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Monday, May 31, 2021

US-China tech war: China taps 12 top universities to rival MIT and Stanford in science and technology research | South China Morning Post

US-China tech war: China taps 12 top universities to rival MIT and Stanford in science and technology research | South China Morning Post: Plan is part of Beijing’s aim to become a world-leading power by 2035 amid increasing trade and tech pressure from the US.

Chinese scientists created COVID-19 in a lab and then tried to cover their tracks, new study claims | Daily Mail Online

Chinese scientists created COVID-19 in a lab and then tried to cover their tracks, new study claims | Daily Mail Online: The 22-page paper on the origins of COVID-19, exclusively obtained by and slated for publication in the coming days, is set to make waves among the scientific community.

As Russia tensions simmer, NATO conducts massive war games

As Russia tensions simmer, NATO conducts massive war games: The war games, dubbed Steadfast Defender 21, are aimed at simulating the 30-nation military organization’s response to an attack on any one of its members.

If the FDA approves aducanumab, I won't prescribe it - STAT

If the FDA approves aducanumab, I won't prescribe it - STAT: I treat people with Alzheimer's disease. I don't think the FDA should approve aducanumab, Biogen's new treatment for the disease.

Third wave of Covid may be under way in UK, scientists say | Coronavirus | The Guardian

Third wave of Covid may be under way in UK, scientists say | Coronavirus | The Guardian: With new infections at level last seen in March, experts have cautioned against lifting restrictions too soon

Empty airports and full delivery trucks: Covid’s toll on infrastructure, by the numbers - POLITICO

Empty airports and full delivery trucks: Covid’s toll on infrastructure, by the numbers - POLITICO: Travel went down, broadband went up and we all got a lot more packages.

10 serious COVID patients given Israeli drug, leave hospital in one day - The Jerusalem Post

10 serious COVID patients given Israeli drug, leave hospital in one day - The Jerusalem Post: The data showed a 40% decrease in lung inflammation from treatment – from 55% to 15%, as seen in chest X-rays * Rambam Health Care Campus doctor: ‘Results extremely impressive’

New study claims China created COVID-19 in lab, then 'retro-engineered' to cover their tracks | Just The News

New study claims China created COVID-19 in lab, then 'retro-engineered' to cover their tracks | Just The News: "We think that there have been retro-engineered viruses created," British Professor Angus Dalgleish said.

The problem with power couples - UnHerd

The problem with power couples - UnHerd: Meritocracy has been corrupted by a new ruling class

How Facebook censored the lab leak theory - UnHerd

How Facebook censored the lab leak theory - UnHerd: Its latest crackdown on 'misinformation' proves the tech giant hasn't learnt its lesson

What Oxford taught me about posh people - UnHerd

What Oxford taught me about posh people - UnHerd: The dreaming spires hide a vicious sense of entitlement

On backdrop of Gaza escalation, Israel-Europe rift widens - Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East

On backdrop of Gaza escalation, Israel-Europe rift widens - Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East: On the backdrop of the Gaza escalation and European abstention at the UN Human Rights Council vote, mistrust keeps growing between Jerusalem and Brussels.

Gender Identity Ideology in K-12 Schools | RealClearPolicy

Gender Identity Ideology in K-12 Schools | RealClearPolicy: A decade ago, most teachers, principals and students in K-12 schools had never heard the terms “transgender” or “gender identity.” Within one decade that has all changed. By no

Ex-KGB Agent Says Trump Was a Russian Asset. Does it Matter?

Ex-KGB Agent Says Trump Was a Russian Asset. Does it Matter?: Donald Trump’s relation to Russia was never explained completely. Craig Unger’s new book, “American Kompromat,” has former KGB agent Yuri Shvets saying on the record that the KGB manipulated Trump in 1987 through flattery.

How Liberal Media Dismissed Lab-Leak Theory | RealClearPolicy

How Liberal Media Dismissed Lab-Leak Theory | RealClearPolicy: When Nicholson Baker wrote a cover story for New York laying out the evidence that COVID-19 may have originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, the hypothesis was still highly controversial. In the months t

Fear and Loathing | RealClearPolicy

Fear and Loathing | RealClearPolicy: It’s been a year since the death of George Floyd, and the cycle of violence is becoming fixed in our minds and in our streets. Police are being targeted while protestors cheer, and black men fea

Things that Endure on this Solemn Memorial Day | RealClearPolicy

Things that Endure on this Solemn Memorial Day | RealClearPolicy: Memorial Day is the one day, or weekend, set aside each year as a time for solemn remembrance of those who have given their lives in America’s wars.  Public observances of this holiday trad

UK carrier deployment tilts East but looks West - Asia Times

UK carrier deployment tilts East but looks West - Asia Times: SEOUL - The UK’s Queen Elizabeth carrier strike group (CSG) currently forging toward the Indo-Pacific is a macho naval spectacle of note: nine ships, 32 aircraft including 18 F35s and 3,700 personnel. Naval rivet counters, military pundits and British jingos will be transfixed by this spectacular manifestation of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s ambitions of a post-Brexit “Global Britain” being a global player. However, while the force is deploying to Indo-Pacific, there is no suggestion that it will take up station in the region. This raises perhaps the biggest question over both the current mission and London’s wider strategic aims. Does the UK’s straitened defense establishment have the means to sustain London’s “tilt” toward the East? And would the British public support such an expensive and distant footprint?

QAnon Is Hosting A Conference At The Omni Dallas Hotel Headlined By Michael Flynn And Sidney Powell

QAnon Is Hosting A Conference At The Omni Dallas Hotel Headlined By Michael Flynn And Sidney Powell: The conspiracy movement is getting into conventions. You might even call it a QAnon Con.

What we know about Israeli coalition that may oust Netanyahu | Benjamin Netanyahu News | Al Jazeera

What we know about Israeli coalition that may oust Netanyahu | Benjamin Netanyahu News | Al Jazeera: Far-right leader Naftali Bennett joins hands with centrist leader Lapid to form a coalition to unseat Netanyahu as PM.

The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan? - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan? - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: If the case that SARS2 originated in a lab is so substantial, why isn’t this more widely known? As is now obvious, there are many people who have reason not to talk about it.

This new drug can block multiple COVID-19 variants

This new drug can block multiple COVID-19 variants: In a new study from the University of Pennsylvania, researchers found that the drug diABZI—which activates the body’s innate immune response—was highly effective in preventing severe COVID-19. The findings suggest that diABZI could also treat other respiratory coronaviruses. The SARS-CoV-2 virus initially targets epithelial cells in the respiratory tract. As the first line of defense […]

Expert warns of 'COVID-32' if origins of COVID-19 not found

Expert warns of 'COVID-32' if origins of COVID-19 not found: A full investigation into the origin of COVID-19 in China is "absolutely critical" in order to prevent future pandemics -- and avoid "COVID-32," an expert warned Sunday.

This Day - The Catholic Thing

This Day - The Catholic Thing: Brad Miner: We honor those fallen in battle. As President Lincoln said in 1863, “It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.”

Omni Dallas Hotel Is Hosting a QAnon Conference Starring Michael Flynn

Omni Dallas Hotel Is Hosting a QAnon Conference Starring Michael Flynn: Photos from the event show Flynn helping auction what appears to be a flag quilt with a "Q" embroidered on it.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Im-Politic: Big Neglected Questions About Washington and the Virus’ Origins | RealityChek

Im-Politic: Big Neglected Questions About Washington and the Virus’ Origins | RealityChek: There’s been lots of commotion in recent weeks about the decision by chief Biden medical adviser Anthony S. Fauci and National Institutes of Health (NIH) chief Francis Collins to use federal …

How To Understand the Trinity — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon - YouTube

How To Understand the Trinity — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon - YouTube: Friends, Trinity Sunday serves as a wonderful opportunity to unpack the life-giving relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Every time we make...

Chinese scientists created COVID-19 in a lab and then tried to cover their tracks, new study claims | Daily Mail Online

Chinese scientists created COVID-19 in a lab and then tried to cover their tracks, new study claims | Daily Mail Online: The 22-page paper on the origins of COVID-19, exclusively obtained by and slated for publication in the coming days, is set to make waves among the scientific community.

DHS Warns of Incoming Pogroms Against the Jews – Daily Stormer

DHS Warns of Incoming Pogroms Against the Jews – Daily Stormer: Why are they issuing this warning now? You'd think that with tensions in Palestine having die...

Is Ivermectin The New Penicillin? | ZeroHedge

Is Ivermectin The New Penicillin? | ZeroHedge: ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

Chinese President Xi Jinping seeks to rally country’s scientists for ‘unprecedented’ contest | South China Morning Post

Chinese President Xi Jinping seeks to rally country’s scientists for ‘unprecedented’ contest | South China Morning Post: Chinese leader promises to boost investment and free scientists from bureaucracy as Joe Biden seeks heavy increase in US research budget.

The COVID vaccine pioneer behind southeast Asia’s first mRNA shot

The COVID vaccine pioneer behind southeast Asia’s first mRNA shot: ChulaCov19 designer Kiat Ruxrungtham talks about his aim to make Thailand an mRNA vaccine hub, and the challenge of competing with bigger rivals.

