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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Egypt Opens Rafah Crossing: This Is What Democracy Looks Like Robert Naiman, Truthout:

Egypt Opens Rafah Crossing: This Is What Democracy Looks Like
Robert Naiman, Truthout: "On Saturday, at long last, the Egyptian government 'permanently opened' the Egypt-Gaza passenger crossing at Rafah. A big part of the credit for this long-awaited development belongs to Tahrir. It was the Tahrir uprising that brought about an Egyptian government more accountable to public opinion and it was inevitable that an Egyptian government more accountable to public opinion would open Rafah, because public opinion in Egypt bitterly opposed Egyptian participation in the blockade on Gaza. In addition, opening Rafah was a provision of the Fatah-Hamas reconciliation accord brokered by the Egyptian government - an achievement facilitated by the fact that the post-Tahrir Egyptian government was more flexible in the negotiations with Hamas that led to the accord."
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