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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Stopping the Next Pearl Harbor

Stopping The Next Pearl Harbor

If enough people read this essay, we just might stop the Bush administration and Israel from engineering the next Pearl Harbor. The Japanese “sneak attack” on Pearl Harbor was publicized two weeks in advance in the headlines of one newspaper. If our generation does not act to stop the Next Pearl Harbor, we will be responsible for launching of World War III and for the end of life as we knew it.

How could the Israelis and the Bush administration engineer us into World War III? There has been much talk of another 911. Previously, I have said too many people know that the World Trade Center was taken down by controlled demolitions so they cannot do that again and expect the same result. Nor can they set off a dirty bomb and radiate tens of thousands of Americans. As I said,would you want to walk around on the same streets as those thousands of people if you had irradiated them and induced terminal cancers in them? If they cannot pull off another 911, what can they do?

The Iranians have Russian-made SS-N-22 Sunburn and more advanced SS-NX-26 Yakhonts anti-ship missiles which were designed to sink American aircraft carriers. Both the Sunburn and the Yakhonts are unstoppable killing machines. In 2001 the incoming Bush administration tasked the Navy with finding a defense against these missiles but has not met the challenge to date. The Sunburn has a range of 90 miles and travels at Mach 2.5 nine feet above sea level. The Yakhonts has a range of 180 miles. The Iranians also have 300 NATO made Exocets and large numbers of Chinese Silkworm anti-ship missiles. The Iranians have recently said they will fire 11,000 missiles and artillery shells in the first minute of an attack They have Russian made artillery with ranges up to 180 kilometers. Within minutes of any attack on Iran by either Israel or the United States we could lose 20,000 plus sailors and marines in the Persian Gulf. Those who do not die immediately risk capture by the Iranians who have 1,000 fast rubber boats and an endless supply of men willing to commit suicide. The old Soviet military doctrine of mixing a few advanced weapons in with large numbers of older but deadly ones might succeed in creating a New Pearl Harbor. Our fleet is in the Persian Gulf and not in the Indian Ocean precisely so they would be in range of Iran's Russian made missiles. Sacrificing the lives of 20,000 sailors and marines is essential to the Zionist plan to launch World War III.

Vladimir Putin has formed a partnership with the nations of the Caspian Sea which obligates Russia to defend Iran against an American attack. This means the U.S. must wait for Iran to attack America before we can bomb the Iranians. The Israeli Lobby is so powerful in Russia that Putin could only defend Iran from an American attack and not from an an Israeli air assault using U.S. supplied bunker busting nuclear weapons. Iran has said that they would respond by attacking both the United States and Israel if this scenario occurs. If Iran defends itself as it said it will, those in Israel and the United States whose fondest dream is to launch World War III will have engineered Pearl Harbor II and will see their dreams and our nightmares come true. The American TV watching public would demand revenge because they would not know that their leaders deliberately sacrificed our sailors and marines. Thanks to Bush we have no military left to do anything but to use nuclear weapons to exterminate the Muslims and steal their oil for Wall Street.

Exterminating Muslims is not practical as there are 1.3 billion of them and we do not have enough soldiers to defend ourselves from the inevitable consequences. Giving Arab oil to Wall Street has not worked well either. Oil used to be $20 a barrel. After four and a half years of occupying Iraq, oil is closer to $99.

The CIA has used the term Blowback to describe Isaac Newton's law that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The Blowback to using nuclear weapons to kill Muslims will be enormous. The Iranians and their allies will close the Persian Gulf to oil exports and to the imports of military supplies into Iraq. Oil will hit $300 a barrel. China, Japan, Singapore and Korea have enough surplus dollars on hand to pay cash in advance for oil at $400 a barrel for the next three years. America could only borrow money to buy oil, but, if the American fleet in the Persian Gulf is sunk, the dollar will drown as foreigners will want to dump their dollars. The stampede would be first started by the Muslims who would refuse to either accept or to hold dollars. They would dump hundreds of billions of dollars And then as the dollar decline gains momentum, all foreigners, including the drug cartels, would have to get rid of theirs as well.

The Iranians recruited 40,000 suicide bombers. These are trained and educated people who could do a lot of damage. In 1993 The FBI recruited an Egyptian military intelligence officer to find some patsies to set off a bomb in the World Trade Center garage. One illiterate was supposed to park the van 15 feet from the central pillar. He couldn't because a New Yorker had parked illegally in the tow away zone. He was not educated enough to select another pillar. Because the FBI had recruited a scientifically illiterate dupe the bomb went off 15 feet from the pillar and only 6 people died. The 40,000 Iranian suicide bombers are not FBI-CIA recruits and will do a lot more damage.

