Sunday, February 28, 2021
China gains momentum in race to overtake US economy - Nikkei Asia
China gains momentum in race to overtake US economy - Nikkei Asia: BEIJING -- China's economy surged closer to its American rival last year, achieving nominal gross domestic product of $14.73 trillion -- mor
Bill Gates: The Best Investment I’ve Ever Made - WSJ
Bill Gates: The Best Investment I’ve Ever Made - WSJ: Global-health groups that buy and distribute medicines are a sure bet for saving lives, but their government funding is now in danger, and even the biggest philanthropies can’t fill the gap.
America Goes to War -
America Goes to War - “Are you okay?” asked a friend and military spouse in the voicemail she left me on the afternoon the mob of Trump supporters breached the Capitol so violently. At home with a new baby, her
Moses, Elijah, and Jesus: Why are they all together at the Transfiguration?
Moses, Elijah, and Jesus: Why are they all together at the Transfiguration?: The Transfiguration, the singular event in which Jesus appears radiant in glory upon the mountain, accompanied by Moses and Elijah, is minutely described in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), mentioned in the second Epistle of Peter and, according to some, discreetly alluded to in John’s Gospel (“We have seen his glory, the glory Read More…
5 Theological truths to see in the Transfigured Christ
5 Theological truths to see in the Transfigured Christ: A theophany is a revelation of God to man, when God makes himself plainly known. As examples, we might think of Moses’ discovery of the burning bush or Paul’s encounter with God on the road to Damascus. The Transfiguration is one such event, when the disciples see the glory of the Lord. But what did Read More…
EXPLOSIVE UPDATE! Top WHO Official Caught on Video in December 2019 Revealing Coronavirus Manipulation at Wuhan Lab Before Pandemic (VIDEO)
EXPLOSIVE UPDATE! Top WHO Official Caught on Video in December 2019 Revealing Coronavirus Manipulation at Wuhan Lab Before Pandemic (VIDEO): For nearly a year now The Gateway Pundit has been reporting evidence that the COVID-19 Virus originated in a Wuhan, China laboratory. Our first report was back on April 9, 2020 when we confirmed Dr. Shi Zhengli ran the coronavirus program at the Wuhan lab AFTER her program was shut down in the US due to…
HUGE EXCLUSIVE: US Dr. Ralph Baric Was Reviewing Moderna and Dr. Fauci's Coronavirus Vaccine in December 2019! -- What's Going On?
HUGE EXCLUSIVE: US Dr. Ralph Baric Was Reviewing Moderna and Dr. Fauci's Coronavirus Vaccine in December 2019! -- What's Going On?: When did Doctors Fauci and Baric find out about the China coronavirus leak in Wuhan and how did they know it? Why was the US investigating the coronavirus vaccine before the Western world even knew about it? On April 9, 2020, we were the first media outlet to report on major events leading up to…
'The Mueller Investigation' Documentary: Frontline | Video | RealClearInvestigations
'The Mueller Investigation' Documentary: Frontline | Video | RealClearInvestigations: With the Mueller report complete, FRONTLINE’s “The Mueller Investigation,” tells the inside story of how we arrived at this moment. The PBS film goes inside President Trump's confrontations with the Department of Justice and the FBI in the early days of the Russia investigation.
The F-35’s Trillion Dollar Cost – How Did It Happen? | RealClearDefense
The F-35’s Trillion Dollar Cost – How Did It Happen? | RealClearDefense: Here come the nerds! Johns Hopkins University, Carnegie Mellon University, and Georgia Tech are working together to debug the balky software of the F-35, now the costliest weapons system in military h
Arab Region, Pakistan Show Support For Saudi Arabia Over US Khashoggi Report - Eurasia Review
Arab Region, Pakistan Show Support For Saudi Arabia Over US Khashoggi Report - Eurasia Review: Arab countries and organizations expressed their support on Saturday for a statement released by Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry. The statement concerned
An Unregulated Facebook is a Foreign Policy Quagmire - Inkstick
An Unregulated Facebook is a Foreign Policy Quagmire - Inkstick: On February 18, Facebook followed through on its threat to suspend major news outlets’ content from timelines in Australia, protesting a new digital platforms
This May Be Most Dangerous COVID-19 Variant, Experts Say – 24/7 Wall St.
This May Be Most Dangerous COVID-19 Variant, Experts Say – 24/7 Wall St.: The spread of COVID-19 across the U.S. has slowed. Confirmed cases, which were rising at the rate of over 200,000 a day less than two months ago, currently rise at less than 100,000. Nevertheless, the U.S. has 28,761,741 confirmed cases, about 25% of the world’s total. Deaths, which were rising by over 4,000 a day […]
Even by Pentagon terms, this was a dud: The disastrous saga of the F-35 |
Even by Pentagon terms, this was a dud: The disastrous saga of the F-35 | The military-industrial complex spent $2 trillion building a "flying Swiss Army knife." Now it's been shelved
Black Lives Matter: Where are the Black clergy? | Black Lives Matter News | Al Jazeera
Black Lives Matter: Where are the Black clergy? | Black Lives Matter News | Al Jazeera: They were the leaders of the US Civil Rights era, but what role do Black clergy play in today’s BLM movement?
The Legal (and Strategic) Grounds for Biden’s Syria Strikes
The Legal (and Strategic) Grounds for Biden’s Syria Strikes: Congress still hasn’t authorized military action in Syria, but in the long term, the impact of President Biden’s strikes on his Iran strategy may be more consequential than the debate they’ve renewed over executive war powers.
Ventilation ‘the biggest risk’ after Perth hotel quarantine report finds virus likely airborne
Ventilation ‘the biggest risk’ after Perth hotel quarantine report finds virus likely airborne: As a result of the investigation into Case 903’s infection, WA authorities will install air filters in the rooms of infected returning travellers and require hotel staff to wear masks and eye wear.
E-mail Is Making Us Miserable | The New Yorker
E-mail Is Making Us Miserable | The New Yorker: In an attempt to work more effectively, we’ve accidentally deployed an inhumane way to collaborate.
GoLocalProv | Groundbreaking Nanotech by RI Company Neutralizes 100% of Coronavirus in Under 1 Minute, Finds Brown
GoLocalProv | Groundbreaking Nanotech by RI Company Neutralizes 100% of Coronavirus in Under 1 Minute, Finds Brown: Graphene Composites (GC), a leading, global nano-materials engineering company with operations in Rhode Island, has announced that independent testing by Brown University has shown its new technology to be 100 percent effective at neutralizing coronavirus
Is the U.S. Going the Way of Afghanistan? – AIER
Is the U.S. Going the Way of Afghanistan? – AIER: "When the Supreme Court voted last week not to hear cases challenging arbitrary changes in state election procedures, Justice Clarence Thomas dissented, 'The decision to leave election law hidden beneath a shroud of doubt is baffling. By doing nothing, we invite further confusion and erosion of...
Israel’s vaccine apartheid is a violation of international law – Middle East Monitor
Israel’s vaccine apartheid is a violation of international law – Middle East Monitor: The propagandists are having an increasingly hard time explaining Israel's vaccine apartheid. Broadly speaking, there are about six million Israeli Jews and 6.5 million Palestinian Arabs (mostly ...
Set Apart - The Catholic Thing
Set Apart - The Catholic Thing: Fr. Paul D. Scalia: By our Lenten mortifications and acts of self-denial we separate ourselves and declare our independence from the world.
