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Monday, November 19, 2018

Amazing Facts and Figures from the Pentagon’s Failed Audit

Amazing Facts and Figures from the Pentagon’s Failed Audit 236-page financial report released Thursday, which is based on the auditors’ findings, is loaded with interesting facts and figures about the sprawling U.S. Defense Department. A few examples:
  • The audit covered $2.8 trillion in Department of Defense assets, which account for more than 70 percent of the U.S. government’s total assets.
  • Those assets include more than 585,000 buildings and structures worldwide.
  • DoD operates 4,700 sites around the world, covering 26.9 million acres – roughly the size of Tennessee. The sites range from weather towers occupying a few square feet to the 3.5 million-acre White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
  • The U.S. military owns 15,700 aircraft and more than 280 “battle force” ships.
  • The Pentagon is one of the nation’s largest employers, with 1.3 million active personnel, 770,000 civilian employees, and 800,000 personnel in National Guard and reserve forces.
  • The consolidated audit was performed by the Pentagon’s Office of Inspector General and was based on 20 standalone audits performed by independent accounting firms involving about 1,200 auditors.
  • The auditors conducted over 900 site visits at 600 locations.
  • The audit took nearly a year to complete, at a cost of $413 million.
  • It found more than 2,000 problems that need to be addressed.
  • The Pentagon said it expects to spend more than $500 million to fix problems identified in the audit.

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