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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Catholic Relief Services - A year ago—loss. Today—a home.

Thank you for giving to families affected by the Guatemala volcano.
Dear Michele,
On a quiet Sunday last year—June 3, 2018—a deadly volcano erupted in Escuintla, Guatemala, burying a whole community, blocking roads with rocks and ash, and killing more than 100 people.
You saw the photos of the devastation. Imagine being there. Imagine losing 8 of your family members in one day. Carlos Eduardo, just 11 years old, survived, but he lost his home and 27 classmates.
Now, a year later, there are different images—thanks to your outpouring generosity.
Evelin and Jerlin and their 2 children, Rosa Daniela and JosuŽ Eduardo, also lost their home. Thanks to you, our local Church partner Caritas Guatemala was able to provide emergency shelters to evacuees and install water pumps and storage tanks to supply clean water to those in need—including Evelin and her family.
Within a few months, up to 500 people were in temporary emergency shelters. Carlos, his sister Salomé and their family found refuge in the church of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
In the aftermath of the volcano, children couldn’t attend school in the village of Escuintla, but now nearly all school-aged girls and boys—like Carlos, Salomé, Rosa Daniela and JosuŽ Eduardo—attend an emergency school set up in the evacuation camp, thanks to you!
With your support, there is even a psychologist to help them heal from the trauma of loss and displacement.
This type of work can’t be done without YOU. You hear. You pray. You care. You give.
Carlos and his family moved from temporary housing to a permanent home, donated by Caritas of Guatemala in Escuintla.
 A year ago—loss. Today—a home.
Thank you for the help you gave to children like Rosa, JosuŽ, Carlos and Salomé. Thank you for the enormous difference you made in people’s lives in Escuintla, Guatemala.
Peace and light,

Sean L. Callahan
President & CEO
Catholic Relief Services

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