UK intelligence 'is helping US probe theory that Covid leaked from Wuhan lab' | Daily Mail Online

UK intelligence 'is helping US probe theory that Covid leaked from Wuhan lab' | Daily Mail Online: A senior Whitehall security source has reportedly confirmed that British intelligence is cooperating with the new American investigation into the origins of Covid-19 in a bid to 'establish the truth'.

Houston Methodist hospital staffers sue to avoid coronavirus vaccine mandate - The Washington Post

Houston Methodist hospital staffers sue to avoid coronavirus vaccine mandate - The Washington Post: Houston Methodist Hospital says 99 percent of its 26,000 employees have received the shots.

The Life and Legacy of Philip Agee, the CIA’s First Defector and Most Committed Dissident ‹ CrimeReads

The Life and Legacy of Philip Agee, the CIA’s First Defector and Most Committed Dissident ‹ CrimeReads: Philip Agee remains unique in the annals of US intelligence in that he went from being the consummate intelligence insider—nobody is more entrenched than a Central Intelligence Agency case officer …

Feast of the Holy Trinity: Joyful laughter | National Catholic Reporter

Feast of the Holy Trinity: Joyful laughter | National Catholic Reporter: Trinity Sunday affords us the opportunity to reflect on the oneness of the divine permeating and pulsating through all creation, filling Earth's creatures with fecundity, beauty, wonder and the marvel...


POPE FRANCIS 2021 REFLECTION ON THE MOST HOLY TRINITY. - Catholics Striving For Holiness: On this feast in which we celebrate God: the mystery of the one God. And this God is the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Three persons, but God is

Coronavirus origin: Wuhan lab worker's wife died from 'Covid-like virus' in 2019 | World | News |

Coronavirus origin: Wuhan lab worker's wife died from 'Covid-like virus' in 2019 | World | News | A WIFE of a Wuhan virology lab researcher working on coronaviruses died of a mysterious virus in December 2019, according to a bombshell report from a former senior US official.

Religion is an “Essential Service” - The Catholic Thing

Religion is an “Essential Service” - The Catholic Thing: John M. Grondelski: A lesson of pandemic lockdowns is that threats to religious freedom are growing and that every state should protect it.

Eisenhower rejected military chiefs' demand for nuclear war on China, classified account of '58 Taiwan Strait crisis reveals | The Grayzone

Eisenhower rejected military chiefs' demand for nuclear war on China, classified account of '58 Taiwan Strait crisis reveals | The Grayzone: Fearing a new conflict over Taiwan, Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg has released a shocking account showing how the Joint Chiefs pressed Eisenhower to launch a nuclear war on China. A previously censored account of the 1958 Taiwan Strait crisis that was sponsored by the Pentagon has been published in full by the leaker of the Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg. The report provides a hair-raising portrait of a reckless US military leadership relentlessly pressing President Dwight Eisenhower for the authority to carry […]

South Korea's tiptoeing on Taiwan avoids Beijing backlash - Nikkei Asia

South Korea's tiptoeing on Taiwan avoids Beijing backlash - Nikkei Asia: SEOUL -- When South Korean President Moon Jae-in called for peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait alongside U.S. counterpart Joe Biden in Washingto

Inflation Bites Chunk out of Personal Income & Spending | Wolf Street

Inflation Bites Chunk out of Personal Income & Spending | Wolf Street: Paying even more to get even less. Exactly what American consumers need the most in these trying times.

Pope Francis: Why does it seem like God doesn’t answer our prayers sometimes? | America Magazine

Pope Francis: Why does it seem like God doesn’t answer our prayers sometimes? | America Magazine: ’Prayer is not a magic wand: It is a dialogue with the Lord.’

We have bigger problems than COVID-19’s origins - The Verge

We have bigger problems than COVID-19’s origins - The Verge: There’s renewed attention to speculations that the coronavirus outbreak came from a lab accident, and focus on how the pandemic started. We have other problems to worry about to end this pandemic and prepare for the next.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Rolling To Remember: A Pro-Veteran Demonstration Ride - AMVETS National Headquarters

Rolling To Remember: A Pro-Veteran Demonstration Ride - AMVETS National Headquarters: May of 2020, we continued a 33-year-old tradition of riding around our nation’s capital advocating for our prisoners of war and missing in action still unaccounted for, as well as the veteran suicide crisis we face, as an average of 22 veterans die by suicide daily. We thank those ... Read More »

Why Jared Kushner's 'Abraham Accords' did not produce Israel-Palestine Peace and are increasingly Irrelevant

Why Jared Kushner's 'Abraham Accords' did not produce Israel-Palestine Peace and are increasingly Irrelevant: Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) - The Jared Kushner/ Trump plan for Israel-Palestine had some basic premises. The first was that the U.S. could act punitively toward the Palestinians with no consequences. The second was that the Arab states were so afraid of Iran that they would throw the Palestinians under the bus and make an alliance with Israel against the ayatollahs. The third was that even where governments were not particularly afraid of Iran, they could be induced to recognize and cooperate with Israel by giving them things they wanted or taking off sanctions. The fourth was that the Arab

Divisive COVID ‘lab leak’ debate prompts dire warnings from researchers

Divisive COVID ‘lab leak’ debate prompts dire warnings from researchers: Allegations that COVID escaped from a Chinese lab make it harder for nations to collaborate on ending the pandemic — and fuel online bullying, some scientists say.

Microsoft Word - origins of nCoV_Lancet - 114720192-5eb8307f-017c-4075-a697-348628da0204.pdf

Microsoft Word - origins of nCoV_Lancet - 114720192-5eb8307f-017c-4075-a697-348628da0204.pdf

'This Is the Price of War': Israeli Newspaper Publishes Photos of All 67 Palestinian Children Killed in Gaza Onslaught | naked capitalism

'This Is the Price of War': Israeli Newspaper Publishes Photos of All 67 Palestinian Children Killed in Gaza Onslaught | naked capitalism: Haaretz took the unprecedented step of commemorating the deaths of Palestinian children in the latest Israel-Gaza conflict.

Palestine’s Moment: Despite Massive Losses, Palestinians Have Altered the Course of History -

Palestine’s Moment: Despite Massive Losses, Palestinians Have Altered the Course of History - The ‘Palestinian Revolt of 2021’ will go down in history as one of the most influential events that irreversibly shaped collective thinking in and around Palestine. Only two other events can be compared with what has just transpired in Palestine: the revolt of 1936 and the First Intifada of 1987. The general strike and rebellion More

Biden Unveils $6 Trillion Spending Plan - WSJ

Biden Unveils $6 Trillion Spending Plan - WSJ: President Biden’s budget proposal charts his vision of an expansive federal government role in the economy and the lives of Americans, with big increases in spending on infrastructure, public health and education along with tax increases on corporations and the wealthy.

Biden's Defense Secretary Pick Lloyd Austin Isn’t Who You Think

Biden's Defense Secretary Pick Lloyd Austin Isn’t Who You Think: The “silent general” has never been very quiet on policy. That’s exactly why Biden picked him as defense secretary—and why Washington’s foreign-policy establishment is wary.

The Tale of Two Fr. Jameses

The Tale of Two Fr. Jameses: Fr. Dwight Longenecker - The divergent treatment of Fr. James Altman and Fr. James Martin raises questions about the content and style of their messages.

New Gallup Poll Shows Trans Agenda Deeply Unpopular - CatholicVote org

New Gallup Poll Shows Trans Agenda Deeply Unpopular - CatholicVote org: CV NEWS FEED // A new Gallup poll revealed a large majority of Americans reject allowing biological males to compete in women’s sports, contradicting recent polling…

CDC eases summer camp masking guidance for vaccinated campers | Washington Examiner

CDC eases summer camp masking guidance for vaccinated campers | Washington Examiner: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated guidelines for summer camps on Friday, recommending that vaccinated campers don't need to wear masks.

Chicago Catholics to be Asked for Vaccine Proof at Churches - CatholicVote org

Chicago Catholics to be Asked for Vaccine Proof at Churches - CatholicVote org: CV NEWS FEED // The Archdiocese of Chicago announced Friday that some Catholics may now enter parish churches without wearing masks, but only if they show…

Bishops to Congress: Reject Biden’s Taxpayer Funding for Abortion - CatholicVote org

Bishops to Congress: Reject Biden’s Taxpayer Funding for Abortion - CatholicVote org: CV NEWS FEED // Archbishop Joseph Naumann, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, denounced President Biden’s plan to include abortion…

What a Wuhan lab leak would really mean - UnHerd

What a Wuhan lab leak would really mean - UnHerd: Scientists and the media eagerly denounced credible evidence as a conspiracy theory

What the U.S. Military Really Thinks About Biden

What the U.S. Military Really Thinks About Biden: What the new president really thinks about the military—and what the military really thinks about him.

Dr. Fauci’s Opening Statement To Congress 2012 On The Risk Of Dual Research (Gain of Function) | NC Renegades

Dr. Fauci’s Opening Statement To Congress 2012 On The Risk Of Dual Research (Gain of Function) | NC Renegades: Visit the post for more.

