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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Living on a War Planet -

Living on a War Planet - David Bromwich, The Everlasting Alibi August 29, 2023 [Note for TomDispatch Readers: With today's piece, TomDispatch will be taking a few days off. The next TD post will be on the Tuesday morning after Labor Day. See you then! And if you're in a giving mood, do visit our donation page and think about offering us a (brief) vacation donation. Tom] The old anti-Vietnam War song that began, "War, what Is It good for? Absolutely nothing!" couldn't be more on the mark these days. Just imagine that you live on a planet where the truest "war" may be the one we're waging against nature -- and that nature is increasingly waging on us. That "war" could, in the end, simply broil us all. This summer, the war in Ukraine has finally started to take a backseat to endless headlines about heat waves, fires, floods, and record extreme weather of more or less every sort. As we broil and sweat, as communities are burned down or flooded out, who even notices the latest casualty figures from that other war? Yes, the New York Times recently reported that, based on the estimates of American officials, an almost unimaginable 500,000 Ukrainians and Russians have already been killed or wounded in that conflict which, despite recent lame peace efforts, shows not the faintest sign of resolving itself any time soon. In fact, escalation continues to be the rule of the... well, under the circumstances, let's not say "game." Russian bombardments of Ukrainian ports and grain storage facilities have worsened recently, while the Ukrainians have begun using -- god save us all -- American cluster bombs in quantity on the front lines of the war. (The Russians had already been doing so.) And the latest news is that the Biden administration has once again (as with those cluster munitions and before them Abrams tanks, among other weapons systems) decided to up the ante on the Ukrainian side by allowing Denmark and the Netherlands to provide that country with F-16 fighter planes. And so it seems to go... and go and go and go some more. As TomDispatch regular David Bromwich suggests all too vividly today, we now find ourselves on a war planet -- and whether that war is among humans or with nature, it only seems to be escalating by the month. Tom

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