The Iranians could set aside 500 or so men and women to use explosives to take out American oil refineries and chemical plants. A small input yields a big blast. There are 20 oil refineries and chemical plants in the Houston Metro area. Other oil refinery targets of interest would be in New York, New Jersey , California and wherever targets of opportunity are easily available. They could take out 25% of our refinery capacity as they have been given more than adequate warning by the Neocons of their intentions to bomb Iran. Gas could sell for $10.00 a gallon and require ration coupons to buy.

It would not take many men to blow up a sufficient number of power lines carrying electricity to cause a nationwide blackout. Without electricity the gas stations could not pump gas until the power was restored. Nor could anyone get money from a bank or use a credit card. The nationwide blackout, the sinking of our fleet and the collapse of the dollar would all be signs that America was through as a world power and probably also as a sovereign nation.

The Iranians have been buying a lot of weapons. For $5,000,000 they could have bought 5,000 shoulder fired anti-aircraft weapons. They could hand them out to anyone willing to shoot down either an American airplane or helicopter. We have already lost 10% of our helicopters in Iraq. They could arm thousands of their suicide bombers with a couple thousand of those shoulder fired missiles and automatic weapons to take down our helicopters in both Iraq and Afghanistan. They could send other units to cut off supplies entering Iraq via the two roads running from Kuwait. We could lose a lot of soldiers and marines. And many more could be captured.

The U.S. Military Central Command (CENTCOM) website lists U. S. forces in 25 Muslim nations and in two others where Muslims are a minority. What would happen to Americans stationed on those bases if the locals cut off their water and other supplies? What would happen if our soldiers were attacked by rogue elements of the host nation's military who objected to the use of nuclear weapons to kill Muslim civilians? We have no military to send to rescue our men and women. We could use even more nuclear weapons to deter the local populations but that would be decidedly counter productive.

When foreigners dump a few trillion dollars buying oil, gold, silver, copper, food and other commodities, those dollars will not disappear. The people who sell a few hundred billion dollars of commodities will have been given dollars that will be rapidly approaching zero value as prices soar. They will have to get rid of their new found money very quickly. Economists call this phenomenon the velocity of money. If the GNP is 12 trillion and the money supply is ten trillion, the dollar turns over 1.2 times a year. But, if Americans and foreigners collectively decide that the dollar is toast, it will turn over once every 6 months, then once every 3 months and then once a month. If velocity goes from 1.2 to 12, then prices will go up 1,000%. Pensions and savings will lose 90% of their value. After tax wages will decline by more than 50% even if workers can get raises because the working poor will be pushed into tax brackets designed for the wealthy. This increase in the velocity of money is what happened to the Weimar Republic in 1923.

The economic dislocations from the war and inflation will cause a depression and could lead to 25% unemployment just like in 1933. We have more than doubled our population since the 1930s. And our culture has changed. What do you expect young people to do if they were without a job and had no money to buy gas or food? What would you expect parents to do if their children had not eaten for three days? What do you think the 43,000,000 elderly and disabled on Social Security would do if they had nothing to eat? What would you expect America's street gangs to do in every major city? Would you be willing to walk down a street where thousands of people have neither food nor gas money and no way to pay the rent and utilities? The people who deliver the food and other services to you will have to live in those neighborhoods as they will not likely make enough to move to a safe neighborhood like yours. They might have to flee the cities thus cutting off the vital services you need. The crime rate will be enormous. This is in addition to the terrorist campaign previously mentioned. The public will demand and gladly accept martial law. Since the politicians who will give us martial law in either 2008 or 2009 work for the banks, they will also give us currency controls. Currency controls allow the government to regulate how much of your money you can spend. The wealthy will have sent their money overseas and have bought oil or gold. You will not be allowed to withdraw your money from the bank until it has become absolutely worthless. The purpose of currency controls is to allow the elite to dump their dollars while the poor will losse what little they did have. It is long past time that you heeded my warnings to get your savings out of dollars and out of the United States.

