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Monday, December 15, 2008

Teh Price of Expediency by Douglas MacGregor and Commen by Winslow Wheeler

The December 15 "Defense News" is running two commentaries by authors in the Center for Defense Information's new anthology, "America's Defense Meltdown." The second Defense News commentary, "Mr. Obama, Weigh the Price of War," reminds us of previous decisions for war made for expedient reasons; decisions that proved far more costly than the politicians making them imagined in their worst nightmares. We now appear to have a president-elect who could be making the same kind of mistake: making decisions in favor of a broader conflict presupposed on a potentially unrealistic appreciation of real world conditions. The argument is made by retired Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor. Col. Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran and the author of the new book, "Warrior's Rage: the Battle of 73 Easting."

In addition to writing "Mr. Obama, Weigh the Price of War," Col. Macgregor is the author of a chapter in the new anthology, "America's Defense Meltdown." That chapter, "Maneuver Forces: The Army and Marine Corps after Iraq," can be found at Macgregor's commentary in the December 15 "Defense News" can be found at, and it is reproduced below:


President-elect Barack Oba­ma confronts stark choices in U.S. foreign and defense strategy. A fourth Indo-Pakistani war is brewing, and this time, both states have nuclear weapons. Given the determina­tion to commit more conventional ground forces to Afghanistan, a narco-state without a legitimate central government that shares an open border with Pakistan, choosing wisely is vital.

Today's world is different from the world of 1991 or 2001. Out­side of the United States and Western Europe, nation-building with U.S. military power is a eu­phemism for imperialism. Ameri­can financial hegemony has col­lapsed. As seen in Iraq, the "total victory" construct as it equates to the imposition of Western-style government and a free-market economy subservient to the U.S. is in full retreat.

In the broader Middle East, as well as in most of Africa, Latin America and Asia, "damage con­trol," not "total victory," is the most realistic goal for U.S. nation­al security strategy.

India's looming conflict with Pak­istan, along with Russia's recent scrap with Georgia, may be a fore­taste of future wars, rather than the insurgency model some mistakenly believe we have mastered. In fact, conflicts in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East are more likely to resemble the Balkan Wars of the early 20th century, ex­cept that future wars for regional power and influence will overlap with the competition for energy, water, food, mineral resources and the wealth they create.

But these conflicts need not in­volve the United States. In fact, di­rect military involvement in future conflicts, where the United States itself is not attacked and its pros­perity and security are not at risk, should be avoided. Otherwise, the United States risks repeating Britain's mistake in 1914: overesti­mating its national power by in­volving itself in a self-defeating war it does not need to fight, and precipitating its own economic and military decline.

When word reached Britain on Aug. 1, 1914, of Germany's mobi­lization for war, Winston Churchill recorded of the British Cabinet, "At least three-quarters of its mem­bers were determined not to be drawn into a European quarrel un­less Great Britain was herself at­tacked, which was unlikely." German-speaking and English­-speaking peoples had a long histo­ry of cooperation, not conflict.

British leaders also knew the Eng­lish Channel and the massive Roy­al Navy made a German channel crossing impossible.

However, war was popular with the British people, whose recent experience was limited to a short conflict with the Boers in South Africa, a valiant but vastly outnum­bered and comparatively weak en­emy. Ultimately, the feeling of lim­itless power combined with the new idea that Britain had a moral obligation to save her historic ene­my, France, from defeat.

In the end, Britain's human losses were staggering; one in 16 British men between 15 and 50, or nearly 800,000 died. Paying for Britain's participation in World War I led to a tenfold increase in Britain's nation­al debt. Paying the interest alone consumed half of British govern­ment spending by the mid-1920s.

Britain's Pyrrhic victory cost the British people their national pow­er, their standard of living, and, in less than 20 years, their empire.

Had anyone in London's leader­ship stopped to seriously examine what outcome it was they wanted to achieve with military power, and what military capabilities were at their disposal to do so, it is doubtful they would have reached the decisions they did.

After the decision to fight was made, Field Marshal Sir Herbert Kitchener, the newly appointed British minister of war, briefed the British Cabinet. He stunned Britain's leaders with the news that their empire would have to maintain an army of millions, the war would last for at least three years and that it would be decided on the continent, not at sea.

Britain's leaders, including Win­ston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, believed a war with Germany would be short, and the Royal Navy, not the British, French and Russian armies, would decide its outcome.

The possibility that Britain's small, professional army could not sustain a war with Germany and Austria for more than a few months, that Germany would de­cline to fight on Britain's terms (at sea), and that the war on land would consume Britain's national wealth did not seem to occur to most of the Cabinet members until Kitchener made his presentation.

How did this happen? The British interpreted the world that existed beyond their empire in ways that flattered Britain's national self-im­age of limitless money and power.

The lesson for Obama is instruc­tive: When national military strate­gy fails to answer the questions of purpose, method and end-state, military power becomes an engine of destruction not just for its in­tended enemies, but for its sup­porting society and economy. If the price of victory is potentially excessive, then the use of force should be avoided.

Changing how America thinks about the use of force won't be easy, but Obama needs to do it.

The 21st century is no time for misinformed decisions. ?

By Douglas Macgregor , a former U.S. Army colonel who contributed a chapter, encapsulated here, to the new antholo­gy, "America's Defense Meltdown: Penta­gon Reform for President Obama and the New Congress."

Copyright © 2008 Defense News 12/15/2008


Winslow T. Wheeler
Straus Military Reform Project
Center for Defense Information
301 791-2397

CDI | 1779 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC 20036 | US

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