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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Most US Jewish students don’t see Israel as ‘civilized’ or a ‘democracy,’ Luntz tells secret anti-BDS conference

Most US Jewish students don’t see Israel as ‘civilized’ or a ‘democracy,’ Luntz tells secret anti-BDS conference

Here’s the story in Hebrew. In a nutshell:
Minister Gilad Erdan has organized a secret conference in Jerusalem, with 150 top supporters of Israel. American right wing pollster Frank Luntz [who has earlier stated that Zionism is becoming a dirty word for US elites] presented statistics:
– The Ministry of Tourism’s attempt to market Israel as a cool destination (girls and bikinis) has failed.
– Jewish American students have an increasingly negative image of Israel:
-Just 42% believe Israel wants peace.
-Just 38% believe “Israel is civilized and Western”.
-Just 31% believe Israel is a democracy.
– No less than 21% believe the US should side with the Palestinians.
The new, or not so new, agenda put forward by Luntz and co: Israel’s supporters should say that they are in favour of a dialogue and peace-building through diplomacy, and accuse BDS supporters of obstructing dialogue, and spreading hate.
- See more at:

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