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Wednesday, April 3, 2019


"I want to be a doctor so I can treat sick people like me." — Kocho had a dream.
Dear Michelel T,  

Earlier this year, we shared the story of a young boy named Kocho from Sudan who was suffering from terminal cancer. Today, we learned the sad news that Kocho passed away.
"Kocho was brave and happy to the end. He finally decided that he had had enough and did not want any more chemo. To the end, he would rally and wanted to play. He was such a sweet child."
Dr. Clarke, Mother of Mercy Hospital, Sudan
Kocho spent over a year living at the Mother of Mercy Hospital receiving chemo treatment. Here he is with some of the friends he made along the way.
In the remote, impoverished communities where we work, obstacles in reaching clinics, limited diagnostics, and a lack of access to specialized care and treatment mean that cancer is almost always a death sentence. Your generosity can help change this.

Every child deserves a chance to fight cancer. Your support can help make this possible.
In faith and friendship,

President and CEO
CMMB/Healthier Lives Worldwide


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