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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

“Where California Goes, There Goes the Nation” -

“Where California Goes, There Goes the Nation” - “Where California Goes, There Goes the Nation” Gavin Newsom’s War on Rooftop Solar Is a Bad Omen for the Country By Joshua Frank California Governor Gavin Newsom appears to be taking climate change seriously, at least when he’s in front of a microphone and flashing cameras. His talk then is direct and tough. He repeatedly points out that the planet is in danger and appears ready to act. He’s been called a "climate-change crusader" and a leader of America's clean energy revolution. “[California is] meeting the moment head-on as the hots get hotter, the dries get drier, the wets get wetter, simultaneous droughts and rain bombs,” Newsom typically asserted in April 2024 during an event at Central Valley Farm, which is powered by solar panels and batteries. “We have to address these issues with a ferocity that is required of us.”

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