The Only Way to Resolve the Wuhan ‘Lab Leak’ COVID Controversy

The Only Way to Resolve the Wuhan ‘Lab Leak’ COVID Controversy: The answer lies with scientists, not spies.

Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Debate on Covid-19 Origin - WSJ

Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Debate on Covid-19 Origin - WSJ: Three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick enough in November 2019 that they sought hospital care, according to a U.S. intelligence report, fueling debate over Covid-19’s origin.

Furin cleavage sites naturally occur in coronaviruses

Furin cleavage sites naturally occur in coronaviruses: The spike protein is a focused target of COVID-19, a pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2. A 12-nt insertion at S1/S2 in the spike coding sequence yields a furin cleavage site, which raised controversy views on origin of the virus. Here we analyzed the phylogenetic ...

Is This a COVID-19 ‘Smoking Gun,’ or Is it a Damp Squib? –

Is This a COVID-19 ‘Smoking Gun,’ or Is it a Damp Squib? – Suspicions about a lab leak will continue so long as Chinese officials keep acting like they have something to hide.

Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease in Guinea: Where Ecology Meets Economy

Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease in Guinea: Where Ecology Meets Economy

Bats and the origin of outbreaks

Bats and the origin of outbreaks: As the World Health Organization reaches its findings on the zoonotic origins of the novel coronavirus, we explain why bats make such ideal hosts for disease-causing viruses.

WHO | Update 95 - SARS: Chronology of a serial killer

WHO | Update 95 - SARS: Chronology of a serial killer

Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17 | South China Morning Post

Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17 | South China Morning Post: Government records suggest first person infected with new disease may have been a Hubei resident aged 55, but ‘patient zero’ has yet to be confirmed.

Analysis of hospital traffic and search engine data in Wuhan China indicates early disease activity in the Fall of 2019

Analysis of hospital traffic and search engine data in Wuhan China indicates early disease activity in the Fall of 2019

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine (Vaccination Providers) - download

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine (Vaccination Providers) - download

Every Day Is Commencement Day - The Catholic Thing

Every Day Is Commencement Day - The Catholic Thing: Robert Royal spoke to graduates of two Northeastern colleges in May: We need minds and hearts formed by history’s greatest minds and hearts.

Amazon’s ‘Underground Railroad’ teaches the Black history we do not know well enough | America Magazine

Amazon’s ‘Underground Railroad’ teaches the Black history we do not know well enough | America Magazine: The series executes a breathtaking high-wire act, threading speculative fiction a history most of us still do not know well enough.

How Summer Has Become So Very Special in America

How Summer Has Become So Very Special in America: The calendar opines that summer starts on June 20, but we know better. Metaphorically, it starts on Memorial Day, when we give thanks to those we honor, those who gave their lives for their country…

Fed’s Favorite Lowball Inflation Gauge is Red-Hot, Not Seen in Decades, Even Without the “Base Effect” | Wolf Street

Fed’s Favorite Lowball Inflation Gauge is Red-Hot, Not Seen in Decades, Even Without the “Base Effect” | Wolf Street: The majestic inflation overshoot has arrived.

‘NYT’ puts faces of 60+ slain Palestinian children on front page, at last – Mondoweiss

‘NYT’ puts faces of 60+ slain Palestinian children on front page, at last – Mondoweiss: The New York Times does an unprecedented thing for a paper that has long supported Israel: puts the faces of dozens of Palestinian children slaughtered by Israel in Gaza on its front page.

Ten years after deciding to abandon nuclear energy, where does Germany stand? - Focus

Ten years after deciding to abandon nuclear energy, where does Germany stand? - Focus: Ten years after voting to abandon nuclear power, Germany is approaching the finish line. Six nuclear power stations are still working, but three will be shut down this year and the rest the following…

Will The U.S. Nuclear Industry Finally Get Government Help? |

Will The U.S. Nuclear Industry Finally Get Government Help? | The U.S. nuclear fleet is aging at a fast pace, and if the Biden government fails to stimulate this form of low-emissions energy, the U.S. power grid could face further destabilization

On infrastructure and clean energy, America must play to win | TheHill

On infrastructure and clean energy, America must play to win | TheHill: We can invest boldly to beat climate change and transform our economy for fairness.

Friday, May 28, 2021

President Biden's Full FY 2022 Budget | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

President Biden's Full FY 2022 Budget | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget: The Biden Administration today released its first full budget, laying out its proposals for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 and the subsequent decade. The budget proposes significant increases in spending, revenue, and borrowing over the next ten years. Under the plan, the Administration estimates debt would grow to 117 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the end of FY 2031,

Ray McGovern

Ray McGovern

Does Our Diversity Portend Disintegration? – Patrick J. Buchanan – Official Website

Does Our Diversity Portend Disintegration? – Patrick J. Buchanan – Official Website: Is there no limit to the racial, religious, ideological, political, cultural and ethnic diversity the nation can accommodate before it splinters into its component parts? After nine people were shot to death by a public transit worker, who then killed himself in San Jose, the latest mass murder in America, California Governor Gavin Newsom spoke…

Has Pope Francis weighed in on 'Eucharistic coherence?' - The Pillar

Has Pope Francis weighed in on 'Eucharistic coherence?' - The Pillar: Analysis

100 Years After the Tulsa Massacre, What Does Justice Look Like? - The New York Times

100 Years After the Tulsa Massacre, What Does Justice Look Like? - The New York Times: In 1921, a white mob attacked the Greenwood district of Tulsa, killing hundreds of Black people and destroying the neighborhood. Justice has never been served. Can it still be today?

Richard D. Wolff: Why We Need to Democratize Wealth - The U.S. Capitalist Model Breeds Selfishness and Resentment | Brave New Europe

Richard D. Wolff: Why We Need to Democratize Wealth - The U.S. Capitalist Model Breeds Selfishness and Resentment | Brave New Europe: Conflicts over redistributions are intrinsic to capitalism and always have been. Richard D. Wolff is professor of economics emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a visiting professor in the Graduate Program in International [...]

US-China decoupling easier said than done: Western Digital CEO - Nikkei Asia

US-China decoupling easier said than done: Western Digital CEO - Nikkei Asia: TOKYO -- With China both a technological competitor to the U.S. and a coveted market for American companies, chipmakers like Western Digital must navi

MoA - By The Book - What Really Happened With The Ryanair Flight In Belarus

MoA - By The Book - What Really Happened With The Ryanair Flight In Belarus

Why Everyone Hates Think Tanks

Why Everyone Hates Think Tanks: The world needs policy professionals. Respecting them is another matter.

Libertarian: Abortion And The Supreme Court: A History | Hoover Institution

Libertarian: Abortion And The Supreme Court: A History | Hoover Institution: From Pre-Roe v. Wade to … post-Roe v. Wade?

China’s Inconvenient Truth | Foreign Affairs

China’s Inconvenient Truth | Foreign Affairs: Behind China's triumphalist rhetoric lurks an inconvenient truth: China’s own society is fracturing in complex and challenging ways.

Is China angling for a Saudi–Iranian detente?

Is China angling for a Saudi–Iranian detente?: China's five-point plan for the Middle East includes conflicts beyond Israel–Palestine for the first time, particularly impacting Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Eastern Europe ends love fest with China amid Beijing-EU rift - Nikkei Asia

Eastern Europe ends love fest with China amid Beijing-EU rift - Nikkei Asia: VIENNA/BEIJING -- Enthusiasm for China has cooled in much of central and eastern Europe, leaving Beijing alarmed as human rights concerns and stalled

LA Times Today: Replacing California's last nuclear power plant - Los Angeles Times

LA Times Today: Replacing California's last nuclear power plant - Los Angeles Times: Watch L.A.

Good News and Bad News: Biden Punts on Russia and Takes Some Heat on Afghanistan — Strategic Culture

Good News and Bad News: Biden Punts on Russia and Takes Some Heat on Afghanistan — Strategic Culture: The Establishment Foreign Policy has long advocated a policy of staying in Afghanistan until a political reliable government is established there. Possibly the best news…

Biden wants to remain engaged with Russia, China - Indian Punchline

Biden wants to remain engaged with Russia, China - Indian Punchline: Chinese Vice Premier Liu He (L) and USTR Katherine Tai held their first call after the latter’s Senate confirmation, May 26, 2021 Anyone who tried to divine the Russia policy of the Biden presidency out of the corpus of statements by current and prospective officials in the new administration would know by now that the … Continue reading "Biden wants to remain engaged with Russia, China"

This time, the International Criminal Court is watching | ICC | Al Jazeera

This time, the International Criminal Court is watching | ICC | Al Jazeera: Despite attacks against the ICC, the court is proceeding with its investigation of war crimes in Palestine.

For Civilians, War in Urban Zones Is Never Discriminate

For Civilians, War in Urban Zones Is Never Discriminate: Observers are rightly beginning to ask whether it can ever be reasonably claimed that it is possible to use explosives discriminately in urban areas, because explosive weapons in densely populated urban areas simply cannot be used in a precision manner or be limited in the ways envisioned by the Geneva Conventions.

