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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

American Pravda: the Covid Epidemic as Lab-Leak or Biowarfare?, by Ron Unz - The Unz Review

American Pravda: the Covid Epidemic as Lab-Leak or Biowarfare?, by Ron Unz - The Unz Review: The Alleged Wuhan Lab-Leak and Its Scientific Skeptics During most of the last year theories regarding the origins of Covid, whether conspiratorial or otherwise, had disappeared from the public debate, pushed aside by the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests and the final stages of the heated presidential campaign. In early January, prominent liberal author and public intellectual Nicholson Baker had tried to revive the issue with a 12,000 word cover story in New York magazine, only to see his Covid lab-leak theory swamped and forgotten when the DC Capitol was stormed by a mob of outraged Trumpists two days later.

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