Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Asking Whether the US Will Come to the Aid of Taiwan in the Event of an Attack is Asking the Wrong Question
China is sending interesting signals to the US. Is anyone listening? - Responsible Statecraft
The U.S. Right-wing Group Behind a Conservative Legal Revolution in Israel - Israel News - Haaretz.com
There are good reasons for how, what and when we, contribute to Ukraine’s military needs.
There are good reasons for how, what and when we, contribute to Ukraine’s military needs.: There are good reasons for how, what and when we, contribute to Ukraine’s military needs.
And… none of those reasons have anything to do with domestic politics.
If you're looking for a respite from the horror of the last three years, read "Hiking Underground"
How Evangelicals Moved from Supporting Environmental Stewardship to Climate Skepticism | naked capitalism
Poland Says It's Ready to Send F-16s to Ukraine in Coordination With NATO - News From Antiwar.com
Can the Military-Industrial Complex Be Tamed? - TomDispatch.com
Can the Military-Industrial Complex Be Tamed? - TomDispatch.com
William Astore, War Racketeers Won’t Reform Themselves
January 31, 2023
In case you hadn't noticed, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists just placed the hands on its Doomsday Clock closer to "midnight" than at any moment since it was created in 1947. Imagine that! At no time since the Cold War of the last century began have those scientific types, including 10 Nobel laureates, felt we were in more danger than... yes, this very second (and I use that word advisedly). We're talking, in other words, about a proverbial 90 seconds to our possible... is there really any other word for it?... extinction.
One reason they did so, of course, is the war in Ukraine that shows no sign of ending and all too many signs of expanding. Consider, for instance, the Biden administration's recent decision to send some of its most advanced M-1 tanks there, leading Germany to agree to dispatch its own Leopard 2 tanks as well. And think of those as just two more notches up in what's functionally become this country's ever more heated proxy war with ... oops, I almost wrote the Soviet Union, but no, it's plain old Russia now. And that's just to begin down a list of potential dangers on this planet, including pandemics and, above all, climate change, itself on an ever -- dare I say it -- more heated path upward (and given a distinct helping hand by Vladimir Putin's decision to invade Ukraine).
At the risk of boring you to death, let me mention one other thing. As we learned last year, in a world of blossoming dangers, there seem to be no limits when it comes to a congressional willingness to pour endless taxpayer dollars into the military-industrial complex. The Pentagon budget that was passed as 2022 ended simply went through the roof, as retired Air Force lieutenant colonel, historian, and TomDispatch regular William Astore reminds us today. And congressional Republicans and Democrats who fight over everything else find remarkable accord on the issue. With a few exceptions, the investment of at least half of our discretionary budget in the military-industrial complex no longer seems to make anyone blink.
Oh wait, let me make an exception for Astore, too. He's blinked again and again in these years I've known him. If only more of us (and of his former military compatriots) would do the same.Tom
United States Conducted HIV Experiments On Ukrainian ServicemenSouth Front
United States Conducted HIV Experiments On Ukrainian ServicemenSouth Front: On January 30, the Russian Defence Ministry revealed that US specialists held experiments with HIV on the territory of Ukraine....