A U.S. Security Strategy for the Arctic - War on the Rocks

A U.S. Security Strategy for the Arctic - War on the Rocks: In March 2021, three Russian submarines simultaneously broke through the ice near the North Pole. Each boat could carry 16 ballistic missiles, and each

Boycotting China Olympics: Is there any 'right' way to go? – Responsible Statecraft

Boycotting China Olympics: Is there any 'right' way to go? – Responsible Statecraft: A narrower diplomatic protest may be appropriate, but it's not likely to compel real policy changes in Beijing.

Vanishing Gig Workers Put Uber, Lyft and DoorDash to Test - Bloomberg

Vanishing Gig Workers Put Uber, Lyft and DoorDash to Test - Bloomberg: Delivery and ride-hailing apps face serious pressures as labor shortages ripple across the economy.

Chinese Ultramarathon: A Survivor Describes the Deadly Race - The New York Times

Chinese Ultramarathon: A Survivor Describes the Deadly Race - The New York Times: After 21 runners died when high winds and freezing rain struck an ultramarathon race, one competitor said he survived only because a shepherd carried his unconscious body to shelter.

Facebook Stops Removing Claims Covid Man-made | RealClearPolicy

Facebook Stops Removing Claims Covid Man-made | RealClearPolicy: Facebook said it's no longer removing from its platforms claims that coronavirus was man-made. That announcement comes shortly after President Joe Biden announced he had directed the US intelligence c

'Cancel Culture,' Hypocrisy, and Double Standards | RealClearPolicy

'Cancel Culture,' Hypocrisy, and Double Standards | RealClearPolicy: Last Wednesday, a surge of Twitter outrage followed reports that Nikole Hannah-Jones, the Pulitzer Prize-winning creator of the New York Times’ 1619 Project, recently appointed Knight Chair in

Inequality à la San Francisco: A Warning for America’s Future - The Globalist

Inequality à la San Francisco: A Warning for America’s Future - The Globalist: Karl Marx and the dark side of the tech revolution

“‘The Blob,’ anatomized.” - The Scrum

“‘The Blob,’ anatomized.” - The Scrum: An exchange with Kelley Vlahos.

QAnon Now as Popular in U.S. as Some Major Religions, Poll Suggests - The New York Times

QAnon Now as Popular in U.S. as Some Major Religions, Poll Suggests - The New York Times: Fifteen percent of Americans believe that “patriots may have to resort to violence” to restore the country’s rightful order, the poll indicated.

U.S. Shouldn't Treat China as an Existential Threat - Bloomberg

U.S. Shouldn't Treat China as an Existential Threat - Bloomberg: The country has neither the capabilities nor the motivation to pose an existential danger to the U.S.

A closer look at the Covid-19 lab leak theory - CNN Video

A closer look at the Covid-19 lab leak theory - CNN Video: Marc Lipsitch, professor of epidemiology at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health, says there needs to be an investigation into the origins of Covid-19.

For Office Returns, the Vaccine May Not Be Required but It's Hard to Avoid | The American Lawyer

For Office Returns, the Vaccine May Not Be Required but It's Hard to Avoid | The American Lawyer: Several big law firms have all but required vaccination now including Skadden and Weil Gotshal.

The media's lab leak fiasco - Slow Boring

The media's lab leak fiasco - Slow Boring: A huge fuckup, with perhaps not-so-huge policy stakes

Facebook lifts ban on posts claiming Covid-19 was man-made | Facebook | The Guardian

Facebook lifts ban on posts claiming Covid-19 was man-made | Facebook | The Guardian: Social network says policy comes ‘in light of ongoing investigations into the origin’ of virus

The Sudden Rise of the Coronavirus Lab-Leak Theory | The New Yorker

The Sudden Rise of the Coronavirus Lab-Leak Theory | The New Yorker: Scientists and political commentators are no longer dismissing the possibility that COVID-19 emerged from a Chinese laboratory. What changed?

Assessment of the Frequency and Variety of Persistent Symptoms Among Patients With COVID-19: A Systematic Review | Infectious Diseases | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network

Assessment of the Frequency and Variety of Persistent Symptoms Among Patients With COVID-19: A Systematic Review | Infectious Diseases | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network: This systematic review uses data from cohort studies to examine the frequency, variety, and severity of persistent symptoms among individuals with previous COVID-19 infection.

Nearly three-quarters of patients with moderate or severe COVID had at least ONE long-term symptom  | Daily Mail Online

Nearly three-quarters of patients with moderate or severe COVID had at least ONE long-term symptom  | Daily Mail Online: A new study from Stanford University found that 40% of people with moderate or severe cases of COVID-19 were still experiencing fatigue and 36% still had shortness of breath after clearing the infection.

Chinese Ultramarathon: A Survivor Describes the Deadly Race - The New York Times

Chinese Ultramarathon: A Survivor Describes the Deadly Race - The New York Times: After 21 runners died when high winds and freezing rain struck an ultramarathon race, one competitor said he survived only because a shepherd carried his unconscious body to shelter.

CA drought worsens. What’s ahead for fish, farms, cities | The Sacramento Bee

CA drought worsens. What’s ahead for fish, farms, cities | The Sacramento Bee: The disappearing snowmelt quickly turned the state’s drought into a disaster — ‘a turning point.’

The U.S. Can Neither Ignore nor Solve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Foreign Affairs

The U.S. Can Neither Ignore nor Solve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Foreign Affairs: Washington must actively manage the Middle East dispute it can’t end

What Is U.S. Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? | Council on Foreign Relations

What Is U.S. Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? | Council on Foreign Relations: The United States has long tried to negotiate a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but several factors, including deep divisions between and within the parties and declining U.S. interest in carrying out its traditional honest-broker role, hurt the chances of a peace deal.

The Texas Grid Came Close to an Even Bigger Disaster During February Freeze - WSJ

The Texas Grid Came Close to an Even Bigger Disaster During February Freeze - WSJ: Many “black start” units, which are used to jolt failed electricity systems, weren’t working properly. The emergency system’s spotty performance could have left Texans without power for much longer than a few days.

Immunity to the Coronavirus May Persist for Years, Scientists Find - The New York Times

Immunity to the Coronavirus May Persist for Years, Scientists Find - The New York Times: Important immune cells survive in the bone marrow of people who were infected with the virus or were inoculated against it, new research suggests.

Prospects of a New Religion - The Catholic Thing

Prospects of a New Religion - The Catholic Thing: David Carlin: Secularists haven't settled on one pseudo-religion, but they are still trying this and trying that and trying something else.

How the culture wars came for history - UnHerd

How the culture wars came for history - UnHerd: Woke historians want to expose lies about the past — even when they don't exist

Why does the West hate itself? - UnHerd

Why does the West hate itself? - UnHerd: White progressives are blinded by their own guilt

Inequality à la San Francisco: A Warning for America’s Future - The Globalist

Inequality à la San Francisco: A Warning for America’s Future - The Globalist: Karl Marx and the dark side of the tech revolution

Thursday, May 27, 2021

If the Lab-Leak Theory Is Right, What's Next? - The Atlantic

If the Lab-Leak Theory Is Right, What's Next? - The Atlantic: We know enough to acknowledge that the scenario is possible, and we should therefore act as though it’s true.

As Israel increasingly relies on US evangelicals for support, younger ones are walking away: What polls show

As Israel increasingly relies on US evangelicals for support, younger ones are walking away: What polls show: Shibley Telhami analyzes survey data showing younger American evangelicals being less supportive of the U.S. leaning towards Israel over the Palestinians.

Pope Francis is right: modern poverty in the United States is a scandal. But what are possible solutions? | America Magazine

Pope Francis is right: modern poverty in the United States is a scandal. But what are possible solutions? | America Magazine: In the United States, there is almost nowhere that is not simultaneously very rich and very poor.

China continues proliferation of nuclear tech, missiles: Report - Washington Times

China continues proliferation of nuclear tech, missiles: Report - Washington Times: China is continuing to sell dangerous nuclear technology and missiles around the world, mainly to North Korea and Iran, according to the Congressional Research Service.

A Closer Look at the ‘Uptick’ in Antisemitism

A Closer Look at the ‘Uptick’ in Antisemitism: The ADL is reporting a surge in antisemitic incidents. But confirming a spike in hate crimes is a notoriously difficult task.

Vaccine Mandate Unleashes a Mob in a Small Polish Town - The New York Times

Vaccine Mandate Unleashes a Mob in a Small Polish Town - The New York Times: The mayor of a former mining community in Poland received death threats and was compared to a Nazi death camp doctor after trying to make coronavirus shots obligatory for adults.

Latest Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Approved for High-Risk Patients - The New York Times

Latest Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Approved for High-Risk Patients - The New York Times: The drug, from GlaxoSmithKline and Vir, aims to keep those who have contracted the disease out of the hospital.

What the English Bishops Did for Pentecost - The Catholic Thing

What the English Bishops Did for Pentecost - The Catholic Thing: Anthony Esolen: Mass is the central thing. It is the moment atop Mount Tabor. It is the descent of the Holy Spirit in tongues of fire.

Diablo Canyon nuclear plant to invest in dry cask storage system

Diablo Canyon nuclear plant to invest in dry cask storage system: Diablo Canyon, California’s largest and last nuclear power plant, will discontinue its power operations beginning in 2024.

