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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Obamacare: Complexity and Crapification Mean Rescission Abuses Are Alive and Well

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 02:40 AM PDT
Yves here. Obamacare is proving to be a graduate-level course in the study of craponomics. What distinguished good old fashioned mere shoddiness from crapification is that crapification is institutionalized and on its way to becoming systemic. And as this discussion illustrates, one often-used ploy is unnecessary product complexity, so that what Elizabeth Warren called "tricks and traps" can be characterized as consumer neglect and error, meaning they and not the sneaky, misleading vendor are at fault. We were early to point out that Obamacare would do nothing to eliminate the widespread practice by insurers of canceling coverage when policy-holders submit large claims, meaning when they expect the insurance to act like insurance. The reason was that it continues to allow insurers to cancel policies for fraud, and the definition of fraud is astonishingly broad.

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