The Hardest Choice You’ll Ever Have to Make — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon - YouTube
The Hardest Choice You’ll Ever Have to Make — Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon - YouTube: Friends, in our first reading today, we find ourselves face-to-face with an awful story which seems to harshly juxtapose God’s loving nature with an appallin...
10 Things you should know about the Bible
10 Things you should know about the Bible: There are many things to know about the Bible and how it developed.
10 Things you should know about the Catholic Mass
10 Things you should know about the Catholic Mass: Here are 10 common practices that are featured in the Catholic Mass and what they symbolize.
Saturday, February 27, 2021
U.S. to Impose Sweeping Rule Aimed at China Technology Threats - WSJ
U.S. to Impose Sweeping Rule Aimed at China Technology Threats - WSJ: The rule enables the Commerce Department to ban technology-related business transactions that it determines pose a national security threat, part of an effort to secure U.S. supply chains.
CA Democrat wants RFK Jr. removed from Facebook, Twitter | The Sacramento Bee
CA Democrat wants RFK Jr. removed from Facebook, Twitter | The Sacramento Bee: The social media giants need to help “curtail the influence of anti-vaxxer information online,” says Sen. Richard Pan.
500,000 US Covid-19 deaths, explained in 8 charts and maps
500,000 US Covid-19 deaths, explained in 8 charts and maps: The virus was unsparing.
American Gulag -
American Gulag - The U.S. tops any other country in the world for its number of prisoners – over 2,300,000. China, by contrast, has roughly 200,000 prisoners. But the U.S. general population is only 330 million, while China’s is 1.4 billion. American prisoners constitute a much larger percentage of the population than those in any other nation. The More
CPAC puts a bullseye on China - POLITICO
CPAC puts a bullseye on China - POLITICO: GOP hopefuls are already hammering the line that Biden is “soft-on-China.”
Can vaccinated people still spread the coronavirus?
Can vaccinated people still spread the coronavirus?: You've been vaccinated; can you now safely see your friends and family? New research hints that vaccinated people may be less likely to transmit the coronavirus, but they are not 100% in the clear.
'Equality Act' Viciously Attacks Christians, Freedom, Society, Sex, And You
'Equality Act' Viciously Attacks Christians, Freedom, Society, Sex, And You: According to the Equality Act, religious nurses, doctors, and hospitals unwilling to kill an unborn child could be legally discriminating.
The political effort to limit free speech attacks our own values | TheHill
The political effort to limit free speech attacks our own values | TheHill: The hatred has to end but not at this cost.
Biden’s big COVID-19 aid package: What’s in the bill? -
Biden’s big COVID-19 aid package: What’s in the bill? - The U.S. coronavirus relief bill is massive and moving through Congress on party-line votes. Stimulus payments and public health are just the start.
How Donald Trump is building a political operation to cement his hold on the GOP - The Washington Post
How Donald Trump is building a political operation to cement his hold on the GOP - The Washington Post: In advance of his first major post-White House address, Trump is making plans to launch a super PAC, has begun endorsing candidates and is plotting a possible 2024 comeback.
Censorship ‘the Biggest Problem’ Republicans Face Right Now: Rep. Nunes
Censorship ‘the Biggest Problem’ Republicans Face Right Now: Rep. Nunes: Censorship of people by Big Tech is "probably the the biggest problem that we face right now in this country, as a party," Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said.
‘We need to extricate from the Middle East, not escalate’: Dem lawmakers question Syria air strike – Mondoweiss
‘We need to extricate from the Middle East, not escalate’: Dem lawmakers question Syria air strike – Mondoweiss: Biden is 7th president to order strikes in Middle East. Rep. Ro Khanna: “I spoke against endless war with Trump. I will speak out when we have a Democrat.”
Immunizing the World: Can We Do It? - The Globalist
Immunizing the World: Can We Do It? - The Globalist: Global governance on immunization against COVID 19 has failed quite badly so far. The West will experience a blowback.
The National Academies Press: The Future of Electric Power in the United States (2021) | Energy Central
The National Academies Press: The Future of Electric Power in the United States (2021) | Energy Central: I'm just starting my review of this text, but it looks promising based on several people I recognize from the committee and list of reviewers. I'll have more to say in a couple of days about this 352 page textbook.
US exceptionalism surges again. Will it fly? - Indian Punchline
US exceptionalism surges again. Will it fly? - Indian Punchline: Poverty is the ultimate denial of human rights In a statement marking the “return” of the United States to the United Nations Human Rights Council on Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken disclosed that the Biden Administration is placing democracy and human rights at the centre of American foreign policy. The cat is out of … Continue reading "US exceptionalism surges again. Will it fly?"
Review: Church politics can be challenging, but there are blessings in belonging. | America Magazine
Review: Church politics can be challenging, but there are blessings in belonging. | America Magazine: Frank J. Butler's new memoir details a life of devoted service in the Catholic Church in the United States over many decades.
The Secret Life of the White House | The New Yorker
The Secret Life of the White House | The New Yorker: The residence staff, many of whom have worked there for decades, balance their service of the First Family with their long-term loyalty to the house itself.
SCOTUS Order Quashes California Effort to Restrict Worship – CatholicVote org
SCOTUS Order Quashes California Effort to Restrict Worship – CatholicVote org: CV NEWS FEED // A Supreme Court order issued Friday reiterated that houses of worship in the State of California are free to gather at 25%…
House Passes COVID Relief Bill Without Pro-Life Protections – CatholicVote org
House Passes COVID Relief Bill Without Pro-Life Protections – CatholicVote org: CV NEWS FEED // The House passed a new COVID relief bill early Saturday morning. The legislation was scrubbed of protections for the unborn found in…
The Biden Administration Bombed Syria Before Raising the Minimum Wage
The Biden Administration Bombed Syria Before Raising the Minimum Wage: Yesterday, we were treated to a telling contrast: Joe Biden bombed Syria without congressional authorization, and then refused to lift a finger when the Senate parliamentarian slapped down a minimum wage increase. It’s a pathetic reflection of Biden’s twisted priorities.
Nintil - US Federal R&D spending decline: a breakdown
Nintil - US Federal R&D spending decline: a breakdown: The internet's best blog!
Republicans roll out “tidal wave of voter suppression”: 253 restrictive bills in 43 states |
Republicans roll out “tidal wave of voter suppression”: 253 restrictive bills in 43 states | GOP is using Trump’s “big lie” to push a historic “contraction of voting rights," says Democratic lawyer Marc Elias
Biden Says US Stands With Ukraine, Will Never Recognize Crimea Annexation - Eurasia Review
Biden Says US Stands With Ukraine, Will Never Recognize Crimea Annexation - Eurasia Review: (RFE/RL) -- U.S. President Joe Biden said the United States will continue to back Ukraine against Russian aggression and will never recognize the
The Great Reset: Is Bill Gates TOO Powerful? - YouTube
The Great Reset: Is Bill Gates TOO Powerful? - YouTube: Bill Gates has been buying up 242,000 acres of farmland across the U.S. — enough to make him the top private farmland owner in America. With other billionair...
Arrests of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children at Southern Border Surge - WSJ
Arrests of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children at Southern Border Surge - WSJ: The number of unaccompanied immigrant children arrested for crossing the U.S. southern border illegally is on pace to rise more than 50% in February compared with the previous month, people familiar with the matter said, raising the prospect of a humanitarian crisis there.