Martial law is the intended result of the the Next Pearl Harbor, the deliberate sacrificing of 20,000 sailors and marines in the Persian Gulf. Martial law will not mean the cancellation of the 2008 elections. Why would the bankers want to stop the people from voting for the candidates who will permanently enslave the citizenry by merging the United States with Canada and Mexico to form the North American Union (NAU)? The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Bilderberg Society have said they want to merge the U.S. into the NAU by 2010. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has 120 people working to make this happen. The NAU will abolish the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights. If the President-elect in 2008 does not follow orders and end American sovereignty, the bankers can always assassinate him as they did President Kennedy in 1963 and his brother Robert Kennedy in 1968. Bobby was shot in the back 5 times. The “lone assassin” was never seen behind him, could not have shot him and does not even know what happened that night. The press did little to investigate the killing of the man favored to win the 1968 election and will do nothing to uncover the truth if another candidate is murdered in 2008. More recently the news media has covered up the killing of 3,000 Americans in controlled demolitions on 9-11-2001.

What would happen if there were no Pearl Harbor in the Persian Gulf? If there were no enemy at the gates, the voters might blame Wall Street for the coming economic debacle. There are two Presidential candidates, Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul, who want to repeal the Federal Reserve Act which created the Depression of 1929-1939 and the coming Hyperinflationary Depression. Wall Street used World War II to cure the high unemployment rate of the Great Depression. World War III will be used to eliminate democracy, to grab oil and other natural resources for Wall Street, to exterminate all those who resist the New World Order and to starve to death anyone in the Third World who cannot afford to pay the vigorish on their loans.

Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy issued non-interest bearing Treasury Notes and were killed by “lone assassins” for their efforts. If they had lived, we would not have a nine trillion dollar debt and would not be paying several hundreds of billions for interest on the “debt”. Money is a commodity that measures the value of all other commodities and services. Prices are a ratio of the amount of money in circulation to all the goods and services available. If you increase the GNP and the money supply by identical rates, you will have a constant ratio and stable prices. Notice that there is no mention of Treasury bonds being issued. Under the Federal Reserve system, the Treasury Secretary issues 100 billion dollars in bonds which he gives to the Federal Reserve in exchange for 100 billion dollars in Federal Reserve Notes. The Federal Reserve gets the money by paying 3 ½ cents on the dollar to the Bureau of the Mint. The taxpayers are then obligated to pay interest to the Federal Reserve until the end of time. There is no need to issue bonds so there never was a reason to have a government debt. Of course you never will hear about that in the news or even on a typical college campus. Both of these institutions are controlled by Wall Street.

The people of the Third World have a lot in common with the citizens of America. They both toil on the Global Plantation to pay the vigorish on fraudulent loans. The bankers create money and expect you to pay them even though the money the banks created devalued the pensions and savings of the working class in America. The citizens of the United States will soon learn that their masters think as little of them as they do of the poor in the underdeveloped nations. As I have said previously, at least 200 billion dollars a year is stolen from unaudited federal government contracts. That money has been sent overseas to finance drug running, to be invested in foreign currencies, oil, gold and other commodities. When the coming Hyperinflationary Depression arrives, the bankers will be able to buy America for pennies on the dollar. They will own everything. Wall Street has had the foresight to have the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act passed to take away your ability to resist. Martial law will eliminate any opportunity you might have had to just say no to dictatorship and to permanent poverty.

What can we do to stop the Next Pearl Harbor from happening? We have been given a few months time to organize our resistance. Fortunately for us, the Israelis have a government that is as corrupt as ours. The Israelis recently announced that a billion shekels or about 250 million dollars went missing from their civil defense fund. The Israeli citizenry had been promised that new gas masks and other protective gear would be issued to them. About half of the country received theirs when the other half was told that there was no money left. That means that we cannot expect Israel to attack Iran for several months. I would like to suggest what we could do peacefully to prevent martial law from being used to cover the theft of our pensions, our savings, our property, our country and our democracy.

1) Continue with the 9-11 Truth Movement. I tell everyone to look at the videos of World Trade Center Tower 7 collapsing at . If the voters knew that the World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7 were taken down by controlled demolitions on 9-11-2001, they might demand our leaders tell the truth.

2) Begin a new Truth Movement for Missing Money. Billions of dollars are being stolen from taxpayers each week because we are not allowed to audit federal spending. Do you really expect subsidiaries of defense contractors to adequately audit the wrong doing of their parent companies? Go to and type in “missing money” in the search box.

3) Tell people the specific consequences of what will happen if we allow Israel to attack Iran with American made bunker busting nuclear weapons. Tell them the economic consequences. Tell them that our sailors and marines will be deliberately sacrificed so we can have martial law and complete the transfer of all wealth to Wall Street.

