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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

CFR daily News Brief 10/29 U.S. Mulls Spying Constraints

Daily News Brief
October 29, 2013

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Top of the Agenda: U.S. Mulls Spying Constraints
The Obama administration is considering ending its surveillance of allied heads of state, a move that came one day after Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) called for a "total review of all intelligence programs" (AP). White House officials said President Obama was not briefed on many details of the National Security Agency's spying programs, but some current and former intelligence officials said the practices were approved by the White House and State Department (LATimes). Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose mobile phone was allegedly tapped by the NSA, said the spying issue shouldn't hinder EU-U.S. trade negotiations despite calls from her own party to freeze talks (DeutscheWelle).
"The damage is hard to overstate. This is not just the US bugging a head of government who happens to be a close ally and Europe's pivotal leader. She also grew up under the German Democratic Republic and the surveillance of the Stasi secret police. She is right to regard this revelation as a serious breach of trust," writes the Financial Times in an editorial.
"There is much talk today about the risks of a new era of American isolationism and a lack of U.S. leadership in the world. It is important to remember that isolationism can be triggered not only by a potential retreat from global affairs, but also by the rather imprudent use of America's hard and soft power on the world stage," writes Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg for Project Syndicate.
"We are not reassured by the often-heard explanation that everyone spies on everyone else all the time. We are not advocating a return to 1929 when Secretary of State Henry Stimson banned the decryption of diplomatic cables because 'gentlemen do not read each other's mail.' But there has long been an understanding that international spying was done in pursuit of a concrete threat to national security," the New York Times writes in an editorial.

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