Can Nuclear Power Go Local? | Issues in Science and Technology

Can Nuclear Power Go Local? | Issues in Science and Technology: With origins in the Cold War, nuclear power struggles to reinvent itself as part of the future envisioned by progressives.

Russia in the Mediterranean: Here to Stay - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Russia in the Mediterranean: Here to Stay - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Russia is in the Mediterranean to stay. As long as the Kremlin remains locked in a tense standoff with NATO, it will aim to prevent the alliance from dominating the region.

Viewpoint: Recalibrating nuclear risk : Perspectives - World Nuclear News

Viewpoint: Recalibrating nuclear risk : Perspectives - World Nuclear News: Life is a risky business. We are exposed to an unending cascade of risks, with some deemed “worse” than others, writes John Lindberg of World Nuclear Association. Since the 1970s, a considerable amount of psychological research dedicated to understanding why we often ignore some of the statistically biggest risks (e.g. driving, smoking), whilst fearing some of the smallest (e.g. nuclear power), has concluded that factors such as emotions, mental imagery, and trust, are central to the way we assess risks. Few risks elicit as strong a response as radiation, especially when in connection with nuclear power, largely thanks to its invisibility, links with cancer, and media portrayals.

Why Biden’s Climate Agenda Is Falling Apart - Michael Shellenberger

Why Biden’s Climate Agenda Is Falling Apart - Michael Shellenberger: The reasons have more to do with physics than politics

Biden Details $1.52 Trillion Spending Proposal to Fund Discretionary Priorities - The New York Times

Biden Details $1.52 Trillion Spending Proposal to Fund Discretionary Priorities - The New York Times: The blueprint includes increases in funding to address climate change, along with beefing up education, health research and the Internal Revenue Service.

Israel: Expect fewer assassinations and less noise from Mossad's new leader | Middle East Eye

Israel: Expect fewer assassinations and less noise from Mossad's new leader | Middle East Eye: David Barnea has worked closely with Yossi Cohen on all of the spy agency's top ops since 2019, but that doesn't mean he'll inherit his penchant for PR and killings

Biden’s Asia czar Kurt Campbell says era of engagement with Xi's China is over, United States News & Top Stories - The Straits Times

Biden’s Asia czar Kurt Campbell says era of engagement with Xi's China is over, United States News & Top Stories - The Straits Times: Washington is also looking to convene an in-person Quad meeting in the face of Beijing's challenge.. Read more at

How To Sabotage The Pro-Palestine Movement – Caitlin Johnstone

How To Sabotage The Pro-Palestine Movement – Caitlin Johnstone: Listen to this article: The US-centralized power alliance is losing control of the Palestine narrative as awareness continues to spread of the injustice of Israeli apartheid, and it’s one of …

COVID: The Perfect Crime? - American Thinker

COVID: The Perfect Crime? - American Thinker: So, I am following the media (not just any media talking heads and writers, but Experts) telling viewers, listeners, and readers that “We need an investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic so we can know what happened and how to pr...

Lockheed Martin’s Woke-Industrial Complex | City Journal

Lockheed Martin’s Woke-Industrial Complex | City Journal: The nation’s largest defense contractor sends key executives on a mission to deconstruct their “white male privilege.”

Analysis: China loses Europe as Xi's hard-line diplomacy backfires - Nikkei Asia

Analysis: China loses Europe as Xi's hard-line diplomacy backfires - Nikkei Asia: Katsuji Nakazawa is a Tokyo-based senior staff writer and editorial writer at Nikkei. He spent seven years in China as a correspondent and later as Ch

Iran’s failure to explain uranium traces is ‘big problem’, says IAEA chief | Iran | The Guardian

Iran’s failure to explain uranium traces is ‘big problem’, says IAEA chief | Iran | The Guardian: UN nuclear inspectorate chief asks Tehran to ‘come clean’ about uranium found at three sites

Revisiting "Russiagate": If Trump was Putin's Asset, Why Did Obama Sign an NDAA that Enhanced Presidential Powers? ~

Revisiting "Russiagate": If Trump was Putin's Asset, Why Did Obama Sign an NDAA that Enhanced Presidential Powers? ~: Less than a month before leaving office, then President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which among other things vastly expan

Are Trump’s Scottish Golf Courses a Front for Money Laundering? | Vanity Fair

Are Trump’s Scottish Golf Courses a Front for Money Laundering? | Vanity Fair: The ex-president may soon be screwed across the pond, too.

Up to 8,700 patients died after catching Covid in English hospitals | Coronavirus | The Guardian

Up to 8,700 patients died after catching Covid in English hospitals | Coronavirus | The Guardian: Exclusive: official NHS data reveals 32,307 people contracted the virus while in hospital since March 2020

Incident SARS-CoV-2 Infection among mRNA-Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Nursing Home Residents | NEJM

Incident SARS-CoV-2 Infection among mRNA-Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Nursing Home Residents | NEJM: Correspondence from The New England Journal of Medicine — Incident SARS-CoV-2 Infection among mRNA-Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Nursing Home Residents

Rural Black communities lose a lifeline in the Covid-19 pandemic - STAT

Rural Black communities lose a lifeline in the Covid-19 pandemic - STAT: “I hate that it closed,” Latasha Taylor said. “That doesn’t make a lot of sense. Why would you close a hospital in the middle of a pandemic?”

Indian Covid-19 variant has spread to at least 53 territories worldwide, says WHO

Indian Covid-19 variant has spread to at least 53 territories worldwide, says WHO: The coronavirus variant first detected in India has now been officially recorded in 53 territories, a World Health Organization report showed Wednesday.

Chinese embassy in U.S. says politicising COVID-19 origins hampers investigations | Reuters

Chinese embassy in U.S. says politicising COVID-19 origins hampers investigations | Reuters: Politicising the origins of COVID-19 would hamper further investigationsand undermine global efforts to curb the pandemic, China's U.S. embassy said after President Joe Biden ordered a review of intelligence about where the virus emerged.

US joins calls for transparent, science-based investigation into Covid origins | Coronavirus | The Guardian

US joins calls for transparent, science-based investigation into Covid origins | Coronavirus | The Guardian: Several countries tell the WHO annual meeting that a new inquiry with new terms of reference must be launched

More than 30 countries could face oxygen crises similar to India amid COVID-19 surges | The Week

More than 30 countries could face oxygen crises similar to India amid COVID-19 surges | The Week

New Diagnostic Tool Predicts The Risk of Alzheimer's With Astonishing Accuracy of 90%

New Diagnostic Tool Predicts The Risk of Alzheimer's With Astonishing Accuracy of 90%: Scientists in Sweden have developed a simple and reliable tool for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease in its earliest stages. The prototype analyzes the results of a single blood test and three cognitive exams, which take only ten minutes to complete.

Prediction of future Alzheimer’s disease dementia using plasma phospho-tau combined with other accessible measures | Nature Medicine

Prediction of future Alzheimer’s disease dementia using plasma phospho-tau combined with other accessible measures | Nature Medicine: A combination of plasma phospho-tau (P-tau) and other accessible biomarkers might provide accurate prediction about the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia. We examined this in participants with subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment from the BioFINDER (n = 340) and Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) (n = 543) studies. Plasma P-tau, plasma Aβ42/Aβ40, plasma neurofilament light, APOE genotype, brief cognitive tests and an AD-specific magnetic resonance imaging measure were examined using progression to AD as outcome. Within 4 years, plasma P-tau217 predicted AD accurately (area under the curve (AUC) = 0.83) in BioFINDER. Combining plasma P-tau217, memory, executive function and APOE produced higher accuracy (AUC = 0.91, P < 0.001). In ADNI, this model had similar AUC (0.90) using plasma P-tau181 instead of P-tau217. The model was implemented online for prediction of the individual probability of progressing to AD. Within 2 and 6 years, similar models had AUCs of 0.90–0.91 in both cohorts. Using cerebrospinal fluid P-tau, Aβ42/Aβ40 and neurofilament light instead of plasma biomarkers did not improve the accuracy significantly. The

Chinese supply chains prove resilient to global shocks and pressure | East Asia Forum

Chinese supply chains prove resilient to global shocks and pressure | East Asia Forum: Stepping up international coordination is vital to prevent the balkanisation of regional economies.

Introducing: The Bunker

Introducing: The Bunker: Our newsletter, The Bunker, is a cheat sheet on what you need to know about the Defense Department, how we’re waging our wars, and how the Pentagon spends our taxpayer dollars.

Opinion | It’s time for children to finally get back to normal life - The Washington Post

Opinion | It’s time for children to finally get back to normal life - The Washington Post: Our children deserve to have their needs put first.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

A Liberal Zionist’s Move to the Left on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | The New Yorker

A Liberal Zionist’s Move to the Left on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | The New Yorker: Peter Beinart, once a staunch defender of Israel, is arguing for the Palestinians’ right to return.

PG&E resolves Kincade, Zogg wildfire civil claims for $43M | Seeking Alpha

PG&E resolves Kincade, Zogg wildfire civil claims for $43M | Seeking Alpha: PG&E <<PCG>> says it reached agreements to resolve wildfire civil claims held by 10 local public entities affected by the 2019 Kincade Fire in Sonoma County and the...

