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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Quest for a Motherless Society Veiling the Attack on Women as Support

The Quest for a Motherless Society

Veiling the Attack on Women as Support

We read in Genesis that God created a man and a woman. Listen as Adam speaks of Eve: “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman for she was taken out of Man.” (Gn 2:23)
Since the beginning there has never been any intimation that Woman was a lesser creature. Adam and Eve were distinct in their genders but equal in their dignity. Both were fully created in the image of God.
Unfortunately, the current culture rejects this equality and views the fullness of femininity as a curse. In order to succeed women are pushed to reject their own biology and try to make themselves more like men. Nowhere is this more evident than the modern approach to fertility and maternity.
For example, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation claims it is working to empower women and fighting maternal mortality. Yet their solution is to invest over one billion dollars into contraceptives for sub-Saharan Africa. The clear implication is that these women cannot thrive with their fertility intact. Instead of “fixing” the women, why not address  root causes of mortality such as poorly trained medical personnel, inadequate medical facilities, lack of clean water, and diminished educational opportunities for women? Why does the Gates Foundation instead choose to attack natural female biology and introduce toxic contraceptives that double the risk of HIV transmission and increase the risk of breast cancer? Introducing these health risks in an area that is already suffering from an inadequate medical infrastructure is not an empowering proposition.
A similar strategy is seen in the United States with the HHS contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Those supporting this mandate think a woman’s fertility is so detrimental to her well-being and economic success that contraception, abortion-inducing drugs, and sterilization must be made available free of charge to all women, even if such availability tramples the religious liberty of others.

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