Moscow provides more evidence of US biolabs in Ukraine — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
Moscow provides more evidence of US biolabs in Ukraine — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union: Russia has presented new information on the Pentagon’s secret research, including testing drugs on Kiev’s troops
Pfizer Research Director Implicitly Acknowledged Its COVID-19 Vaccines ‘Aren’t Working’: Dr. Robert Malone
LIVE NOW: Thought Surveillance Tech Launches This Year; China Could Trigger War Ahead of 2025
Why the western media is afraid of Julian Assange, by Jonathan Cook - The Unz Review
Why the western media is afraid of Julian Assange, by Jonathan Cook - The Unz Review: During an interview back in 2011, Julian Assange made an acute observation about the role of what he called society’s “perceived moral institutions”, such as liberal media: What drives a paper like the Guardian or New York Times is not their inner moral values. It is simply that they have a market. In the UK, there is a market called “educated liberals”. Educated liberals want to buy a newspaper like the Guardian, and therefore an institution arises to fulfil that market. … What is in the newspaper is not a reflection of the values of the people in that institution,
Sec. of State Blinken's Happy Talk Middle East Tour meets Meat Grinder of Rising Israeli Fascism
Joe Biden rules out US sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine | Financial Times - F-16sBiden.pdf
Biden To End COVID-19 Emergency Declarations On May 11, Also Ends Title 42 Policy At Border | ZeroHedge
Monday, January 30, 2023
Putin just pulled off the ULTIMATE sneak attack against the West | Redacted with Clayton Morris | The Vineyard of the Saker
Putin just pulled off the ULTIMATE sneak attack against the West | Redacted with Clayton Morris | The Vineyard of the Saker: A bird's eye view of the vineyard
Douglas Macgregor - Russia Mobilize 700,000 Troops for a New Offensive - YouTube
Douglas Macgregor - Russia Mobilize 700,000 Troops for a New Offensive - YouTube: Douglas Macgregor - Russia Mobilize 700,000 Troops for a New Offensive#macgregor #ukraine #douglas Book of Douglas Macgregor: https://amzn.to/3FHzxSZMy Video...
Marburg vaccine shows promising results in first-in-human study | National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Biohacked: China's Race to Control Life: Weichert, Brandon J.: 9781641773225: Amazon.com: Books
US sweetens pot to study siting for spent nuke fuel storage | AP News
US sweetens pot to study siting for spent nuke fuel storage | AP News: ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — The U.S. government has long struggled to find a permanent solution for storing or disposing of spent nuclear fuel from commercial nuclear power plants, and opposition to such a site is flaring up again as New Mexico lawmakers debate banning a facility without state consent.
Truth About Tanks: How NATO Lied Its Way to Disaster in Ukraine, by Scott Ritter - The Unz Review
Truth About Tanks: How NATO Lied Its Way to Disaster in Ukraine, by Scott Ritter - The Unz Review: https://cdnn1.img.sputniknews.com/img/07e7/01/12/1106455372_0:161:3071:1888_1920x0_80_0_0_2add8308c775b4679e10574905f4b63e.jpg.webp Tank warfare has evolved. The large force-on-force armored battles that were the hallmark of much of WWII, the Arab-Israeli conflicts, which served as the foundation of operational doctrine for both NATO and the Soviet Union (and which was implemented in full by the United States during Operation Desert Storm in 1991), has run its course. Like most military technological innovations, the ability to make a modern main battle tank survivable has been outstripped by the fielding of defensive systems designed to overcome such defenses. If a modern military force attempted to launch a large-scale tank-dominated attack against a well-equipped
IAEA completes siting review for Uzbekistan : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News
IAEA completes siting review for Uzbekistan : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: An International Atomic Energy Agency team of experts has concluded a five-day Site and External Events Design mission to Uzbekistan, which plans to build its first nuclear power plant in the southeast of the country.
The U.S. Government Is Funding Chinese Spy Technology in America’s Backyard - Tablet Magazine
The U.S. Government Is Funding Chinese Spy Technology in America’s Backyard - Tablet Magazine: An exclusive report on how law enforcement agencies used FEMA funds to buy drones from a company tied to the Chinese government
Drone attack will not affect Iran’s nuclear program – FM — RT World News
Drone attack will not affect Iran’s nuclear program – FM — RT World News: The strike on a Defense Ministry facility will not affect Iran’s progress, the foreign minister has said
US denies involvement in Iran strike — RT World News
US denies involvement in Iran strike — RT World News: The US has denied involvement in a drone strike on Iranian military facility
Which is More Dangerous; Armored Tanks or Think Tanks? - A Son of the New American Revolution
Latin America refuses to send Ukraine weapons, despite Western pressure - Geopolitical Economy Report
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Blinken: All options available to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon | Al Arabiya English
Grid Expert: Replacing Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant with Renewables 'Can’t Be Done' - California Globe
Grid Expert: Replacing Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant with Renewables 'Can’t Be Done' - California Globe: With recent legislation limiting the lifetime of California’s last remaining nuclear power plant to eight more years, the debate about replacement power
A Mental Epidemic - by Tomas Pueyo - Uncharted Territories
A Mental Epidemic - by Tomas Pueyo - Uncharted Territories: A Mental Epidemic
Israel's Jenin Raid Created the Terror Attack It Proclaimed to Thwart - Opinion - Haaretz.com
Pentagon being lobbied for F-16s to Ukraine – Politico — RT World News
Pentagon being lobbied for F-16s to Ukraine – Politico — RT World News: Some US officials are “quietly pushing” the Pentagon to approve the delivery of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, Politico reports
US Bends Truth With Claim That Tanks For Kiev Are Not An Escalation
US Bends Truth With Claim That Tanks For Kiev Are Not An Escalation: The US is denying the obvious by asserting that sending Abrams tanks to Ukraine is not an escalation of the ongoing conflict, said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, adding Washington seeks to bring order to NATO's ranks.