4) If you see a candidate for office, you might ask them about the missing money and why neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have passed stricter auditing laws to protect the taxpayers. Study the issues in advance, ask the best short question you can and have a friend get it down on videotape so the rest of us can see it.

5) Please do everything you can to share the information about the coming Pearl Harbor in the Persian Gulf. If enough people know what to expect, then the people who think they own the government will not be able to launch World War III just so they can have martial law, eliminate democracy, steal all of your pensions and savings and permanently cut your pay 50%.

6) If you know someone who is well known and is trusted and respected by the American public, share a few ideas with them about the Missing Money and the collapse of WTC Tower 7. Give them time to absorb the issues. Then ask him or her to go public. We need one well known and respected American to come forward to encourage others to resist treason, tyranny and the killing of a few billion poor people.

The world is ruled by men who think that War, Economic Collapse, Hyperinflation, mass starvation and abrogating the Constitution and Bill of Rights are a Game. They have no regard for your life nor for the lives of your family and friends. They will continue doing what they have been doing until we stop them. We are the world's last best chance.


Michele Kearney said...

To fully comprehend the folly of attacking Iran

To fully comprehend the folly of attacking Iran I would suggest you take a look at the map of Central Command or Centcom facilities on Muslim soil. As soon as I saw these maps (the URL is in references below), I fully understood the madness of our war planners. Centcom says it depends on the good will of host nations. What would any rational adult expect to happen if we used dozens of nuclear weapons one-third to one-half the size of the Hiroshima bomb against Muslim civilians in Iran? We currently have over 550 airplanes stationed in Centcom nations with dozens of facilities and support units. The reactions in those nations could range from cutting off the water to sabotage and terrorism and full scale assaults by armored divisions against poorly equipped base security staff. We would be lucky if our troops got out alive.

Now comes the scary part. What if the people who hatched this mad idea of attacking Iran did not care? What if, to paraphrase IT workers, "it is not a bug but a feature." What if the plan was to place our troops in such peril that the nation would accept full scale nuclear war against people who are currently our allies in order to commit genocide. Would you even want to live under a government where the leaders were that insane?

If you had read my article Insanity Then and Now, you would now that we have had such an insane government since World War I when we allowed "Belgian War Relief" to be knowingly given to Germany so they could feed their soldiers who were killing our own men at the front lines. We also allowed vital imports from Allied nations to be forwarded through neutral ports to Germany. The United States entered World War I precisely so the war could be prolonged beyond 1915. It seems our government has been addicted to killing American soldiers for a very long time. This is beyond Treason. And now that these mad men have nuclear weapons it is beyond insane. In my profile I said I have decided to share the vision of World War III I had when I was 8 years-old . That vision had two final conclusions. One was that world leaders were totally mad and self-destructive. The other conclusion was that they would kill 99.5% of the world's population if the people did nothing to stop them. When I was a teenager I dedicated myself to stopping this coming war.

Years ago I said I would warn my friends before the dollar was about to collapse. I have already issued that warning on this blog. I guarantee you that the dollar, our pensions, our savings and our paychecks will be absolutely worthless by December of 2009. I also said I would tell my friends if World War III has been cancelled so they could make decisions about their families and their investments. I will write an article entitled Game Over if the war has been called for a lack of participants. I have written an article entitled How You and I Can Stop WW III. I have additional ideas I would like to discuss.

My original plan was that someone reading this would contact a friend in Hollywood who can reach anti-war actors. We would ask them to make make a video of them reading the eyewitness testimony of men and women who saw and heard controlled demolitions take down World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7 on 9-11-2001. We would need two narrators, one male and one female to put the testimony in the context of the laws of physics and the 11 characteristics of a controlled demolition. In the concluding scene, the actors would ask the FBI to disprove what we have said by simply publishing information of the airline tickets and boarding passes of the 19 alleged "Arab hijackers." Surveillance videos would be appreciated as well. If they refuse to publish the information, then everyone will know that both political parties, the press, the FBI and the Departments of Justice and of Homeland Security are accomplices to the murder of over 3,000 American on 9-11. So, if you know someone who knows Charlie Sheen, Sean Penn or Ed Asner, it is within your power to stop World War III.

