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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Obama’s Iran Headache

Obama’s Iran Headache

Iran is undoubtedly Barack Obama’s biggest foreign policy headache for this year’s presidential election. Having officially ended the campaign in Iraq, and having established a timetable to withdraw forces from Afghanistan, the last thing he wants is to get sucked into another conflict in the region. But even if he doesn’t, the ongoing uncertainty over Iran’s nuclear program – and whether Israel will try a military strike – still risks pushing oil prices ever higher, threatening a double whammy of derailing the fragile U.S. economic recovery and infuriating Americans already concerned about rising prices at the gas pump (A U.S. president’s poll numbers have a tendency to be inversely proportional to gas prices). Republicans, still seeing an opening to paint Obama as weak on national security (the killing of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad last year and the administration’s increased use of drone strikes to target militants are apparently distant memories) have ... Read More...

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