“The Money Is Too Good to Pass Up”: Wall Street Isn’t Letting Jamal Khashoggi’s Killing Get in the Way of Saudi Business | Vanity Fair
“The Money Is Too Good to Pass Up”: Wall Street Isn’t Letting Jamal Khashoggi’s Killing Get in the Way of Saudi Business | Vanity Fair: CEOs flocked to last month’s “Davos in the Desert” and surely won’t let this week’s release of intelligence directly linking MBS to the journalist’s murder slow down the Saudi-Wall Street gravy train. Such “cognitive dissonance,” says the producer of documentary The Dissident, “is based entirely on mountains of cash, mountains of greed.”
US Bombs Syria And Ridiculously Claims Self Defense – Caitlin Johnstone
US Bombs Syria And Ridiculously Claims Self Defense – Caitlin Johnstone: On orders of President Biden, the United States has launched an airstrike on a facility in Syria. As of this writing the exact number of killed and injured is unknown, with early reports claiming &…
Biden Won’t Penalize Saudi Crown Prince Over Khashoggi’s Killing, Fearing Relations Breach - The New York Times
Biden Won’t Penalize Saudi Crown Prince Over Khashoggi’s Killing, Fearing Relations Breach - The New York Times: The decision will disappoint the human rights community and members of his own party who complained during the Trump administration that the U.S. was failing to hold Mohammed bin Salman accountable.
Accountability for the Murder of Jamal Khashoggi - United States Department of State
Accountability for the Murder of Jamal Khashoggi - United States Department of State: In October 2018, the world was horrified by the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a lawful permanent resident of the United States, in the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. Individuals should be able to exercise their human rights and fundamental freedoms without fear of government retribution, retaliation, punishment, or harm. Jamal Khashoggi paid with […]
The wave of covid bankruptcies has begun
The wave of covid bankruptcies has begun: Experts warn that because bankruptcies lag other signals of economic distress, a mountain of filings may be to come. New data show what industries might be most at risk.
Falling sperm counts 'threaten human survival', expert warns | US news | The Guardian
Falling sperm counts 'threaten human survival', expert warns | US news | The Guardian: Epidemiologist Shanna Swan says low counts and changes to sexual development could endanger human species
Moderna, Inc. (MRNA), (BNTX) - Moderna Misses Expectations But Remains Optimistic For Future Vaccine Rollout | Benzinga
Moderna, Inc. (MRNA), (BNTX) - Moderna Misses Expectations But Remains Optimistic For Future Vaccine Rollout | Benzinga: Moderna (NASDAQ: MRNA) saw its stock jump on Thursday despite mounting losses, after the COVID-19 vaccine-maker reported more than double the revenue Wall ...
What An Expert On Near-Death Experiences Learned From 1,000+ Cases
What An Expert On Near-Death Experiences Learned From 1,000+ Cases: Bruce Greyson, M.D., identifies the most common patterns of near-death experiences and what you can take away from those who visit the other side.
Two-thirds of COVID-19 hospitalizations are due to these 4 health problems
Two-thirds of COVID-19 hospitalizations are due to these 4 health problems: In a new study, researchers found a majority of adult COVID-19 hospitalizations nationwide are attributable to at least one of four pre-existing conditions: obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart failure, in that order. The research was conducted by a team at Tufts University. In the study, the team used a mathematical simulation to estimate […]
Why Did Boston Hospitals Briefly Stop Receiving Vaccine Doses?
Why Did Boston Hospitals Briefly Stop Receiving Vaccine Doses?: The low supply of the coronavirus vaccine has forced states to make tough choices. But stopping Boston hospitals from distributing it was a strange choice.
Xavier Becerra: Catholic Hitman - The Catholic Thing
Xavier Becerra: Catholic Hitman - The Catholic Thing: Robert Royal: Biden’s pick for HHS will attack Catholics via cutting-edge "progressive" battles on abortion, LGBT+, and transgender rights.
Amazon Under Fire For Blocking An Anti-Transgender Book – JONATHAN TURLEY
Amazon Under Fire For Blocking An Anti-Transgender Book – JONATHAN TURLEY: We often discuss the deafening silence of professors and writers in the face of campaigns to cancel or censor conservative writers. Indeed, many have supported blacklisting and censorship. That disturbing silence is evident this week after Amazon appeared to deplatform Ryan Anderson and his best-selling book, “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement.” …
New data shed light on efficacy of J&J’s single-dose Covid vaccine
New data shed light on efficacy of J&J’s single-dose Covid vaccine: The company revealed new, encouraging data showing the vaccine may do a better-than-expected job at protecting patients against new variants.
America’s Excessive Government Spending Must Stop by George P. Shultz, John F. Cogan and John B. Taylor - Project Syndicate
America’s Excessive Government Spending Must Stop by George P. Shultz, John F. Cogan and John B. Taylor - Project Syndicate: Before his death on February 6, George P. Shultz, a former US Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of State, co-authored a final commentary warning of the dangers posed by the vast increase in US government spending in recent years, including during the COVID-19 crisis.
Amazon Prime Stops Streaming Clarence Thomas Documentary During Black History Month
Amazon Prime Stops Streaming Clarence Thomas Documentary During Black History Month: Amazon Prime dropped Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words, making it unavailable to stream during Black History Month.
How Will We Dress Post-COVID Now That Comfort Is In?
How Will We Dress Post-COVID Now That Comfort Is In?: There is a lot of chat about the future of work: Will we do it at home, or will we revert to commuting to the old traditional workplace? But there is an additional, different question: What will we…
Friday, February 26, 2021
10 Symbols used in Christian art and their meaning
10 Symbols used in Christian art and their meaning: Whenever you walk into a Catholic Church, you may notice various types of artwork on the walls or stained glass windows. These pieces of artwork were carefully crafted not only to be beautiful, but also to communicate divine truths. Here are 10 such symbols and their spiritual meaning. The symbolism behind Mary’s Immaculate Heart Why Read More…
St. Joseph in art: An enigmatic and elusive figure
St. Joseph in art: An enigmatic and elusive figure: St. Joseph is a fixture in Catholic art and spirituality. Not only is he patron of the universal church, but from real estate to soul mates, young and old invoke Joseph in a steady stream of prayers and litanies. This was, however, not always the case – Joseph spent many a century waiting in the Read More…
Concerns over coronavirus variants addressed during Congressional briefing
Concerns over coronavirus variants addressed during Congressional briefing: As the U.S. continues to grapple with the pandemic, there are growing concerns about the risks posed by variants of SARS-CoV-2 - the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Recent data have shown that at least one SARS-CoV-2 variant is more transmissible than the original, and there are questions as to whether any variants could be more deadly. The main way to detect emerging variants is to perform widespread genome sequencing, but the sequencing infrastructure in the U.S. is struggling to keep up with demand.