Nuclear Power - Can Advanced Technology Make this Baseload Power Source be the Lowest Cost, Low Carbon Solution? - Lexology

Nuclear Power - Can Advanced Technology Make this Baseload Power Source be the Lowest Cost, Low Carbon Solution? - Lexology: President Biden’s American Jobs Plan (“AJP”) seeks to assist the development of advanced nuclear power generation as part of a more general goal of…

Russia and Saudi Arabia prepare for joint manned space mission -statement | Reuters

Russia and Saudi Arabia prepare for joint manned space mission -statement | Reuters: Russia is training cosmonauts from Saudi Arabia as both countries are preparing for a joint manned space mission, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak was quoted as saying in a government statement on Tuesday.

Amazon buys MGM in a mega media deal - CNN

Amazon buys MGM in a mega media deal - CNN: James Bond, meet Jeff Bezos.

The ‘Missile Intifada’ Brings an Era Crashing Down — Strategic Culture

The ‘Missile Intifada’ Brings an Era Crashing Down — Strategic Culture: As Gaza quietens for now, the next phase to this war likely will centre around Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem and the 1948 Palestinian communities within Israel. The…

Biden team shut down inquiry to prove lab link to COVID: report

Biden team shut down inquiry to prove lab link to COVID: report: The Biden administration ended an inquiry into a possible connection between the origins of the novel coronavirus and a lab in Wuhan, a CNN report published Tuesday claims.

Exclusive: Biden looks abroad for electric vehicle metals, in blow to U.S. miners | Reuters

Exclusive: Biden looks abroad for electric vehicle metals, in blow to U.S. miners | Reuters: U.S. President Joe Biden will rely on ally countries to supply the bulk of the metals needed to build electric vehicles and focus on processing them domestically into battery parts, part of a strategy designed to placate environmentalists, two administration officials with direct knowledge told Reuters.

Nuclear techniques to monitor—and prevent—plastic pollution -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

Nuclear techniques to monitor—and prevent—plastic pollution -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire

90% of millennials and Gen-Z do not want to return to full-time office work post-pandemic | ZDNet

90% of millennials and Gen-Z do not want to return to full-time office work post-pandemic | ZDNet: A Citrix study found that corporations expect people born after 1981 to deliver an extra $1.9 trillion in profits.

St. Joseph’s Not-Untimely Death - The Catholic Thing

St. Joseph’s Not-Untimely Death - The Catholic Thing: Michael Pakaluk: St. Joseph died before Jesus? It was better for him to depart from the world before Jesus entered upon the public stage.

China: Cold war or hot peace? | Rana Mitter | The Critic Magazine

China: Cold war or hot peace? | Rana Mitter | The Critic Magazine: The culture clash between East and West is complicated by interdependence…

Is the Biden-Putin Summit Doomed? - Original

Is the Biden-Putin Summit Doomed? - Original: President Joe Biden’s advisers had best warn him that a shifting "world correlation of forces" (to borrow an old Soviet term) will form an - Ray McGovern for Original

Fr. Bob's Homily - Feast of Pentecost - Franciscan Friars of the Atonement

Fr. Bob's Homily - Feast of Pentecost - Franciscan Friars of the Atonement: This Feast of Pentecost is often called the birthday of the church. That is a good description, but there is a problem.  When most of us say “the church” we unconsciously think of the church as we know it now.

The Divisions That Are Destroying the Country - The New York Times

The Divisions That Are Destroying the Country - The New York Times: In “Divided We Fall,” David French warns that secession movements are a real possibility for the future.

California’s Far North Deplores ‘Tyranny’ of the Urban Majority - The New York Times

California’s Far North Deplores ‘Tyranny’ of the Urban Majority - The New York Times: Rural residents in the state’s northern reaches say they are underrepresented and politically alienated by a system that doesn’t have their interests in mind.

Why The World Still Needs Innovative Covid-19 Solutions Beyond Vaccines

Why The World Still Needs Innovative Covid-19 Solutions Beyond Vaccines: Covid-19 continues to ravage the world and the pace of vaccinations has stagnated. Non-vaccine innovations will be a critical tool to fight Covid-19 in the years ahead.

A method to assess Covid-19 transmission risks in indoor settings | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A method to assess Covid-19 transmission risks in indoor settings | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Two MIT professors have proposed a new approach to estimating the risks of exposure to Covid-19 under different indoor settings. The guideline they developed suggests a limit for exposure time, based on the number of people, the size of the space, the kinds of activity, whether masks are worn, and the ventilation and filtration rates.

A comprehensive map of the SARS-CoV-2 genome | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A comprehensive map of the SARS-CoV-2 genome | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT researchers generated what they describe as the most complete gene annotation of the SARS-CoV-2 genome. They confirmed several protein-coding genes and found a few others that had been suggested as genes do not code for any proteins.

Opinion | The Discrimination Palestinian Citizens of Israel Face - The New York Times

Opinion | The Discrimination Palestinian Citizens of Israel Face - The New York Times: Palestinians live under a racist system whose laws enshrine their second-class status.

Biden Tax Plan a Lose/Lose for American Families | RealClearPolicy

Biden Tax Plan a Lose/Lose for American Families | RealClearPolicy: Tax policy changes promoted by President Biden and Capitol Hill Democrats can be boiled down to a simple explanation for American families: You can support their liberal, oppressive government policie

Stop Trusting the Experts! | RealClearPolicy

Stop Trusting the Experts! | RealClearPolicy: Every now and then, I’m lucky enough to meet someone who “follows the science.” I count on such folks to teach me some science that I do not yet know. Being scientifically literate,

Israel Won the Post-9/11 Culture War. It's Losing Now.

Israel Won the Post-9/11 Culture War. It's Losing Now.: Defending the colonial project of occupation won’t work in a world where racial justice has gone mainstream.

The US, Canada and Mexico should collaborate on upskilling workers | TheHill

The US, Canada and Mexico should collaborate on upskilling workers | TheHill: The value of working with the United States’s two largest economic partners in this effort is as important as ever.

Jerusalem’s archbishop: Thank God for the cease-fire. But the everyday violence in the Holy Land continues. | America Magazine

Jerusalem’s archbishop: Thank God for the cease-fire. But the everyday violence in the Holy Land continues. | America Magazine: “Violence is also in the language, in the political decisions, in the conditions of life under which the Gaza population has been living many years.”

If You Thought Working From Home Was Messy, Here Comes Hybrid Work - WSJ

If You Thought Working From Home Was Messy, Here Comes Hybrid Work - WSJ: Mandatory Mondays and Fridays. Unused desks and crowded conference rooms. “Thursday’s the new Monday.” That’s what employers and workers are navigating as they return to offices.

Base American Renewal on More Than Just China-US Competition

Base American Renewal on More Than Just China-US Competition: Invocations of China as a summons to a restoration of American greatness have been coming fast and furious under President Joe Biden, who has also repeatedly wielded the specter of Chinese power to justify his policy priorities. What if this approach to formulating policy rationales was mostly wrong?

More Than 1.71 Billion Shots Given: Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker

More Than 1.71 Billion Shots Given: Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker: How many people have been vaccinated? In the U.S., 288 million doses administered, with 61.4 million doses in the U.K. and 21.4 million in Canada

Covid Is Airborne, Scientists Say. Now Authorities Think So, Too - Bloomberg

Covid Is Airborne, Scientists Say. Now Authorities Think So, Too - Bloomberg: A quiet revolution has permeated global health circles.

COVID-19: Lack of Transparency Risks Global Response – Consortiumnews

COVID-19: Lack of Transparency Risks Global Response – Consortiumnews: The Transparency International report reveals a pattern of poor transparency and a disturbing trend of governments censoring key details of their orders from drug companies. By Transparency International Global Health A lack of transparency in COVID-19 vaccine trials and secrecy over deals bet

What scientists know about new, fast-spreading coronavirus variants

What scientists know about new, fast-spreading coronavirus variants: Key questions remain about how quickly B.1.617 variants can spread, their potential to evade immunity and how they might affect the course of the pandemic.


METHYLENE BLUE FOR TREATMENT OF HOSPITALIZED COVID-19 PATIENTS: A RANDOMIZED, CONTROLLED, OPEN-LABEL CLINICAL TRIAL, PHASE 2 - PubMed: The addition of MB to the treatment protocols significantly improved SpO2 and respiratory distress in COVID-19 patients, which resulted in decreased hospital stay and mortality. NCT04370288.

On Being In, not Of, the World - The Catholic Thing

On Being In, not Of, the World - The Catholic Thing: David G. Bonagura, Jr.: Christ knew that this world would never be easy. So, He assured us victory, though we still must struggle through.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Maybe They're So Quiet About Chinese Solar And Russian Gas Because They’re So Heavily Invested In Them  - Michael Shellenberger

Maybe They're So Quiet About Chinese Solar And Russian Gas Because They’re So Heavily Invested In Them  - Michael Shellenberger: Greens Accept Millions From Natural Gas & Renewable Energy Interests

The Real Tragedy at Indian Point. The Greens get snared — and played — in… | by Will Bates | May, 2021 | Medium

The Real Tragedy at Indian Point. The Greens get snared — and played — in… | by Will Bates | May, 2021 | Medium: There was a brief moment when I could casually drop at Manhattan cocktail parties that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was my lawyer. Which wasn’t exactly true, of course, but close enough for cocktail…

America Dominant Again (in Arms Sales) -

America Dominant Again (in Arms Sales) - When it comes to trade in the tools of death and destruction, no one tops the United States of America. In April of this year, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) published its annual

I Gave Birth. The Most Dangerous Part Came After. - WSJ

I Gave Birth. The Most Dangerous Part Came After. - WSJ: Two weeks after delivering a healthy baby boy, a WSJ reporter found herself back in the hospital battling a life-threatening infection. Her experience shows the gaps in U.S. postpartum healthcare, doctors say.

