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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Khamenei confesses to the strategic deadlock of his regime | People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)

Khamenei confesses to the strategic deadlock of his regime | People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK): Analysis by PMOI/MEK Iran, November 4, 2019—On Sunday, at a meeting with a group of students, Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of the Iranian regime, made remarks on the current state of the regime and made policy recommendations for his officials. Interestingly, what Khamenei say—and didn’t say—tell much about the strategic deadlock that is closing in on his regime and the unsolvable crises he’s faced with. Iraq was off the agenda Remarkably, missing from Khamenei’s remarks were the ongoing uprisings in Iraq, where hundreds of thousands of protesters have been calling for the ouster of the Iranian regime. Last week, as protests raged in Iraq and Lebanon, Khamenei hastily called on the nations to “remedy the insecurity” and said, “The people of Iraq and Lebanon should know that their priority should be security. The peoples of these countries should know that their demands can only be met in the context of legal structures.” Predictably, Khamenei’s remarks only further enraged the people of Iraq, who have revolted against the meddling of his regime in their country. In response to Khamenei’s “recommendat

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