My additional idea is that we make a series of videos on the billions of dollars each week that are being stolen by Wall Street from unaudited federal government contracts. I would base the information on the work of Catherine Austin Fitts who used to be the managing partner at Dillon Read, the New York Investment bank. This money is being used to fund secret Black Ops, to pay bribes and to buy America for pennies on the dollar after the coming Inflationary Depression. Indira Singh says they are even stealing from Social Security.

In the first term of the Reagan administration the Grace Commission said we would save one hundred billion dollars a year if we simply implemented auditing of federal government spending. Currently, we could save at least 200 billion dollars a year or more, but despite all the horrendous budget cuts and deficits of the past 25 years neither the Senate nor the Congress has passed meaningful auditing. This is because they fear Wall Street more than the voters.

What we need to do is to make a series of short videos of normal American citizens being given this information some of which is amusing. Ms. Fitts once found one block in San Diego with 10 HUD guaranteed loans totaling $20,000,000 for buildings that never existed. You would be surprised what you could do with the administrative passwords to all of the computers at the IRS, HUD, Secret Service, FBI, DOD, NORAD, Social Security, the Congress and the Senate and hundreds of other spending programs.

The final series of videos would show our normal everyday Americans contacting their Congressional representatives and their Senators multiple times very nicely asking them to sponsor a bill requiring auditing of federal government spending. We could then hold citizen press conferences explaining how we can easily find all the money needed to stop budget cuts for local schools, hospitals, libraries and other public works. Once these videos get traction on the Internet we can make another series of videos of our citizens circulating petitions to recall every politician who opposes auditing practices be applied to the trillions of dollars they appropriate each year.

That is my plan to stop World War III and the destruction of the earth. What is yours? If your plan is to do nothing, then I will never be able to publish my article Game Over World War III Has Been Cancelled.


The first URL is to a series of five maps showing the sheer stupidity of attacking Iran. If you look at the maps, you will soon realize that we could send out 500 war planes to nuke the Muslims but they would have no bases to return to. To save our troops and our pilots we would have to use nuclear weapons against people who are our allies.

The second URL is to the series of articles on the money being stolen each week from unaudited government contracts. In the Clinton years Susan Gaffney from HUD admitted to the Senate that 78 billion dollars had to be written off from HUD for the past two years. When asked if she did anything to attempt to make recovery she said "No." The Senate did nothing to demand recovery or to set up procedures to ensure that this never happened again. As I said before, the politicians fear Wall Street more than the voters.

The next URL is to my original article on How We Would Stop WW III. I have since decided that this video would be best made by well known American actors who can get traction in the press. David Ray Griffin says we don't need any more evidence to prove that 9-11 was an Inside Job. What we need is for one famous American to come forward and explain the truth to the people.

These next two URLs are to the article I wrote on the money being stolen from taxpayers:

and a conversation I had with Catherine Austin Fitts on the decision by the Federal Reserve to no longer tell Americans what the M3 money supply is:

This last URL is to my article Insanity Then and Now.

posted by Daniel F at 8:17 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Due Diligence

Neither Congress, nor Senate, nor media, nor editorial writers nor voters performed Due Diligence and as a result we have lost more than 3,000 service men and women and face certain defeat in Iraq. Yet now these same institutions that have the responsibility to thoroughly examine proposed military actions before they are allowed to just happen have again refused to do Due Diligence with respect to the deployment of more than 20,000 sailors and marines to the Persian Gulf.

The Iranians have Russian-made SS-N-22 Sunburn and more advanced SS-NX-26 Yakhonts anti-ship missiles which were designed to sink American aircraft carriers. Both the Sunburn and the Yakhonts are unstoppable killing machines. The Sunburn has a range of 90 miles and travels at Mach 2.5 nine feet above sea level. The Yakhonts has a range of 180 miles. The Sunburn and the Yakhonts both have air launched versions which can threaten U.S. naval forces in the Gulf of Oman and as far away as the American Navy base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. The Iranians also have 300 NATO made Exocets. An Exocet destroyed the HMS Sheffield during the Falkland Islands war. The Iranians also have submarines and commercial freighters capable of firing Exocets. Additionally, they have Chinese Silkworm anti-ship missiles. What this means is that within minutes of any attack on Iran by either Israel or the United States we will lose 20,000 plus sailors and marines. Those who do not die immediately could be captured by the Iranians. Are we prepared to bargain with Iran for the release of a thousand or more sailors and marines?

