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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ebola Round-Up


* While a consortium of scientists in Germany claim that an Ebola vaccine safety trial has been held up by negotiations with the US company holding the vaccine license, discussions are underway at WHO on speeding the clinical development of vaccines. ** Science Magazine (

* The underlying weaknesses that led to the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa will be hard to fix and take years, says Peter Piot, the man who discovered Ebola, in this Q&A. ** Vox (

* The Ebola epidemic demands an “all-hands-on-deck moment for mobilization of the basics,” writes Laurie Garrett in a long blog post surveying the current situation. ** Foreign Policy (

* A Monrovia physician explains why she’s honoring her commitment to medicine in the face of extraordinary danger. ** NPR Goats and Soda (

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