The Wuhan Lab Leak Question: A Disused Chinese Mine Takes Center Stage - WSJ

The Wuhan Lab Leak Question: A Disused Chinese Mine Takes Center Stage - WSJ: That Covid escaped from a lab isn’t the predominant hypothesis for the pandemic’s origins, yet prominent scientists are calling for a deeper probe and clearer answers from Beijing.

How Newsom’s CA budget taxes rich to support working families | The Sacramento Bee

How Newsom’s CA budget taxes rich to support working families | The Sacramento Bee: Some in California’s progressive wing think the state should impose new taxes on the wealthy to fund a better social safety net for working families.

Black Lives Matter Sides With Hamas | RealClearPolicy

Black Lives Matter Sides With Hamas | RealClearPolicy: Well, that did not take long, did it? Black Lives Matter now formally sides with the Hamas terror war. They now have declared “solidarity with Palestinians,” and the BDS movement to Boycot

"I Don't Know of a Bigger Story in the World" Right Now Than Ivermectin: NY Times Best-Selling Author | naked capitalism So why are journalists not covering it?

"I Don't Know of a Bigger Story in the World" Right Now Than Ivermectin: NY Times Best-Selling Author | naked capitalism So why are journalists not covering it?: So why are journalists not covering it?

‘The Savage Punishment Of Gaza’: Israel’s Latest Assault On Palestine’s Open Prison – Media Lens

‘The Savage Punishment Of Gaza’: Israel’s Latest Assault On Palestine’s Open Prison – Media Lens: Recent media coverage of Israel and Palestine, not least by BBC News, has been full of the usual deceptive propaganda tropes: Israel is ‘responding’ or ‘reacting’ to Palestinian ‘provocation’ and ‘escalation’; Palestinian rockets ‘killed’ Israelis, but Palestinians ‘have died’ from unnamed causes; I

How to avoid a conflict in Belarus – Responsible Statecraft

How to avoid a conflict in Belarus – Responsible Statecraft: It might be temping to intervene, especially after a civilian plane was forced down to arrest a journalist, but this is not our fight.

India Variant Sparks Concern in U.S. - Bloomberg

India Variant Sparks Concern in U.S. - Bloomberg: Here’s the latest news from the global pandemic:

Severe Covid Is More Often Fatal in Africa Than in Other Regions - The New York Times

Severe Covid Is More Often Fatal in Africa Than in Other Regions - The New York Times: Inadequate treatment for critically ill patients contributed to higher death rates in Africa, compared to other parts of the world, a study found.

CDC is Investigating Heart Problems in a Few Young Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients - The New York Times

CDC is Investigating Heart Problems in a Few Young Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients - The New York Times: The agency is reviewing several dozen reports that teenagers and young adults may have developed myocarditis after vaccination, officials said. But the agency has not determined whether the vaccine caused the condition.

Afghanistan: George W. Bush's First Disastrous War | The American Conservative

Afghanistan: George W. Bush's First Disastrous War | The American Conservative: It was a misguided effort from the start, built on lies and false idealism, and it has left a bloody legacy.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Playing The China Card - NOEMA

Playing The China Card - NOEMA: Any effort to lean on the external threat of China as a basis for overcoming domestic divisions at home is unlikely to succeed and likely to harm U.S. interests at home and abroad.

Feet-of-Clay Icons › American Greatness

Feet-of-Clay Icons › American Greatness: Americans mostly have given up on familiar institutions for entertainment, guidance, or reassurance. What now do Hollywood, network news, the media in general…

These corporations broke the commitments they made after January 6 - Popular Information

These corporations broke the commitments they made after January 6 - Popular Information: It's been nearly five months since the attack on the United States Capitol. But in many respects, nothing has changed. None of the 147 Republicans who voted to overturn the election on January 6 — fueling the lie that motivated the attack — have expressed contrition or remorse. Several have attempted to

Is Africa Lost to Islamist Militants? - SpyTalk

Is Africa Lost to Islamist Militants? - SpyTalk: Trump withdrawals aided terror group gains. ‘The Sahel is lost,’ says former top Special Forces commander in Africa. Biden needs to pay attention.

Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent Darpa Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak, by Whitney Webb - The Unz Review

Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent Darpa Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak, by Whitney Webb - The Unz Review: DARPA recently spent millions on research involving bats and coronaviruses, as well as gene editing “bioweapons” prior to the recent coronavirus outbreak. Now, “strategic allies” of the agency have been chosen to develop a genetic material-based vaccine to halt the potential epidemic. WASHINGTON D.C. – In recent weeks, concern over the emergence of a novel coronavirus in China has grown exponentially as media, experts and government officials around the world have openly worried that this new disease has the potential to develop into a global pandemic. As concerns about the future of the ongoing outbreak have grown, so too have the

Fauci 'not convinced' COVID-19 developed naturally | Fox News

Fauci 'not convinced' COVID-19 developed naturally | Fox News: Dr. Anthony Fauci says he is "not convinced" COVID-19 developed naturally, and called for an open investigation into the virus' origins.

Is a divided Israel turning into Yugoslavia? - Opinion -

Is a divided Israel turning into Yugoslavia? - Opinion - It is said that after Napoleon conquered all of Europe and killed millions of soldiers, he noted that you can do anything with bayonets except sit on them. In more recent

China’s vaccination program goes into overdrive

China’s vaccination program goes into overdrive: China is set to vaccinate more than 20 million people per day, equivalent to delivering a dose to the entire vaccine-eligible population of Australia in 24 hours.

Nothing Has Made Me Feel More American Than Going to Jail | The Marshall Project

Nothing Has Made Me Feel More American Than Going to Jail | The Marshall Project: I was born in D.C. to South Indian parents. But it wasn’t until I had to negotiate the criminal justice system that I fully realized what many Americans of color have to deal with.

Iran says IAEA access to nuclear sites images has ended | Middle East News | Al Jazeera

Iran says IAEA access to nuclear sites images has ended | Middle East News | Al Jazeera: Three-month monitoring deal between Tehran and the UN nuclear watchdog expires, raising questions over talks.

COVID-19 Vaccine Politics Are Tearing Apart Families

COVID-19 Vaccine Politics Are Tearing Apart Families: Their loved ones turned anti-vaxx, then they turned on each other, making the left-right schism of the Trump years even more personal.

The day American justice died - UnHerd

The day American justice died - UnHerd: A year after George Floyd's death, the powerless have been abandoned

PG&E to sell San Francisco headquarters complex for $800M | Seeking Alpha

PG&E to sell San Francisco headquarters complex for $800M | Seeking Alpha: PG&E (PCG)and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PCG.PA)announce the sale ofSan Franciscoheadquarters complexto Hines Atlas USfor $800M

This Will Not End Well for Israel or the U.S. | opinions , columnists | The National Herald

This Will Not End Well for Israel or the U.S. | opinions , columnists | The National Herald: As of this writing nearly two hundred people have died in the violence consuming Israel and the Palestinian territories it occupies or – in the case of the Gaza Strip – it blockades. For the first time in twenty years the violence has now spread to set Israeli citizens, Jews, Muslims, and Christians, tearing at each other’s throats. - The National Herald

Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Debate on Covid-19 Origin - WSJ

Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Debate on Covid-19 Origin - WSJ: Three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick enough in November 2019 that they sought hospital care, according to a U.S. intelligence report, fueling debate over Covid-19’s origin.

Palestinian cause is again alive and kicking: ex-Lebanese diplomat - Tehran Times

Palestinian cause is again alive and kicking: ex-Lebanese diplomat - Tehran Times: TEHRAN – Noting that "Deal of the Century" was buried in the Sheikh Jarrah district, a former Lebanese ambassador to Chile, Poland, and Canada says that the Palestinian cause is again alive and kicking.

Collins notes 'fundamental differences' on Biden's infrastructure plan | TheHill

Collins notes 'fundamental differences' on Biden's infrastructure plan | TheHill: Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said on Sunday that Republicans and Democrats have “fundamental differences” when it comes to President Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan.

No Bridge in Sight for Biden Infrastructure Plan - WSJ

No Bridge in Sight for Biden Infrastructure Plan - WSJ: Democrats and Republicans are still far apart on the size and composition of an infrastructure bill and on the need for an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Irradiation resistant titanium and other uses of AM in the nuclear industry »

Irradiation resistant titanium and other uses of AM in the nuclear industry »: Since a 3D printed part was installed in the Krško nuclear power plant, AM in the nuclear industry has seen several new applications

Ex-general: Israel destroyed Gaza yet failed stop Hamas rockets – Middle East Monitor

Ex-general: Israel destroyed Gaza yet failed stop Hamas rockets – Middle East Monitor: Israeli warplanes destroyed the Gaza Strip during their latest aggression on the besieged enclave, but they failed to stop Hamas' rockets, Anadolu news agency reported Israeli army Ombudsman, Major-...