Why the US needs to get out of Syria: Biden orders Bombing that kills 17 in Proxy dance with Iran
Why the US needs to get out of Syria: Biden orders Bombing that kills 17 in Proxy dance with Iran: Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) - Al-Quds al-`Arabi ' reports that at least seventeen fighters were killed in U.S. air strikes on Thursday night on small bases on the Syrian border with Iraq. The bases south of Al-Bu-Kamal belong to the Brigades of the Party of God and the Brigades of the Prince of Martyrs, Iraqi Shiite militias that are linked to Iran. They are being used in part to prevent ISIL terrorists from going back and forth between eastern Syria and northern Iraq. The paper depended on Rami Abdelrahman, who runs the networked Syrian Observatory from the UK. The Observatory
Why the US needs to get out of Syria: Biden orders Bombing that kills 17 in Proxy dance with Iran
Why the US needs to get out of Syria: Biden orders Bombing that kills 17 in Proxy dance with Iran: Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) - Al-Quds al-`Arabi ' reports that at least seventeen fighters were killed in U.S. air strikes on Thursday night on small bases on the Syrian border with Iraq. The bases south of Al-Bu-Kamal belong to the Brigades of the Party of God and the Brigades of the Prince of Martyrs, Iraqi Shiite militias that are linked to Iran. They are being used in part to prevent ISIL terrorists from going back and forth between eastern Syria and northern Iraq. The paper depended on Rami Abdelrahman, who runs the networked Syrian Observatory from the UK. The Observatory
An Endless Summer: How COVID Has Reversed Academic Achievement | PolicyEd
An Endless Summer: How COVID Has Reversed Academic Achievement | PolicyEd: The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on education has been severe, accelerating the learning losses typically seen over summer breaks. The sad reality is that the shutdowns have had an unequal effect on students. While most students have experienced a learning decay, the impact has been more severe among disadvantaged children. Discussion Questions What do you see as the
The Long-Term Economic Costs of Lost Schooling - WSJ
The Long-Term Economic Costs of Lost Schooling - WSJ: Students who are falling behind now because of Covid restrictions may never catch up in their skills, job prospects and income.
“Not All TV News Sources Are The Same”: Congress And The Slippery Slope Of Censorship – JONATHAN TURLEY
“Not All TV News Sources Are The Same”: Congress And The Slippery Slope Of Censorship – JONATHAN TURLEY: Below is my column in the Hill on yesterday's hearing on possible private and public limitations on free speech and the free press, including a letter from Democratic members asking companies why they do not remove Fox News and networks from cable. I recently responded to comments made by Rep. Anna Eshoo in the hearing. …
First US military action under Biden draws criticism | Middle East News | Al Jazeera
First US military action under Biden draws criticism | Middle East News | Al Jazeera: Biden’s approval of US raid in Syria targeting facilities used by Iranian-backed militias criticised in the Middle East.
The Many Flaws of U.S. Nuclear Policy | The Libertarian Institute
The Many Flaws of U.S. Nuclear Policy | The Libertarian Institute: The threat of “nuclear proliferation” remains one of the great catch-all reasons—the other being “humanitarian” intervention—given for why the U.S. regime and its allies ought to be given unlimited power to invade foreign states and impose sanctions at any given time. We saw this at work during the run-up to the…
What’s in Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 Vaccine? | by Jesse Smith | Feb, 2021 | Medium Coronavirus Blog
What’s in Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 Vaccine? | by Jesse Smith | Feb, 2021 | Medium Coronavirus Blog: A third contender vaccine contender is showing promising protection against Covid-19. Let's take a look at what is in the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Biden's National Security 'Review' Should Bring Troops Home, Not Extend Forever Wars
Biden's National Security 'Review' Should Bring Troops Home, Not Extend Forever Wars: Orders to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria should closely follow the conclusion of Biden’s review. It is the will of the American people.
All Risk, No Reward: The Perils and Absurdity of Iraq War 4.0 - Original
All Risk, No Reward: The Perils and Absurdity of Iraq War 4.0 - Original: Secretary of State Anthony Blinken might have been "outraged" by a rocket attack on a U.S. base in northern Iraq – that killed a foreign contractor - Maj. Danny Sjursen, USA (ret.) for Original
Why Black and Hispanic Small-Business Owners Have Been So Badly Hit in the Pandemic Recession | naked capitalism
Why Black and Hispanic Small-Business Owners Have Been So Badly Hit in the Pandemic Recession | naked capitalism: Another setback for minority communities: their business owners have taken disproportionate hits in the pandemic.
America Needs New Infrastructure to Survive, But Will Biden Deliver? | naked capitalism
America Needs New Infrastructure to Survive, But Will Biden Deliver? | naked capitalism: What will come of Biden's grand infrastructure plans? And will they be as green as he promised?
Eviction Moratorium Deemed Unconstitutional by Federal Judge in Texas | naked capitalism
Eviction Moratorium Deemed Unconstitutional by Federal Judge in Texas | naked capitalism: The Trump and Biden stimulus on the cheap, of having landlords support income-starved renters in lieu of subsidies, is now in trouble.
“Not All TV News Sources Are The Same”: Congress And The Slippery Slope Of Censorship – JONATHAN TURLEY
“Not All TV News Sources Are The Same”: Congress And The Slippery Slope Of Censorship – JONATHAN TURLEY: Below is my column in the Hill on yesterday's hearing on possible private and public limitations on free speech and the free press, including a letter from Democratic members asking companies why they do not remove Fox News and networks from cable. I recently responded to comments made by Rep. Anna Eshoo in the hearing. …
COVID bill would pay federal employees to stay home with kids | Fox Business
COVID bill would pay federal employees to stay home with kids | Fox Business: Federal workers with children enrolled in a school that has not resumed full-time, in-classroom instruction would be eligible for enhanced paid time off under the U.S. House version of a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package being pushed through Congress.
Joyful reunion of couple married for over 60 years, separated by COVID-19
Joyful reunion of couple married for over 60 years, separated by COVID-19: Couple married 60 years are reunited after year-end Covid separation
10 Things you should know about the Bible
10 Things you should know about the Bible: There are many things to know about the Bible and how it developed.
10 Picture books about Lent to share with children
10 Picture books about Lent to share with children: Books for children about Lent
How to allow Lent to be a time of healing and renewal
How to allow Lent to be a time of healing and renewal: We all need to get rid of things we no longer need -- why not take advantage of this Lenten season to sort out your life?
On the Road Again - The Catholic Thing
On the Road Again - The Catholic Thing: Joseph R. Wood: Our current divisions suggest the best outcome is less violent confrontation between the opposing understandings of reality.
2nd Sunday of Lent: COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM | Come Into The Word with Sarah Christmyer | Bible Study | Lectio Divina | Journals | Retreat
2nd Sunday of Lent: COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM | Come Into The Word with Sarah Christmyer | Bible Study | Lectio Divina | Journals | Retreat: Readings for the 2nd Sunday of Lent: Gen 22:1-2,9A,10-13,15-18; Psa 116: 10,15,16-17,18-19; Rom 8:31B-34; Mk 9:2-10. Our third child was being baptized, and the priest did something at the end I’ve never seen before or since. “Lay the child on the altar,” he said. We walked forward, and Mark laid Clay down on his back […]
Trump — Once and Future King? – Patrick J. Buchanan – Official Website
Trump — Once and Future King? – Patrick J. Buchanan – Official Website: There is a specific Trumpian agenda, with which he is alone associated, that is becoming the issues agenda of the conservative movement and the party base, if not the party elites. "I don't know if he'll run in 2024 or not. But if he does, I'm pretty sure he will win the nomination." So says…
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Pandemic Demonstrates the Value of Catholic Education | RealClearReligion
Pandemic Demonstrates the Value of Catholic Education | RealClearReligion: As educators and students across the nation struggle to resume in-person learning, it’s important to recognize, as the Wall Street Journal’s William McGurn recently noted, that Catholic sc
Pfizer, BioNTech Studying Third Covid-19 Vaccine Dose to Fight New Strains
Pfizer, BioNTech Studying Third Covid-19 Vaccine Dose to Fight New Strains: The companies have begun a study in people testing whether a third dose of their vaccine would increase its effectiveness against the variant identified in South Africa and other strains.
Dems’ COVID Bill Takes Waste, Fraud, And Abuse To A Whole New Level – Issues & Insights
Dems’ COVID Bill Takes Waste, Fraud, And Abuse To A Whole New Level – Issues & Insights: It’s a trifecta of bad public policy.
