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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Israel's center-left politicians must fight for a liberal Western democracy

Israel's center-left politicians must fight for a liberal Western democracy

There comes a time when the attempt to “influence from the inside” by means of “calculated pragmatism” turns into collaboration. There comes a time when the attempt to moderate, to restrain, to prevent, to halt, etc., etc. – turns into nothing more than a layer of makeup concealing some very ugly flaws.

Over this past summer, the destruction of Israeli democracy kicked into high gear. I recently heard a young college student say that democracy is the rule of the majority, “and it’s what the people want.” Responsibility for the general lack of understanding of what democracy is lies in large part with the right, which has discerned Israelis’ existential anxiety, frazzled nerves and economic frustration and is offering them unrealistic, not to mention inhumane and immoral, solutions of force.

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