The question none in the Senate and the Congress have dared to ask is, "Just what is their mission?" Are they to serve as another Pearl Harbor type incident to launch World War III? Hillary Mann, the former National Security Council Director for Iranian and Persian Gulf Affairs, has said the Bush administration policy is to provoke Iran into a response and to use that as an a pretext to conduct a limited air war against Iran.

Our 20,000 plus sailors and marines in the Gulf have no known military function. I repeat: They have no known military function which does not include their dying. They cannot attack Iran without being sacrificed. The press and the Congress should be asking if the President has sent them on a suicide mission. The administrations should be hounded until they tell us why so many our sailors are being deployed in the Gulf where they can all be killed in minutes. What is the reasoning behind this madness? If it is to provoke an air war as Hillary Mann has said , can the Bush administration guarantee that the Iranians will limit their response to just sitting there and taking a pounding as the Lebanese did last summer?

Can they guarantee that the 300 plus planes in the Iranian Air Force which face certain destruction will not be used in suicide missions? Can they guarantee that their F-14 Tomcats armed with advanced Yakhonts anti-ship missiles will not sink our aircraft carrier battle groups well outside the Gulf? Can they guarantee that 200 or more Iranian planes will not be used against American ground forces in Iraq? Can they guarantee that the 40,000 armed and trained suicide mission volunteers Iran already has recruited will not be used against American troops on the ground in
Iraq and Afghanistan? Can they guarantee that the cut off of supplies when the Persian Gulf shuts down will not seriously endanger our troops in Iraq? Can they guarantee that the Iranians will not cut the two roads from Kuwait into Iraq so our troops on the ground run out of munitions to defend themselves?

Can they guarantee that Iran has not deployed any of their 40,000 suicide mission volunteers in America? Can they guarantee the safety of metropolitan Houston which has two dozen major refineries and chemical plants that all can be destoryed in minutes by dedicated and trained suicide bombers? Can they give the same guarantee for all other American cities?

Can the Bush administration guarantee that the shutting down of the Persian Gulf will not send the price of oil beyond $300 a barrel and gasoline to $10.00 a gallon? Can they guarantee that the dollar will not collapse? If the dollar does collapse, can they guarantee that inflation doe not cut the value of pensions and savings by 40 or 50%? Can they guarantee that millions of Americans will not lose their jobs when gasoline hits $10.00 a gallon? Can they can guarantee that millions of Americans will not lose their homes in foreclosure?

Where is the Loyal Opposition? Where are the Republican Senators and Congressman who in the past have told us to support our troops? Where are the editorial writers who were negligent in examing the pre-Iraq war intelligence? Where are the voters, the informed electorate?

We must demand that the Senate and the House hold hearings on the deployment of so many men and women into harms way. They must perform Due Diligence before anyone dies -- not afterwards as was the case in the Iraq disaster.

posted by Daniel F at 7:38 AM 0 comments
About Me

Name: Daniel F
Location: Silicon Valley, California, United States

I have decided to share two of the visions I had as a child. When I was eight, I had a vision of a future war that killed 99.5% of the world's population. When I was 16 and living in the projects, I had a vision of my future. I was to live in complete obscurity until it came time to stop WW III. When I was about ten, I had read a bio of Nikita Khrushchev which said he survived Stalin by playing the bumbling fool an old Russian peasant trick. I decided to do the same as I had already learned that we did not live in a democracy. The other vision I had when I was in third grade was of the Mind of God and how it interacted in the creation of the world we see. I believe you and I were born at this time precisely so we could stop this war. As for my personal info, I grew up on military bases and in housing projects. My legs atrophied from starvation as a child. My second step-father died in prison. I used to have to rub my skin to simulate human contact. They did not feed me when I was a child. I do not fight in their wars as an adult.

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* Stopping The Next Pearl Harbor If enough people r...
* Musings On The End Of The World We Knew I have no...
* Catherine Austin Fitts Has The Key Ever since t...
* Save America: Ask A Question On 9-10-2001 Donald ...
* How to Impeach Cheney and Bush and Stop WW III A ...
* To fully comprehend the folly of attacking Iran ...
* Due Diligence Neither Congress, nor Senate, nor ...
* Either World War III Starts on American Soil in 20...
* Same Management Just New Patsies But I Still Have ...
* Insanity Then And Now E...


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Anonymous said...

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Unless the seller is motivated, the seller will typically insist on a price that is too high compared to the sales of similar property in the area, and as a result will generally ignore any advice that a real estate agent gives about the property's fair market value--thus nullifying the agent's influence on the seller altogether.