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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Please Help if you can!

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“Jesus, help.”
That’s all Army Captain John Arroyo could muster after a soldier shot him in the throat at Fort Hood.
When other soldiers spotted him from across the parking lot, they thought he was wearing a red scarf. Then they realized what they saw wasn’t fabric. It was blood.
Doctors told him his voice box and right arm would never work again. But months later, he was talking and moving his hand. Because John Arroyo is a fighter.
John said it best himself: it is going to take a lot more than a .45 to take a Green Beret out.
After something like that, most people would run for the hills. But Capt. Arroyo served for FOUR MORE YEARS.
Now, he coaches active duty military, veterans and first responders.
That’s John and his wife, Angel after our team told him about what we wanted to do for them… 
John Arroyo 1
John Arroyo 2
Friend, Army Captain John Arroyo has dedicated his life to service. And I’m calling on patriots like you across the country to give his family the ultimate gift of thanks.
Will you donate $25, $35, $55 or more today to complete a mortgage free, custom built home for the Arroyos?
Allow me to explain…
I’m Dan Wallrath, and I was in the custom home building business for 30 years, ready to retire. My wife and I were already thinking about vacations. Then I got a request that changed my life forever.
This couple didn’t want an indoor pool or a fancy new bathroom. Their son -- Stephen -- had been hit with an IED (improvised explosive device) in Iraq.
He sustained severe, permanent brain injuries that made it impossible for him to do the most basic tasks on his own. He couldn’t shower or get out of bed without help.
When his parents showed me a picture of him as a young, healthy man before deploying and after he got back...I knew that I had to find a way to help this family. I didn’t care what it took.
So after talking with my wife and talking to God, we created Operation FINALLY HOME with the sole mission of helping every veteran like Stephen that we possibly could.
We provide mortgage-free, custom homes and home modifications for America’s severely wounded, ill and injured military members and widows that laid everything on the line for our freedoms.
These aren’t mansions. These aren’t luxury homes. They’re built to give wounded, ill or injured veterans the freedom, mobility and security they deserve.
And I can’t think of a more deserving veteran than John Arroyo.
That’s why I hope I can count on your donation of $25 or more today to build another house, and change another life.
Since 2005 when we first got off the ground, we have over 250 projects completed or in the works.
The average market value of a home we build is $287,000. We work with local and national companies to find builders willing to donate their services free of charge. We reach out to the community for donations of land, building materials and labor.
We then have to come up with about $87,500 to cover the rest of the costs.
I’m not asking you to donate that amount (but if you’re especially blessed and in the position, I hope you will).
I’m asking you to pitch in $25, $35, $55 or more right now to cover the cost of the Arroyo home.
Really, whether you can give $5 or $500, your donation will mean the world to John, his wife Angel, and their children and grandchildren.
Because there’s one thing I haven’t told you…
We want to get John and his wife Angel in their new home before Thanksgiving.
Now, I know this might sound ambitious. But can you think of a gift that would mean more to the Arroyo family than a custom built home, catering to his injuries, where his children and grandchildren can visit him during the holidays? I know I can’t.
That’s why I hope you’ll follow this link and make a generous donation of $25, $35, $55 or more ahead of our crucial Thanksgiving deadline.
John fought for over 20 YEARS to keep our families safe.
And even after he had every reason to leave the military, he kept serving.
He missed weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, Christmases, Easters and Thanksgivings fighting for our freedoms.
Don’t you want to thank him for his years of service and sacrifice with a mortgage free, custom built home -- and make this the best Thanksgiving yet for the Arroyo family?
Thanksgiving is 3 short months away, and there’s no way we can complete this project without the generosity of patriots like you.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Dan Wallrath
Dan Wallrath
P.S. Army Captain John Arroyo served bravely and selflessly overseas -- only to be shot in the throat at Fort Hood. But he said it best himself: It is going to take a lot more than a .45 to take a Green Beret out. John is a fighter. After recovery, he went on to serve for FOUR more years. And now you and I have a one of a kind chance to show this hero just how much his sacrifice means to patriots across the country. Will you get John and his wife Angel in their new, custom built home before Thanksgiving?