greece problem is German intransigence. In particular, they claim that German politicians haven’t come clean with their voters on the issue of Greek debt.
In assessing the German position on Greece, one must distinguish between what the Germans say and what their actual long-term strategy is.
For starters, few German voters seriously expect that Greece will ultimately pay back the debt. But acknowledging that fact now publicly will do very little to achieve the ultimate goal – to get Greece onto a reform path.

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