North Korea Blasts US Tanks For Ukraine, Vows To "Stand In Same Trench" With Russia | ZeroHedge
North Korea Blasts US Tanks For Ukraine, Vows To "Stand In Same Trench" With Russia | ZeroHedge: ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
New RAND Study Breaks From US Hawks, Warns Against "Protracted Conflict" In Ukraine | ZeroHedge
New RAND Study Breaks From US Hawks, Warns Against "Protracted Conflict" In Ukraine | ZeroHedge: ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Saturday, January 28, 2023
TC Energy Is Suing Over the Keystone XL Cancellation. Great News for Lawyers. | The New Republic
Thomas Friedman shows that liberal Jews have no reason left to defend Israel – Middle East Monitor
Interview: DOE's Jigar Shah on Lending to Nuclear Projects | Energy Intelligence
Interview: DOE's Jigar Shah on Lending to Nuclear Projects | Energy Intelligence: The head of the US government's energy loan program spoke with Energy Intelligence about debt financing prospects for nuclear energy.
Friday, January 27, 2023
WHO updates critical medicines list for radiological and nuclear emergencies
WHO updates critical medicines list for radiological and nuclear emergencies: The World Health Organization (WHO) today updated its list of medicines that should be stockpiled for radiological and nuclear emergencies, along with policy advice for their appropriate management.
VIDEO: Questioning State Dept which Refuses to Acknowledge Israel's Nuclear Weapons and Expulsions
USAID Quietly Unveils Plans to Export Ukraine's Digital Governance Model Around World | naked capitalism
Getting Pfizer's Covid booster and flu shot on the same day may raise the risk of a STROKE | Daily Mail Online
Getting Pfizer's Covid booster and flu shot on the same day may raise the risk of a STROKE | Daily Mail Online: Millions of Americans got both shots at the same time this winter following a major White House public health push, which said: God gave us two arms - one for the flu shot and the other for the Covid shot.'
Announcement: "Why the Lab Leak Theory Is Almost Certainly False", by Ron Unz - The Unz Review
The Billionaires Behind The Gas Bans | RealClearPolicy
The Billionaires Behind The Gas Bans | RealClearPolicy: The hypocrisy of the billionaires who are funding anti-hydrocarbon campaigns, including bans on gas stoves. Natural gas bans are more about class than climate change.
Palestinian Authority cuts security ties with Israel after tenth person killed | Middle East Eye
Thursday, January 26, 2023
NATO's Phony (and Dangerous) Nonbelligerent Status Regarding the Ukraine War - Antiwar.com Original
U.S.-China Strategic Competition and the Resulting Arms Race in South Asia – South Asian Voices
India-The-Modi-Question-2-of-2 : BBC : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Europe’s Energy Crisis Leaves Almost All Of Pakistan Without Power | OilPrice.com
Europe’s Energy Crisis Leaves Almost All Of Pakistan Without Power | OilPrice.com: A major energy outage struck almost the entire country of Pakistan on Monday, leaving millions of people without power and water for more than 12 hours
Character Assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh Continues, with Victor Davis Hanson - YouTube
Turkish officials call Pompeo a liar and say he had a 'meltdown' outside Erdogan's door | Middle East Eye
Flirting with Nuclear Catastrophe, Pompeo/Khashoggi Controversy, AOC's Goons, & More! | SYSTEM UPDATE #27
U.S. Asks Israel to Transfer Mothballed American Air Defense Systems to Ukraine - Israel News - Haaretz.com
Israel's Refusal to Arm Ukraine Has Never Been More Embarrassing - Haaretz Today - Haaretz.com
Refuting the myth that just a small area of solar panels plus storage can power the world
Refuting the myth that just a small area of solar panels plus storage can power the world: Storing just 3 days of global energy would cost $590 trillion at Elon Musk’s current prices. And the panels would take up more space than all the world’s cities, towns, and villages combined.
