Sunday, September 30, 2012
Another Domino Falls As Hollande Pushes France Into Depression -- The Telegraph
Another Domino Falls As Hollande Pushes France Into Depression -- The Telegraph
If French President François Hollande thinks he can assuage the bond markets by dishing out tax-heavy austerity instead of genuine reform, he has been given very bad advice.
His tragically-misguided budget offers no strategic plan to reverse -- or even to stop -- thirty years of slow national decline. He offers no worthwhile measures to slim the Leviathan state, now a Nordic-sized 55pc of GDP, without Nordic labour flexibility or Nordic free markets.
He does not tell us how he will stem the slide in France’s share of eurozone exports over the last decade, down from 17pc to 13pc, or what he will do about the disastrous swing in France’s trade balance from a surplus of 2.5pc of GDP to a deficit of 2.4pc since 1999.
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Mainstream media is threatening our country's future By Patrick Caddell
France Raises Tax on the Rich to 75% in Order to Rescue the Economy
by (Editorial Dept)
now official. The top tax rate in France is now 75% for those who make
over a million euros. Moreover, there is a new band of 45% for those who
make over 150,000 euros. Don't forget the existing VAT on all
purchases. Europe is imploding and instead of fixing onerous work rules,
France Hits Rich and Business to Slash Deficit.Socialist President
Francois Hollande unveiled higher levies on business and a 75-percent
tax for the super-rich on Friday in a 2013 budget aimed at showing
France has the fiscal rigor to remain at the core of the euro…Read more...
WaPo Attacks: Benghazigate?
By Walter Russell Mead, The American Interest
White House Hack Attack
White House Hack Attack
Chinese hackers break in to White House military office network in charge of the president’s nuclear football
US military death toll in Afghanistan hits 2,000
US military death toll in Afghanistan hits 2,000
Latest 'insider attack' at checkpoint kills two Americans and two Afghan soldiers, marking 2,000th US troop death of conflict
US military death toll in Afghanistan reaches 2,000 -- BBC
Afghan inside attack kills 2 Americans, 2 Afghans, marking 2,000 US troop deaths -- FOX News/AP
2,000 US troops dead in Afghanistan -- Press Association
Afghan Attack Brings U.S. Troop Death Toll To 2,000 -- Radio Free Europe
Afghanistan War: 2,000th U.S. Soldier Killed In Insider Attack -- Huffington Post/AP
Afghan 'insider' attack marks grim milestone for US troop deaths -- NBC
US military death toll in Afghanistan reaches 2,000 -- BBC
Afghan inside attack kills 2 Americans, 2 Afghans, marking 2,000 US troop deaths -- FOX News/AP
2,000 US troops dead in Afghanistan -- Press Association
Afghan Attack Brings U.S. Troop Death Toll To 2,000 -- Radio Free Europe
Afghanistan War: 2,000th U.S. Soldier Killed In Insider Attack -- Huffington Post/AP
Afghan 'insider' attack marks grim milestone for US troop deaths -- NBC
Report says 3 of 4 US adults unqualified for military
By Denise Allabaugh
The (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) Citizens' Voice/MCT
Published: September 29, 2012
They want to see more money invested in early childhood education, they said, because it is essential to the future of national security and workforce development. Not having enough money for early learning programs has the potential to be a threat to national security in the future, Perugino said.
Social Security Is Quietly Eroding Away
Social Security Is Quietly Eroding Away
by Bruce Krasting
Social Security (SS) will race through another milestone in October. For the first time in its history, SS will pay out more than $65 billion in a single month.
Other than the fact that this is an incredibly big number, there is nothing eye-opening about the payout. SS missed hitting the $65b milestone by a fraction in September. In November, it will be higher again. $70b will be hit by December 2013. The ladder to higher payouts never stops.