What exactly are uber-woke educators teaching our kids? | TheHill
What exactly are uber-woke educators teaching our kids? | TheHill: One has to wonder what is being taught to kids that allows them to mimic Big Tech in censoring or shouting down those with an opinion different from their own.
Drop in Israel's COVID infection rates comes to a halt, raising concerns of renewed outbreak - Israel News -
Drop in Israel's COVID infection rates comes to a halt, raising concerns of renewed outbreak - Israel News - New daily coronavirus cases were down to 3,500, only to jump up again, and the upcoming Purim holiday has health officials worried
For Covid-19 Vaccines, Latin America Turns to China and Russia - WSJ
For Covid-19 Vaccines, Latin America Turns to China and Russia - WSJ: Instead of looking to the U.S. for help with vaccines, countries across Latin America are so far relying on Washington’s global rivals, China and Russia.
Dr. Osterholm's Warning: COVID Hurricane on the Horizon -
Dr. Osterholm's Warning: COVID Hurricane on the Horizon - Twelve months ago, Dr. Michael Osterholm was interviewed on the Joe Rogan Program. At the time, he warned that anywhere from 400,000 to 1.5 million Americans would die of COVID and that the pandemic would last for many years and significantly impact our lives. So far, his predictions have been eerily accurate. Today, Dr. Osterholm is warning that a “Category 5 COVID-hurricane” is on the horizon, with the B117/UK Variant posing the greatest threat. More
Putin warns of unnamed foreign efforts to destabilize Russia
Putin warns of unnamed foreign efforts to destabilize Russia: The United States and its NATO allies have rejected similar previous claims by the Kremlin that they were seeking to undermine Russia.
New Lawsuit Takes Aim At Former PG&E Leadership And Executives – CBS Sacramento
New Lawsuit Takes Aim At Former PG&E Leadership And Executives – CBS Sacramento: A trust representing more than 80,000 victims of deadly wildfires ignited by Pacific Gas and Electric's rickety electrical grid is suing nearly two dozen of the utility's former executives and board members for alleged dereliction of their duty to ensure the equipment wouldn't kill people.
Scientists see stronger evidence of slowing Atlantic Ocean circulation, an ‘Achilles’ heel’ of the climate - The Washington Post
Scientists see stronger evidence of slowing Atlantic Ocean circulation, an ‘Achilles’ heel’ of the climate - The Washington Post: The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, a system of currents, has long been considered capable of a sudden shutdown, which could have dramatic climate effects.
US military budget: What can global bases do vs. COVID, cyber attacks?
US military budget: What can global bases do vs. COVID, cyber attacks?: The U.S. has enjoyed global military dominance for decades. But in the face of emerging threats, some say a new strategy is in order.
Ghana becomes first country to receive Covid-19 vaccine through COVAX program - CNN
Ghana becomes first country to receive Covid-19 vaccine through COVAX program - CNN: Ghana has become the first country to receive Covid-19 vaccines through the World Health Organization's COVAX program on Wednesday, a joint statement issued by UNICEF Ghana and WHO Ghana said.
The Insurrection That Wasn't | The Libertarian Institute
The Insurrection That Wasn't | The Libertarian Institute: Somebody still needs to get a memo to the Justice Department about the so-called insurrection at the Capitol on January 6 because it has yet to charge anyone with that offense. All I is see is a range of criminal offenses like disorderly conduct, assault, trespass, illegal gun possession, and…
REFILE-Lawsuits likely in Mexico over proposed corn import, glyphosate bans | Reuters
REFILE-Lawsuits likely in Mexico over proposed corn import, glyphosate bans | Reuters: The Mexican government's plan to stop importing genetically modified (GMO) corn as well as the widely-used herbicide glyphosate will likely face legal challenges this month to reverse the proposal, according to the new head of Mexico's top farm lobby.
Mexico farm lobby blasts ban on GMO corn; organic growers welcome it | Article [AMP] | Reuters
Mexico farm lobby blasts ban on GMO corn; organic growers welcome it | Article [AMP] | Reuters: Mexico's main agricultural lobby on Saturday criticized the government's decision to ban genetically modified corn, while organic growers hailed the move that should protect smaller farmers.
Repositorio de información científica sobre el glifosato
Repositorio de información científica sobre el glifosato: Comisión Intersecretarial de Bioseguridad de los Organismos Genéticamente Modificados
Mexico's Decision to Ban GMO Corn and Glyphosate Has Rocked the Agribusiness World
Mexico's Decision to Ban GMO Corn and Glyphosate Has Rocked the Agribusiness World: Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador quietly rocked the agribusiness world with his New Year's Eve decree to phase out use of the herbicide glyphosate
Fr. Warren's Week Reflection: Homily First Sunday in Lent
A young man by the name of Piri Thomas once wrote a book called, “Down These Mean Streets.” It describes his conversion from being a convict, a drug addict, and an attempted killer.
One night, Piri was lying in his cell bunk in prison. Suddenly it occurred to him what a mess he had made of his life. He wanted to change, he had to change. He did not know what to do or where to start.
Then he remembered his mother telling her children, “When in doubt, pray.”
So he started to pray, but it did not feel right. He felt the need of a gesture, he needed to kneel. But he was sharing a cell with a fellow prisoner called the “Thin Kid,” so Piri waited.
After he thought the Thin Kid was asleep, he climbed out of his bunk, knelt down on the cold concrete, and prayed.
He said, “I told God how I felt. I talked to Him plain, no big words. I talked to Him about my wants and my lacks. I told Him of my hopes and disappointments. Then I started to cry.”
After Piri finished his prayer, a small voice said “Amen.”
It was the Thin Kid.
“There we were,” Piri said. ”He lying down, head on bended elbow, and me still on my knees. No one spoke for a long time.
Then the Thin Kid said, “I have not prayed since I was small.” The two young men talked a long time. Then Piri climbed back into his bunk.
“Good night, Chico,” he said.
I am thinking that God is always with us, it is just that we are not with Him. I thought of this story when I read Mark’s Gospel for today, the First Sunday in Lent (Mark 1: 12-15). Jesus tells the people, “Reform your lives and believe in the Gospel.”
To reform means to recognize that there are areas of our lives that need reforming: to identify these areas, and turn our backs on them. It means to face up to sin in our lives and turn away from it.
For example, are we aware of selfishness that puts our comfort ahead of other’s needs? The absorption in yourself? Where you take yourself all too seriously. Where the days and nights rotate around you, your heartache and health. Your successes and failures, your problems and frustrations. Always looking inward. Always putting your comfort ahead of others’ needs.
To reform means to face up to any kind of sin in our lives, and do something about it. This brings us to the second point of Jesus’ instruction. Besides reforming our lives, Jesus tells us, “believe in the Gospel.”
This means to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He came to save us. That you care not only to know about God but that you come to know God.
That might be your Lenten question…Do I actually know God?
Not a concept, or an idea of God. God is one and three, God is all knowing and all loving.
Rather, the kind of knowledge that is never an abstraction. The kind of knowledge where you become one with the one you know.
Because you see God is all-powerful, He needs nothing. Except that He needs to be needed by you.
But, like Piri, you have to be willing to open up to God and let Him in. I suspect that many of you have a relationship with God, but any relationship can be improved upon and deepened.
Piri was not dumb as he thought he was. He went on to get his Masters degree in social work, run a program for ex-cons and become a best-selling author and lecturer.
He often said, “I cannot believe what God has done for me.”