IAEA chief: Iran has amassed enough material for several nuclear weapons | ערוץ 7
IAEA chief: Iran has amassed enough material for several nuclear weapons | ערוץ 7: Rafael Grossi says Iran has not yet built a nuclear weapon and the West should redouble efforts to stop it.
Philippines records strongest economic growth in over 40 years | Financial Times - PhilippinesGrowth.pdf
New application required for Diablo Canyon licence renewal : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News
New application required for Diablo Canyon licence renewal : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: Pacific Gas & Electric Company plans to submit a new licence renewal application for its Diablo Canyon Power Plant - California's last nuclear power plant - to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission after the regulator said it will not resume its review of the previously submitted and subsequently withdrawn application.
How Environmental Fear-mongering Derailed The Nuclear Energy Boom | OilPrice.com
How Environmental Fear-mongering Derailed The Nuclear Energy Boom | OilPrice.com: Nuclear power is one of the most promising fossil fuel alternatives out there, but environmental fearmongering hampered its growth
Revealed: how US transition to electric cars threatens environmental havoc | US news | The Guardian
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Biden Seeks to Erode Chinese Supply Chain Advantage in Batteries
Biden Seeks to Erode Chinese Supply Chain Advantage in Batteries: The next geopolitical contest may be over green technology, and China, for now, is poised to win control of those supply chains.
Fr. Bob's Reflection for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time -
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – January 22, 2023
Peter and Andrew had just finished their daily work of fishing. They were stretching their nets so they will dry in the sun. They are probably talking about the day’s catch, counting the profit and cursing the snags in the nets. In the distance, they notice someone walking toward them, a stranger. He looks at them, does not say hello, and says nothing about the catch of fish or the boat. He simply quietly commands, “Follow Me and He clearly expects to be obeyed.”
And they do obey, immediately, without hesitation. Did they wonder about their future, who would tend their boats? What about their families? These are all valid questions; but for Peter and Andrew these are concerns of the past. They do not seem at least concerned about their abrupt action. We wonder how they could cavalierly leave their jobs. We marvel at their lack of inquiry. They might have replied, “We did not actually decide anything, it was decided for us. We had nothing to think about, it was presented to us a foregone conclusion.”
We had always been in control of our lives and suddenly we were not, we did not change, we were changed. By whom, by this man, Peter and Andrew clearly saw His face, heard His voice and understood His words. He was no seaside mirage, no vision, but there was something beyond Him. Some force working through Him, some power driving Him. What about Jesus, did He have any questions about them? I do not think so. He just heard a voice inside that said, “Tell them to follow You.”
Peter and Andrew were not young men just starting out, they were established businessmen. Yet in a second all that changed, they were men open to God’s call, to God’s grace. And when we humans open ourselves to God, wonderful things can happen.
For all the horror that Adolf Hitler unleashed on this world, there are pinpoints of light. Private Joseph Schultz, a loyal German soldier, was sent to Yugoslavia. One day a Sergeant called out eight names, his among them, they thought they were going on a routine patrol.
As they came over a hill not knowing what their mission was, they saw eight Yugoslavians standing there on the brow of the hill. Five men and three women. It was only then that they realized what their mission was. The soldiers lined up, the Sergeant barked out, “Ready” and they lifted up their rifles, “Aim” and they got their sights. And suddenly in that moment of silence before they fired, there was a thud. A rifle butt fell to the ground and Private Joseph Schultz walked toward the Yugoslavians.