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Obama at the U.N.: Emboldening the Barbarians at the Gate
By Hyatt SeligmanHundreds of Thousands Flee Democrat-Run California
Hundreds of Thousands Flee Democrat-Run California
Due to high taxes, burdensome regulations, lack of public sector reforms, and a lackluster job climate, more people have left California than come to the state since 2005, according to a comprehensive study by the Manhattan Institute released on Tuesday, suggesting California is no longer “perceived by most Americans as the land where dreams come true.”
'Washington Post' runs op-ed laying legal basis for Iran attack without saying authors work ' law firm is Israel's registered foreign agent
'Washington Post' runs
op-ed laying legal basis for Iran attack without saying authors work '
law firm is Israel's registered foreign agent
How Vaccine Policy & Law Threatens Parental Rights in America
How Vaccine Policy & Law Threatens Parental Rights in America, September 29, 2012
ObamaCare's Onerous Tax Hikes By New Hampshire Union Leader,
ObamaCare's Onerous Tax Hikes
By New Hampshire Union Leader, Social Network Spying in Full Swing
Warrantless Social Network Spying in Full Swing
Justice Department report shows real-time surveillance targeting social networks
and e-mail providers jumped 80 percent from 2010 to 2011. The ACLU says current
law doesn't protect Americans' privacy.
Federal police are increasingly gaining real-time access to Americans'
social-network accounts -- such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter -- without
obtaining search warrants, newly released documents show.
Obama Administration Asking Contractors Again, "Don’t Issue Layoff Notices"
Obama Administration Asking Contractors Again, "Don’t Issue Layoff Notices"
“The Obama Administration is cynically trying to skirt the WARN Act to keep
the American people in the dark about this looming national security and fiscal
The Obama administration issued new guidance intended for defense contractors
Friday afternoon, reiterating the administration’s position that the companies
should not be issuing layoff notices over sequestration.
Vatican newspaper calls fragment referring to Jesus' wife 'a fake'
Vatican newspaper calls fragment referring to Jesus' wife 'a fake'
By Dan Gilgoff and Eric Marrapodi, CNN Belief Blog Co-Editors
(CNN) – The Vatican on Friday appeared to push back on a recently publicized piece of papyrus that appears to show an early Christian referring to Jesus' wife, with its newspaper calling the fragment “a fake.”“Substantial reasons would lead us to conclude that the papyrus is actually a clumsy counterfeit,” the Vatican’s newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, said in a Friday editorial by the newspaper’s editor.
Vatican Declares Papyrus Mentioning "Jesus' Wife" Fake
The Vatican on Friday appeared to push back on a recently publicized piece of
papyrus that appears to show an early Christian referring to Jesus' wife, with
its newspaper calling the fragment “a fake.”
“Substantial reasons would lead us to conclude that the papyrus is actually a
clumsy counterfeit,” the Vatican’s newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, said
in a [...]
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Jesus's wife papyrus denounced by Vatican newspaper as a 'clumsy fake'
Vatican newspaper weighs in on 'Jesus' Wife'
'Jesus Wife' Papyrus Deemed a Fake
Vatican newspaper calls 'Jesus Wife' fragment a 'clumsy fake' - Articles
Vatican newspaper weighs in on 'Jesus' wife'
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Vatican newspaper weighs in on 'Jesus' Wife'
A timely reminder from Egypt’s president By Rami G. Khouri

A timely reminder from Egypt’s president
as they might, American and Israeli politicians and their herds of
followers and lobbyists in the United States cannot seem to shake off
the Palestine issue or the Arab-Israeli conflict. It seems that the
Palestine issue, the heart of the Arab-Israeli conflict, simply will not
go away, as we are reminded again this week when world leaders gather
in New York for the start of this year’s United Nations General Assembly
session.In the span of the last few days, we’ve heard Republican
presidential candidate Mitt Romney speak wildly about how the
Palestinians, in his bizarre view, do not want to make peace and want to
destroy Israel. Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has spoken wildly
about how Israelis have no links to the Middle East and will be
eliminated – apparently oblivious to the fact that all the Arab
countries have a standing offer on the table to live in peace with
Israel if it recognizes the national rights of the Palestinians.