And to that I would say, “Piri, you were the one who said yes to God. God never forces Himself: We have to invite Him in.”
Invite Him in.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Robert Warren, S.A. Signature
Fr. Bob Warren, SA
Is Democracy in Decline Globally? - The Globalist
Is Democracy in Decline Globally? - The Globalist: Corruption and debt darken the global outlook for democracy.
Is your house going to flood because of climate change? These maps wil
Is your house going to flood because of climate change? These maps wil: The flooding maps that determine flood insurance rates aren’t in tune with the latest climate projections. These new maps are more accurate.
Glenn Greenwald on Twitter: "Fascinating look at the top concerns for Democratic voters:" / Twitter
Glenn Greenwald on Twitter: "Fascinating look at the top concerns for Democratic voters:" / Twitter: Fascinating look at the top concerns for Democratic voters:
CDC Traces Covid-19 Outbreaks in Gyms, Urging Stricter Precautions - The New York Times
CDC Traces Covid-19 Outbreaks in Gyms, Urging Stricter Precautions - The New York Times: Coronavirus cases at fitness centers in Chicago and Honolulu were linked to carelessness about masks and symptoms, federal health officials found.
New data shed light on efficacy of J&J’s single-dose Covid vaccine
New data shed light on efficacy of J&J’s single-dose Covid vaccine: The company revealed new, encouraging data showing the vaccine may do a better-than-expected job at protecting patients against new variants.
Is Coronavirus Reinfection Possible? - The Atlantic
Is Coronavirus Reinfection Possible? - The Atlantic: The virus can take many paths to reinvading a person’s body. Most of them shouldn’t scare us.
Carbon dioxide sensors detect poor indoor air quality to fight covid spread - The Washington Post
Carbon dioxide sensors detect poor indoor air quality to fight covid spread - The Washington Post: In a major new pandemic trend, people are turning to carbon dioxide monitoring devices to help assess ventilation quality and coronavirus transmission risk.
COVID-19 Vaccine May Cause Alarming Side Effect In Women: 'I Panicked'
COVID-19 Vaccine May Cause Alarming Side Effect In Women: 'I Panicked': Some women who received a coronavirus vaccine shot reported seeing signs associated with breast cancer.
Apologetics in the “Age of Cancellation” - The Catholic Thing
Apologetics in the “Age of Cancellation” - The Catholic Thing: David G. Bonagura, Jr.: Amidst “cancel culture,” the "martyrdom" of apologists may produce the fruit of a new harvest of believers.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Israel Gives Vaccine to Far-Off Allies, as Palestinians Wait - The New York Times
Israel Gives Vaccine to Far-Off Allies, as Palestinians Wait - The New York Times: The donations will go to nations like the Czech Republic and Honduras that pledged to move diplomats to Jerusalem. Critics say Israel has an obligation to inoculate Palestinians under its occupation.
Johnson & Johnson covid vaccine is safe and effective, FDA finds - The Washington Post
Johnson & Johnson covid vaccine is safe and effective, FDA finds - The Washington Post: The review sets the stage for a third coronavirus vaccine to be authorized as soon as this weekend, a point of hope in the middle of a pandemic that has killed more than a half-million people in the United States.
Doctors Reject Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Doctors Reject Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine: Conscientious objectors face new tyranny of 'medical fascism'
Scientists say clinical trials for ‘variant-proof’ vaccines could start very soon | Society | The Guardian
Scientists say clinical trials for ‘variant-proof’ vaccines could start very soon | Society | The Guardian: From immunity to blocking transmission of the virus, labs across the UK are hunting for second-generation jabs
Johnson & Johnson Coronavirus Vaccine Reviewed In FDA's Briefing Document : Coronavirus Updates : NPR
Should I Get The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine? : Coronavirus Updates : NPR
Should I Get The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine? : Coronavirus Updates : NPR: By some measures, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine may appear to be less effective than Moderna and Pfizer. But Dr. Ashish Jha says when it comes to hospitalizations and deaths, it's just as good.
‘Aggressive measures needed’: India discovers 240 new, possibly more infectious Covid-19 strains — RT World News
‘Aggressive measures needed’: India discovers 240 new, possibly more infectious Covid-19 strains — RT World News: A whopping 240 mutated coronavirus strains have been discovered across India, health officials have said, warning that some of them may potentially be more infectious, and may even be capable of evading immune response altogether.
Opinion | America Is Not ‘Back.’ And Americans Should Not Want It to Be. - The New York Times
Opinion | America Is Not ‘Back.’ And Americans Should Not Want It to Be. - The New York Times: Unless President Biden challenges the fundamental premises of U.S. foreign policy, he will repeat the mistakes of his predecessors, but in a more competitive world.
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Poet Who Nurtured the Beats, Dies at 101 - The New York Times
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Poet Who Nurtured the Beats, Dies at 101 - The New York Times: An unapologetic proponent of “poetry as insurgent art,” he was also a publisher and the owner of the celebrated San Francisco bookstore City Lights.
Biden’s Pick for Health Secretary Openly Defends Partial-Birth Abortion – CatholicVote org
Biden’s Pick for Health Secretary Openly Defends Partial-Birth Abortion – CatholicVote org: CV NEWS FEED // Health secretary nominee Xavier Becerra refused to back down on his past support of partial-birth abortion during his Senate confirmation hearing. Sen.…
The Lies Aren’t Secret | The American Conservative
The Lies Aren’t Secret | The American Conservative: Thanks to friendly courts, the Deep State continues to avoid accountability, triumphant at home and abroad.
Meat eating could bring habitat loss for 17,000 species by 2050 - Vox
Meat eating could bring habitat loss for 17,000 species by 2050 - Vox: Two recent studies underscore the danger the meat production system poses for biodiversity.
How Serious Are Biden and the Democrats About Fighting Climate Change? - WSJ
How Serious Are Biden and the Democrats About Fighting Climate Change? - WSJ: To make real progress on cutting greenhouse gas emissions, President Biden and Congress will need to break with environmentalist dogmas.
Lent in the Desert - The Catholic Thing
Lent in the Desert - The Catholic Thing: Randall Smith: What artifices of self will we give up to embrace the virtues of charity and the selfless gift of ourselves to others?
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Immunogenicity after the First Dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine: Real-World Evidence from Greek Healthcare Workers by Konstantina Kontopoulou, Alexandra Ainatzoglou, Athina Ifantidou, Christos Nakas, Georgia Goudi, Eleni Antoniadou, Vasilios Adamopoulos, Nikitas Papadopoulos, Georgios Papazisis :: SSRN
Immunogenicity after the First Dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine: Real-World Evidence from Greek Healthcare Workers by Konstantina Kontopoulou, Alexandra Ainatzoglou, Athina Ifantidou, Christos Nakas, Georgia Goudi, Eleni Antoniadou, Vasilios Adamopoulos, Nikitas Papadopoulos, Georgios Papazisis :: SSRN: Background: The BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 vaccine that was recently launched exhibited high levels of efficacy and safety in a phase III RCT, along with robust imm
Studies Examine Variant Surging in California, and the News Isn’t Good - The New York Times
Studies Examine Variant Surging in California, and the News Isn’t Good - The New York Times: Two studies confirm that a new coronavirus mutant in California is more contagious, although the scale of its threat is unclear.
California's coronavirus strain looks increasingly dangerous - Los Angeles Times
California's coronavirus strain looks increasingly dangerous - Los Angeles Times: California's homegrown coronavirus strain is more transmissible than its predecessors, is more resistant to vaccines, and may cause more severe cases of COVID-19.