His Sergeant called him and ordered him back in line, but he pretended not to hear. He walked the fifty feet to the mount of the hill and joined hands with the Yugoslavians. The officer reminded him of his loyalty to the Fuhrer. There was a moment of silence when no one knew what was going to happen. But then the command, “Fire” and Private Joseph Schultz died with those other innocent men and women. What changed Private Joseph Schultz…would it have been the power of Divine Grace? The same power that changed Peter and Andrew into fishers of men?
In Private Schultz’s pocket was a letter from his mother, she was against her son’s involvement with the Nazi’s. The letter is in his military file in Berlin. She did not say anything in the letter against the war or the Nazi’s. But she speaks to him about his baptismal call to follow Christ and she ends the letter with a quote from St. Paul. “Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth, it always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres.” Peter, Andrew and Private Schultz were changed men. But note that their change meant laying something down.
The first disciples laid down their nets, which was their business, their income. Schultz laid down his rifle, it would seem there is no costless discipleship. We can all ask ourselves, “Is there anything in my life that I clutch, I hold on to? Something that keeps me from a closer union with Christ? Something I just do not want to let go of?” Not many are called upon to give their lives for Christ, or even sell all they have and give to the poor. And then follow Him like a St. Francis or a Mother Teresa.
It has been said that the longest trip most of us ever make is from the top of our heads to the bottom of our hearts. The journey to which Christ calls us is no head-trip. Christian faith is not a set of beliefs so much as it is a way of living. Jesus did not say take up your orthodoxy and your creeds and follow me. He said take up your crosses and follow Me.
Next week we will listen to the gospel of the beatitudes, so I leave you with some questions. Are you a person whom Jesus would give the name merciful? Are you a person to whom Jesus would give the name peacemaker? Are you a person to whom Jesus would give the name poor in spirit? Do you ever stop to think what it means to be a Christian?
New application required for Diablo Canyon licence renewal : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News
New application required for Diablo Canyon licence renewal : Regulation & Safety - World Nuclear News: Pacific Gas & Electric Company plans to submit a new licence renewal application for its Diablo Canyon Power Plant - California's last nuclear power plant - to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission after the regulator said it will not resume its review of the previously submitted and subsequently withdrawn application.
Expansion of Abraham Accords should not be tied to illegal settlements, US senator says | Middle East Eye
NRC says no to fast license renewal for Diablo Canyon but will weigh exception to keep bailed-out plant online past expiry date – ExchangeMonitor
NRC says no to fast license renewal for Diablo Canyon but will weigh exception to keep bailed-out plant online past expiry date – ExchangeMonitor: ExchangeMonitor covers nuclear weapons, waste management, nuclear cleanup, international intelligence as well as carbon capture and storage.
NRC Rejects New Review of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Operating Extension
NRC Rejects New Review of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Operating Extension: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has denied a request from California utility Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) to renew a review of an
U.S. regulator rejects proposal to extend Diablo Canyon nuclear plant (NYSE:PCG) | Seeking Alpha
U.S. regulator rejects proposal to extend Diablo Canyon nuclear plant (NYSE:PCG) | Seeking Alpha: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission rejected a request from PG&E (PCG), the operator of California's last nuclear power plant, that could have smoothed the way to extend its operating life
"Kick In The Face" - Soldiers Fired For Refusing COVID Vaccine Forced To Pay Back Signing Bonuses
Saudi Arabia will allow Israel tourists to visit Tiran and Sanafir: Globes – Middle East Monitor
Foxes watching the hen house? DC insiders oversee Biden defense plans - Responsible Statecraft
Russia slams NATO chief’s response to burning copy of Holy Qur’an in Sweden – Middle East Monitor
The folly of the Justice Department's antitrust suit against Google
The folly of the Justice Department's antitrust suit against Google: All monopolies self-destruct by sclerosis to prevent stranded investment
A ‘Weaponized’ FBI? Yes, but Its Real Historical Targets Were People Fighting for Their Rights
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