Can U.S. Universities Stay on Top?
Can U.S. Universities Stay on Top?
India and China are still far behind in elite education, but they are scrambling to catch up
At the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi—one of the best engineering academies in the country—we met Shriram, a 21-year-old man who ranked 19 out of 485,000 on the school's very demanding entrance exam. We call him Mr. Number 19.Shriram can tell you the date and time when he found out his test results. The exam—and the preparation for it—dominated his teenage years. He was singled out as a "big talent" at an early age, with an aptitude for mathematics and science. To get ready for the IIT entrance exam, he enrolled at a private coaching institute that prepares students with aggressive drilling in the major testing areas—physics, chemistry and math. Over those two years, Shriram estimates that he studied 90 hours every week.
U.S. Intelligence Takes The Fall For Not Providing The Proper Intel To The White House On The Benghazi US Consulate Attack
Saturday, September 29, 2012
U.S. Intelligence Takes The Fall For Not Providing The Proper Intel To The White House On The Benghazi US Consulate Attack
Intelligence Office Says It Got Libya Attack Wrong, Not White House -- McClatchy News
WASHINGTON — Extremists from groups linked to al Qaida struck the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, in a “deliberate and organized terrorist attack,” the top U.S. intelligence agency said Friday, as it took responsibility for the Obama administration’s initial claims that the deadly assault grew from a spontaneous protest against an anti-Islam video.
The unusual statement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence appeared to have two goals: updating the public on the latest findings of the investigation into the assault, and shielding the White House from a political backlash over its original accounts.
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In statement, spy chief’s office defends evolving accounts of Benghazi attack, cites shifting intelligence -- Washington Post
Office of the Director of National Intelligence Tries to Explain Evolving Intelligence on Benghazi -- ABC News
In revision, U.S. intelligence believes Libya attack a terror assault -- CNN
US intelligence now says Benghazi attack "deliberate and organized" -- Reuters
Top intelligence official backtracks on Libya story, says initial assessment premature -- FOX News
U.S. Intelligence Finds Organized Terrorist Attack in Libya -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Romney backtracks after criticizing Obama over Libya attack -- L.A. Times
U.S., Gulf Countries Seek To Advance Missile Defense Plan -- Reuters
Image: Member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council
(Reuters) - The United States and its Gulf partners are looking to deepen cooperation on missile defense as tensions rise with Iran, and announcements could come soon on new purchases, U.S. officials said on Friday.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) officials in New York as Washington seeks to boost regional defenses against perceived Iranian threats.
"Our aim is to help our Gulf partners with their defense needs ... there is a missile threat that they face, we want to help them face that threat as best they can," one senior U.S. official said, previewing the meeting for reporters.
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U.S., Gulf Countries Seek To Advance Missile Defense Plan -- Reuters
(Reuters) - The United States and its Gulf partners are looking to deepen cooperation on missile defense as tensions rise with Iran, and announcements could come soon on new purchases, U.S. officials said on Friday.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) officials in New York as Washington seeks to boost regional defenses against perceived Iranian threats.
"Our aim is to help our Gulf partners with their defense needs ... there is a missile threat that they face, we want to help them face that threat as best they can," one senior U.S. official said, previewing the meeting for reporters.
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U.S., Gulf states want to boost missile defense plan
US pushing Gulf nations to develop missile defense
U.S. pushing Gulf nations to develop missile defense
US, Gulf countries seek to advance missile defense plan
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China's Dorm Room Discon
China's Dorm Room Discontent Emerges As New Labor Flashpoint -- Reuters
(Reuters) - Twenty-three-year old factory worker Wang spends up to 12 hours a day making iPhone components in China, but his major complaint is not about the monotony of the production line - it is about his degrading worker-bee life inside the dormitory.