Monoclonal antibodies against MERS coronavirus show promise in Phase 1 NIH-sponsored trial | National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Monoclonal antibodies against MERS coronavirus show promise in Phase 1 NIH-sponsored trial | National Institutes of Health (NIH): Antibodies were well tolerated and generally safe when administered simultaneously to healthy adults.
The Lincoln Project's implosion: A perfect time for Democratic donors to rethink their spending |
The Lincoln Project's implosion: A perfect time for Democratic donors to rethink their spending | If Democrats want to win elections, they need to start thinking bigger than the election cycle
The Lincoln Project's implosion: A perfect time for Democratic donors to rethink their spending |
The Lincoln Project's implosion: A perfect time for Democratic donors to rethink their spending | If Democrats want to win elections, they need to start thinking bigger than the election cycle
60 Years After Eisenhower's Warning, Distinct Signs of a 'Digital-Intelligence Complex' | RealClearInvestigations
60 Years After Eisenhower's Warning, Distinct Signs of a 'Digital-Intelligence Complex' | RealClearInvestigations: In June 2019, Susan Gordon stood on a stage at the Washington Convention Center. Behind her loomed three giant letters, “AWS,” the abbreviation for Amazon Web Services, the cloud computing...
Archbishop Cordileone commends prosecution of Serra statue vandals for working justice
Archbishop Cordileone commends prosecution of Serra statue vandals for working justice: Amid calls from California activists to drop vandalism charges against five assailants who destroyed a statue of St. Junipero Serra last year, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco warned that doing so would set a dangerous precedent.
Virginia legislature votes to abolish the death penalty
Virginia legislature votes to abolish the death penalty: Virginia is expected to become the first southern state to abolish the death penalty, after its general assembly voted on Monday to end the practice.
Coca-Cola Confirms Training Employees to 'Be Less White' - Becker News
Coca-Cola Confirms Training Employees to 'Be Less White' - Becker News: After a public relations fiasco, Coca-Cola has effectively conceded that some of its employees participated in a public LinkedIn Learning seminar that advocated that some of its employees be “less white.” The training curriculum was first exposed on Friday by Dr. Karlyn Borysenko, an organizational psychologist who is working to end the racially divisive ideology […]
‘Citizens Deserve Better’: Justice Clarence Thomas Dissents In PA Election Case | The Daily Wire
‘Citizens Deserve Better’: Justice Clarence Thomas Dissents In PA Election Case | The Daily Wire: Justice Clarence Thomas issued a vigorous dissent Monday in response to the Supreme Court's decision not to hear a challenge against the Pennsylvania state court's ruling that permitted ballots received three days after Election Day to be counted.
Congress Is About to Vote on the ‘Equality Act,’ a Grave Threat To Religious Liberty — Please Take Action Now| National Catholic Register
Congress Is About to Vote on the ‘Equality Act,’ a Grave Threat To Religious Liberty — Please Take Action Now| National Catholic Register: Either we are going to fight for our religious liberty and freedom of speech — and ultimately, freedom of thought — or they will be taken from us.
On the Moral Alchemy of the Political Party - The Catholic Thing
On the Moral Alchemy of the Political Party - The Catholic Thing: Hadley Arkes: It is a mystery that in 2020 so many failed to see that two Administrations had differences both systematic and morally momentous.
How Much Exercise Do You Need for Better Heart Health? - The New York Times
How Much Exercise Do You Need for Better Heart Health? - The New York Times: The more you do, the better, but even mild exercise like walking produces benefits for cardiovascular health, a large new study found.
Covid-Linked Syndrome in Children Is Growing, and Cases Are More Severe - The New York Times
Covid-Linked Syndrome in Children Is Growing, and Cases Are More Severe - The New York Times: The condition, which usually emerges several weeks after infection, is still rare, but can be dangerous. “A higher percentage of them are really critically ill,” one doctor said.
Potential for New Coronaviruses May Be Greater Than Known - The New York Times
Potential for New Coronaviruses May Be Greater Than Known - The New York Times: Researchers calculated the likelihood of different viruses recombining in the same animal to make new disease-causing pathogens.
Scientists Call on CDC to Set Air Standards for Workplaces, Now - The New York Times
Scientists Call on CDC to Set Air Standards for Workplaces, Now - The New York Times: The agency has not fully reckoned with airborne transmission of the coronavirus in settings like hospitals, schools and meatpacking plants, experts said.
Pres. Rouhani unveils agreement with S. Korea, Japan, Iraq, Oman on release of Iran’s assets
Pres. Rouhani unveils agreement with S. Korea, Japan, Iraq, Oman on release of Iran’s assets: President of Iran Hassan Rouhani lauded the agreements with South Korea, Japan, Iraq and Oman to unfreeze Iranian funds as an omen of the Islamic
What ‘America is back’ really means - Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft
What ‘America is back’ really means - Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft: ‘America is back.’ Speaking to the 57th annual Munich Security Conference, Joe Biden made that point for the umpteenth time in his short presidency. His crisp declarative sentence requires decoding, of course. To his audience of European elites, he was offering this assurance: ‘Trump is gone and won’t be returning anytime soon: trust me.’
Studies Suggest People Who Had Covid-19 Should Get Single Vaccine Dose - The New York Times
Studies Suggest People Who Had Covid-19 Should Get Single Vaccine Dose - The New York Times: New studies show that one shot of a vaccine can greatly amplify antibody levels in those who have recovered from the coronavirus.
A Different Kind of Land Management: Let the Cows Stomp - The New York Times
A Different Kind of Land Management: Let the Cows Stomp - The New York Times: Regenerative grazing can store more carbon in soils in the form of roots and other plant tissues. But how much can it really help the fight against climate change?
How This Country Fails Its Most Vulnerable -
How This Country Fails Its Most Vulnerable - Economic crises shine a spotlight on a society’s inequities and hierarchies, as well as its commitment to support those who are most vulnerable in such grievous moments. The calamity created by Covid-19 is no exception.
Monday, February 22, 2021
Early rate reductions of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 in BNT162b2 vaccine recipients - The Lancet
Early rate reductions of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 in BNT162b2 vaccine recipients - The Lancet: In December, 2020, the Israeli Government approved the BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine and
initiated a national immunisation campaign prioritising health-care workers (HCWs),
as in other countries.1 This campaign coincided with a third wave of COVID-19, peaking
at 10 116 daily new cases by mid-January, 2021. The Sheba Medical Centre, Israel's
largest hospital with 9647 HCWs, began staff vaccination on Dec 19, 2020. All HCWs,
excluding those with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, were eligible for vaccination.
Years of life lost to COVID-19 in 81 countries | Scientific Reports
Years of life lost to COVID-19 in 81 countries | Scientific Reports: Understanding the mortality impact of COVID-19 requires not only counting the dead, but analyzing how premature the deaths are. We calculate years of life lost (YLL) across 81 countries due to COVID-19 attributable deaths, and also conduct an analysis based on estimated excess deaths. We find that over 20.5 million years of life have been lost to COVID-19 globally. As of January 6, 2021, YLL in heavily affected countries are 2–9 times the average seasonal influenza; three quarters of the YLL result from deaths in ages below 75 and almost a third from deaths below 55; and men have lost 45% more life years than women. The results confirm the large mortality impact of COVID-19 among the elderly. They also call for heightened awareness in devising policies that protect vulnerable demographics losing the largest number of life-years.
