Published on September 29th, 2013 | http://www.lobelog.com/remember-bibis-wisdom-on-iraq-11-years-ago/#more-21201
Remember Bibi’s Wisdom on Iraq 11 Years Ago
by Jim LobeOn the eve of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s visit to the White House and subsequent speech at the UN General Assembly, it once again appears appropriate to recall the great geopolitical wisdom he displayed almost exactly 11 years ago when he appeared before Congress to bang the drums of war against Iraq with a confidence fully equal to that of the neoconservatives whose arguments he echoed (and may have helped shape). He subsequently drew heavily on his testimony in an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal’s neocon editorial page (September 20, 2002) and in an interview with the Washington Times a month later (October 23).
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