Wang, who did not want his full name published, is among thousands of workers housed in a vast complex where tensions aggravated by regimented and cramped living conditions boiled over on Sunday into a violent mass riot.
"The bathrooms are simply disgusting and people are constantly stealing things," Wang said as he stood outside of the factory in the northern city of Taiyuan, owned by Apple Inc's largest contract manufacturer, Taiwan firm Foxconn.
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Taxpayers Spent $1.4 Billion On Obama Family Last Year, Perks Questioned In New Book -- Daily Caller
Taxpayers Spent $1.4 Billion On Obama Family Last Year, Perks Questioned In New Book -- Daily Caller
Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion dollars on everything from staffing, housing, flying and entertaining President Obama and his family last year, according to the author of a new book on taxpayer-funded presidential perks.
In comparison, British taxpayers spent just $57.8 million on the royal family.
Author Robert Keith Gray writes in “Presidential Perks Gone Royal” that Obama isn’t the only president to have taken advantage of the expensive trappings of his office. But the amount of money spent on the first family, he argues, has risen tremendously under the Obama administration and needs to be reined in.
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Obama’s U.N. Speech: On Rhetoric and Actions
Obama’s U.N. Speech: On Rhetoric and Actions
by Jim Miles
beginning his speech with a nice homespun heartfelt story about U.S.
diplomat Chris Stevens, President Obama turned the rest of his UN speech
into a series of lies that are all too common in U.S. rhetoric, lies
that are concealed by fine sounding platitudes and homilies.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas address to the UN General Assembly, September 27, 2012
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Address to the UN General Assembly
by Editor
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas address to the UN General Assembly, September 27, 2012
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to the U.N. General Assembly, September 27, 2012.
by Editor
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to the U.N. General Assembly, September 27, 2012.
Where Is the Catholic Yom Kippur?
Where Is the Catholic Yom Kippur?
by Cardinal Dolan, Archdiocese of NY
Cardinal Dolan, Archdiocese of NY
We Catholics in New York enjoy the “high holy days” of our Jewish neighbors, and are inspired by the seriousness and sincerity with which they approach their feasts. Join me in wishing them God’s blessings on their special days!They began their observance last week with Roshashana, the Jewish New Year, and will conclude evening and tomorrow with Yom Kippur, the great Day of Atonement.
We Catholics in New York enjoy the “high holy days” of our Jewish neighbors, and are inspired by the seriousness and sincerity with which they approach their feasts. Join me in wishing them God’s blessings on their special days!They began their observance last week with Roshashana, the Jewish New Year, and will conclude evening and tomorrow with Yom Kippur, the great Day of Atonement.
Science Can't Disprove God
Science Can't Disprove God
by Fr. Robert Barron, RealClearReligion
Fr. Robert Barron, RealClearReligion
How Long Can Obama Avoid His Economic Record?
How Long Can Obama Avoid His Economic Record?
by Dan Henninger, WSJ
Dan Henninger, WSJ
'Stupid,' in the famous quotation from 1992's Clinton vs. Bush campaign - "It's the economy, stupid" - is whoever thinks a U.S. presidential election is about something else. All presidential elections are about the economy. Yes, there are other issues, but it's also true that a whale has pilot fish. Still, most politicians would rather talk about anything but the economy, which they see in one of two ways—as a personal piggy bank or a mystery. Neither is discussable in public. This is the sixth presidential election since "stupid" was...
'Stupid,' in the famous quotation from 1992's Clinton vs. Bush campaign - "It's the economy, stupid" - is whoever thinks a U.S. presidential election is about something else. All presidential elections are about the economy. Yes, there are other issues, but it's also true that a whale has pilot fish. Still, most politicians would rather talk about anything but the economy, which they see in one of two ways—as a personal piggy bank or a mystery. Neither is discussable in public. This is the sixth presidential election since "stupid" was...
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