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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Compulsion to Dominate by William Pfaff

 Compulsion to Dominate
on 2015/2/18
Paris, February 18, 2015 – Egypt has just joined the war against ISIL (the Islamic State in the Levant, as it calls itself), or Daech as it is called in Arabic. Its air force has attacked the jihadist army in retribution for the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christian Copts held in Libya, whom they described as “Crusaders.”

As usual, jihad polemics were ignorant. Coptic Christianity goes back to the earliest Christian conversions in Egypt, centuries before the Crusades, its adherents mostly members of the original population of Egypt. They were Christians long before Egypt’s incorporation into the Arab Rashidun Caliphate in the seventh century.

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