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Saturday, April 13, 2019

CGNP's Groundbreaking Pro-Nuclear Power Advocacy

CGNP's Groundbreaking Pro-Nuclear Power Advocacy


Gene A. Nelson, Ph.D.

AttachmentsFri, Apr 12, 8:04 PM (13 hours ago)

to me
Attorney Michele Kearney
Nuclear Wire
Needham, MA

April 12, 2019

Dear Michele:

I'm very impressed with your Nuclear Wire blog at

Using the blog's search feature, I located some 2015 and 2016 articles
regarding our nonprofit,  adverse CPUC intervenor, Californians for Green
Nuclear Power, Inc.

We've been very active on the legal front in our advocacy to save Diablo
Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) from a wasteful premature retirement in 2025.

We raised many relevant issues before the CPUC in A.16-08-006. The CPUC
recognized the quality of our voluminous testimony and vigorous
participation in all oral phases by granting us about $1/4 million in
intervenor compensation to date. Our legal battle spanned more than two
years in that proceeding. The CPUC found for PG&E.

Then we carried the battle to the California Court of Appeals in B293420.
They dismissed our Writ Petition on January 31, 2019. You might recognize
CGNP's lead attorney Mike Gatto. He served four terms in the California
Assembly, including serving as Chair of the Utility and Energy Committee.
I've attached CGNP's reply brief which summarizes the significant legal
issues. Our Writ Petition was dismissed without prejudice on January 31,

We also carried the battle back to the CPUC as a Party in the CPUC
Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) R.16-02-007.  Attached find our recent
reply comments and CGNP's prepared comments delivered at the CPUC All
Party's hearing on April 4, 2019. CGNP is now preparing its Answer in this

Finally, we have carried our battle to the Northern District of California
federal court. CGNP contacted Judge William Alsup via his courtroom
deputy. Judge Alsup is presiding in the federal case USA v PG&E. Judge
Alsup has been sharply critical of PG&E's poor safety culture, as shown in
business units other than DCPP. Attached find CGNP's transmittal letters.
CGNP is optimistic our nonprofit will eventually prevail.

CGNP would appreciate updated coverage in your Nuclear Wire blog.


Gene Nelson, Ph.D.  CGNP Legal Assistant
Californians for Green Nuclear Power, Inc. (CGNP)
1375 East Grand Ave Ste 103 #523
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
(805) 363 - 4697 cell email  website

6 Attachments

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