‘Diplomacy is a dangerous occupation’ — State Dept adds 71 names to memorial wall | Federal News Network

‘Diplomacy is a dangerous occupation’ — State Dept adds 71 names to memorial wall | Federal News Network: State Department and the American Foreign Service Association added 71 names of the fallen to a memorial in the lobby of the department’s headquarters.

OSHA’s New Guidance on Recordability of COVID-19 Vaccine Reactions

OSHA’s New Guidance on Recordability of COVID-19 Vaccine Reactions: he U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has answered a question that has been troubling employers since the pace of vaccinations started to accelerate: when must an employer recor

The Texas Mask Mystery | RealClearPolicy

The Texas Mask Mystery | RealClearPolicy: In early March, Texas became the first state to abolish its mask mandate and lift capacity constraints for all businesses. Conservatives hailed Governor Greg Abbott’s decision, while liberals pr

How China and Pakistan Negotiate - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

How China and Pakistan Negotiate - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Many observers view Pakistan as a test case for China’s assertive overseas expansion plans. But sometimes, it is Chinese players who have had to adapt to Islamabad’s realities.

Backed by police, Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa mosque compound for second day

Backed by police, Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa mosque compound for second day: Israeli settlers stormed the al-Aqsa mosque compound for the second day in a row, undermining efforts to maintain a ceasefire and revive the peace process between Palestinians and Israel.

Blowback: How Israel Went From Helping Create Hamas to Bombing It

Blowback: How Israel Went From Helping Create Hamas to Bombing It: Hamas wants to destroy Israel, right? But as Mehdi Hasan shows in a new video on blowback, Israeli officials admit they helped start the group.

A Biden Speech to Transform the Middle East -

A Biden Speech to Transform the Middle East - President Biden has a problem. He wishes to escape from the Middle East quagmire and focus American foreign policy on the perceived China threat. However, in the wake of the recent Israeli-Palestinian carnage, there is no escape. He must do something. But what? Doing the same thing yet again while hoping for a different result More

‘Woke’ Catholic Schools Offer Poison in Place of the Gospel| National Catholic Register

‘Woke’ Catholic Schools Offer Poison in Place of the Gospel| National Catholic Register: Far from supplementing Church teaching, critical race theory assaults it in three fundamental ways.

Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Debate on Covid-19 Origin - WSJ

Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Debate on Covid-19 Origin - WSJ: Three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology became sick enough in November 2019 that they sought hospital care, according to a U.S. intelligence report, fueling debate over Covid-19’s origin.

Multiple Researchers At Chinese Lab In Wuhan Were Hospitalized With COVID-19-Like Symptoms In November 2019: U.S. Intelligence Report | The Daily Wire

Multiple Researchers At Chinese Lab In Wuhan Were Hospitalized With COVID-19-Like Symptoms In November 2019: U.S. Intelligence Report | The Daily Wire: Three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) — China’s only Biosafety level-4 laboratory — were hospitalized in November 2019 with

Texas Senate Passes Legislation to Ban CRT from Public Schools - CatholicVote org

Texas Senate Passes Legislation to Ban CRT from Public Schools - CatholicVote org: CV NEWS FEED // The Texas Senate has passed legislation to ban Critical Race Theory (CRT) from public and charter schools in the Lone Star State.…

Groaning to Be Set Free - The Catholic Thing

Groaning to Be Set Free - The Catholic Thing: Fr. Thomas G. Weinandy: Michelangelo's “slaves” are sculpted parables. His figures seek liberation from stone as we seek freedom in Christ.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Why is Pentecost called the birthday of the Church?

Why is Pentecost called the birthday of the Church?: Pentecost is known as the "birthday" of the Catholic Church, as it marks the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles.

CPUC Proposes Adding 11.5 GW of New Resources

CPUC Proposes Adding 11.5 GW of New Resources: The CPUC proposed requiring electric providers to procure 11.5 GW of new resources between 2023 and 2026 to meet the state’s reliability needs.

COVID-19: Leaked Chinese document reveals a sinister plan to ‘unleash’ coronaviruses

COVID-19: Leaked Chinese document reveals a sinister plan to ‘unleash’ coronaviruses: A document written by Chinese scientists and Chinese public health officials in 2015 discussed the weaponisation of SARS coronavirus, reveals the Weekend Australian.

China und Russland: Die Annäherung hat Folgen für den Westen

China und Russland: Die Annäherung hat Folgen für den Westen: Der Aufstieg Chinas zwingt die USA, ihren Fokus auf Ostasien zu richten. Dadurch bleiben weniger Ressourcen für die europäische Sicherheit übrig. Ein Schreckensszenario für die USA wäre ein Zweifrontenkrieg mit China und Russland gleichzeitig.

Are The Risks Of Nuclear Energy Overblown? |

Are The Risks Of Nuclear Energy Overblown? | Nuclear energy often gets a bad wrap, but with technology and safety protocols continuing to become more sophisticated, the potential risks may be overblown

(1) World stands with Palestine - YouTube

(1) World stands with Palestine - YouTube: Huge numbers of people all over the globe have been protesting in solidarity with Palestinians this month as Israel intensified its killing campaign in the G...

Former CIA Director: We Were Surprised by Arab Spring - SpyTalk

Former CIA Director: We Were Surprised by Arab Spring - SpyTalk: Leon Panetta says CIA was caught flat-footed and didn’t ‘really understand what was going on’

On Pentecost, Pope Francis calls on the church to reject ideologies of ‘conservatives and progressives, right and left’ | America Magazine

On Pentecost, Pope Francis calls on the church to reject ideologies of ‘conservatives and progressives, right and left’ | America Magazine: Pope Francis identified three suggestions that are typical of the Holy Spirit: Live in the present. Look to the whole. Put God before yourself.

Risk of Nuclear War Over Taiwan in 1958 Said to Be Greater Than Publicly Known - The New York Times

Risk of Nuclear War Over Taiwan in 1958 Said to Be Greater Than Publicly Known - The New York Times: The famed source of the Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg, has made another unauthorized disclosure — and wants to be prosecuted for it.

POPE FRANCIS HOMILY FOR PENTECOST 2021 - Catholics Striving For Holiness


(1) What “Unity in Diversity” Actually Means — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon - YouTube

(1) What “Unity in Diversity” Actually Means — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon - YouTube: Friends, we come today to the marvelous feast of Pentecost, a celebration of the Holy Spirit, the Church, and evangelical preaching. Pentecost reverses the c...

Employers May Be Held Liable for 'Any Adverse Reaction' if They

Employers May Be Held Liable for 'Any Adverse Reaction' if They: New OSHA guidance holds employers liable for adverse reactions if they require employees be vaccinated for COVID as a condition of employment, which could negatively impact the employer’s safety rating

How to deal with sadness, guided by St. Thomas Aquinas

How to deal with sadness, guided by St. Thomas Aquinas: The saints can guide us in dealing with difficult emotions and turning to God in moments of distress. The saints can guide us in dealing with difficult emotions and turning to God in moments of distress.

Coronavirus | Aerosols can travel up to 10m; ventilation is the key, says government - The Hindu

Coronavirus | Aerosols can travel up to 10m; ventilation is the key, says government - The Hindu: Ventilation is a community defence that protects all, it points out

An Extra Pair of Hands by Kate Mosse review – the dignity of care | Society books | The Guardian

An Extra Pair of Hands by Kate Mosse review – the dignity of care | Society books | The Guardian: Looking after the elderly is a feminist issue, but this moving and unusual memoir also speaks of the pleasure and privilege that leaven the heavy burden of care

A favored phrase in diplomacy rings hollow - The Boston Globe

A favored phrase in diplomacy rings hollow - The Boston Globe: The United States and our allies tout the ‘rules-based international order’ — but who’s making the rules?

U.S. CDC looking into heart inflammation in some young vaccine recipients | Reuters

U.S. CDC looking into heart inflammation in some young vaccine recipients | Reuters: Some teenagers and young adults who received COVID-19 vaccines experienced heart inflammation, a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory group said, recommending further study of the rare condition.

Life Under Occupation: The Misery at the Heart of the Israel-Gaza Conflict - The New York Times

Life Under Occupation: The Misery at the Heart of the Israel-Gaza Conflict - The New York Times: An eviction in East Jerusalem lies at the center of a conflict that led to war between Israel and Hamas. But for millions of Palestinians, the routine indignities of occupation are part of daily life.

Study: 80% of hospital COVID-19 patients have neurologic complications | CIDRAP

Study: 80% of hospital COVID-19 patients have neurologic complications | CIDRAP: Half of the patients had altered brain function or structure, and almost 1 in 5 were in a coma.

The New Babel and the New Pentecost - The Catholic Thing

The New Babel and the New Pentecost - The Catholic Thing: Fr. Paul D. Scalia: The lesson of Babel: it is human pride that has produced confusion and division in the world. The solution is Pentecost.