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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Deep State Versus Donald Trump - New Smears And A Ukrainian Connection

Moon of Alabama Brecht quote
January 11, 2017

The Deep State Versus Donald Trump - New Smears And A Ukrainian Connection

As remarked on January 6:
When Hillary Clinton was defeated in the U.S. presidential election the relevant powers launched a campaign to delegitimize the President elect Donald Trump. The ultimate aim of the cabal is to kick him out of office and have a reliable replacement, like the Vice-President elect Pence, take over. Should that not be possible it is hoped that the delegitimization will make it impossible for Trump to change major policy trajectories especially in foreign policy. A main issue here is the reorientation of the U.S. military complex and its NATO proxies from the war of terror towards a direct confrontation with main powers like Russia and China.
The "deep state" campaign against Trump opened new grounds today with the publication of completely fake and thereby unverifiable anonymous assertions that Trump had some fun in a Moscow hotel and that Russian secret services is using that to manipulate him.
The assertions come in 35 pages of "reports" by an anonymous (claimed) former British intelligence operator with dates ranging from June 20 2016 to December 13 2016. They say that Russia has some tapes of Trump watching sex games in 2013, they claim that Trump campaign officials coordinated the Clinton campaign leaks with Russia and that the Russian President Putin was highly involved in all of this.
Here is how the claimed former intelligence operator typically describes his sources in the "reports":

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