Can we reach covid herd immunity without vaccinating children? - The Washington Post
Can we reach covid herd immunity without vaccinating children? - The Washington Post: Even if we don't reach coronavirus herd immunity, that doesn't mean we cannot control the disease.
Covid vaccine: FDA says shots for new variants won't need large clinical trials
Covid vaccine: FDA says shots for new variants won't need large clinical trials: The FDA said Monday that modified Covid-19 vaccines against new, emerging variants may be authorized without the need for lengthy clinical trials.
A Quiet Killing ~ The Imaginative Conservative
A Quiet Killing ~ The Imaginative Conservative: For the first time in a very long time, no one is second-guessing the decision by a police officer to use deadly force against an unarmed woman. Why? (essay by Joseph Mussomeli)
Why this 12-year-old spends a day every week at the cemetery
Why this 12-year-old spends a day every week at the cemetery: When she was 4 she began visiting the cemetery and now it's part of her life.
Christian life is a battle against the spirit of evil, says pope
Christian life is a battle against the spirit of evil, says pope: At the beginning of Lent each year, the liturgy brings us to the desert – where we see that Jesus is tempted by Satan. “During the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert, the ‘duel’ between Jesus and the devil begins, which will end with the Passion and the Cross,” the pope said, in Read More…
Nigeria’s Catholic priests are in fear for their lives after a slew of kidnappings and attacks | America Magazine
Nigeria’s Catholic priests are in fear for their lives after a slew of kidnappings and attacks | America Magazine: The growing attacks on priests and their ministries has left many living in fear. “The security situation is not just bad; it is extremely so,” said Father Bassey. “You want to hurry to get back home; you don’t want to be in a lonely place; you can’t step out and take a stroll.
China Traditional Vaccine Not Getting Reported Deaths, Injuries of US Experimental Vaccines | Coronavirus News
China Traditional Vaccine Not Getting Reported Deaths, Injuries of US Experimental Vaccines | Coronavirus News: As the US and Western nations roll out experimental mRNA COVID vaccines which are plagued by many thousands of officially registered reports of injuries, permanent disabilities, and deaths, China i…
I was on the WHO's Covid mission to China, here's what we found | Coronavirus | The Guardian
I was on the WHO's Covid mission to China, here's what we found | Coronavirus | The Guardian: No, it didn’t originate in Wuhan’s wet market, but it could have been spread by frozen food. Here is what we learned from Phase 1 of the investigation
What to Expect from the Merrick Garland Confirmation Hearings - The Bulwark
What to Expect from the Merrick Garland Confirmation Hearings - The Bulwark: The Bulwark is a news network launched in 2018 dedicated to providing political analysis and reporting free from the constraints of partisan loyalties or tribal prejudices.
American primacy on the menu for big industry donors at CNAS – Responsible Statecraft
American primacy on the menu for big industry donors at CNAS – Responsible Statecraft: Transparency is key but the think tank isn't always up front about the funding behind its pro-corporate, military expansionist positions.
What To Do If You Have COVID-19 - COVID-19 - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
What To Do If You Have COVID-19 - COVID-19 - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health: If you have a confirmed COVID diagnosis via a positive test, there are a few things you can do immediately to protect both yourself and those around you.
How Corrupt Is America? David Sirota Reports, But Will America’s Media Stop Covering-Up? – Investment Watch
Is the Biden Administration Stumbling Into War? - American Greatness
Is the Biden Administration Stumbling Into War? - American Greatness: What causes wars? Innately aggressive cultures and governments, megalomania, the desire for power, resources, and empire prompt nations to bully or attack…
Robert Kagan Diagnosed America's Biggest Problem: Americans Who Don't Want To Run the World - Original
Robert Kagan Diagnosed America's Biggest Problem: Americans Who Don't Want To Run the World - Original: "All great powers" want to rule the world, declared Robert Kagan, propagandist for America as imperial power, democratic hegemon, aggressive - Doug Bandow for Original
Fifteen HARD lessons I learned from the “Texageddon” blackouts and collapse of critical infrastructure
The Most Important Day Of Your Life – A Sermon On Mark 1:9-15 – Interrupting the Silence
The Most Important Day Of Your Life – A Sermon On Mark 1:9-15 – Interrupting the Silence: In some ways the past year has felt like a long never ending season of Lent. It has been a time of fasting, self-denial, and giving up; a time when people and things have been lost or taken from us…
Germany’s Schismatic Synodal Way - The Catholic Thing
Germany’s Schismatic Synodal Way - The Catholic Thing: Fr. Gerald E. Murray: In Germany's reform platform, papal and episcopal teachings are plainly rejected in favor of personal “convictions.”
Are Cities Finished? by Carlo Ratti & Richard Florida - Project Syndicate
Are Cities Finished? by Carlo Ratti & Richard Florida - Project Syndicate: Far from rendering cities obsolete, as some predicted early on, the pandemic has unlocked an ever-broader potential for renaissance – what the economist Joseph Schumpeter famously called “creative destruction” on an urban scale. The potential rewards are enormous, but there are also considerable risks.
To get ahead of variants, Covid drug makers use evolution as guide- STAT
To get ahead of variants, Covid drug makers use evolution as guide- STAT: Some monoclonal antibodies now used to treat patients in the U.S. aren’t great at gumming up the machinery of some new SARS-2 variants.
Germany′s COVID infections rise again | News | DW | 22.02.2021
Germany′s COVID infections rise again | News | DW | 22.02.2021: Coronavirus infection figures are heading back up, just as schools reopen in 10 of Germany's 16 states. The rise has been driven by new, more-infectious variants of the virus.
Top virologist warns Italy virus cases rising again
Top virologist warns Italy virus cases rising again: Coronavirus cases in Italy are on the rise again, in large part due to the more infectious British variant, a top virologist warned in a newspaper interview published Sunday.
Dying on the Waitlist — ProPublica
Dying on the Waitlist — ProPublica: In Los Angeles County and around the country, doctors have had to decide who gets a lifesaving COVID-19 treatment and who doesn’t.
Leaked report shows Pfizer's vaccine is sharply cutting covid-19 infections in Israel | MIT Technology Review
Leaked report shows Pfizer's vaccine is sharply cutting covid-19 infections in Israel | MIT Technology Review: Israeli officials predict the country could near herd immunity next month thanks to vaccines.
When Engineers Were Humanists | by Jessica Riskin | The New York Review of Books
When Engineers Were Humanists | by Jessica Riskin | The New York Review of Books: Let’s say you’re under siege in your castle, surrounded by an unseen enemy just outside the walls, unable to leave home for weeks or months, your strength
Israeli Drug Cured 29 of 30 Seriously-Ill COVID-19 Patients – PJ Media
Israeli Drug Cured 29 of 30 Seriously-Ill COVID-19 Patients – PJ Media: A new coronavirus treatment being developed at Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Medical Center appears to have cured 29 of 30 moderate and seriously ill COVID patient.
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine delivery could be disrupted by syringe shortfalls | Fortune
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine delivery could be disrupted by syringe shortfalls | Fortune: Coronavirus vaccine administrators report that the Biden administration is delivering an inconsistent supply of the syringes needed to keep up the current pace of vaccinations.
Scientists find two-drug combo that treats COVID-19 effectively
Scientists find two-drug combo that treats COVID-19 effectively: In a recent study at the University of Nebraska and elsewhere, researchers found that a combination of baricitinib, an anti-inflammatory drug, and remdesivir, an antiviral, reduced time to recovery for people hospitalized with COVID-19. The study is published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Remdesivir is a broad-spectrum antiviral treatment developed by Gilead Sciences, Inc. […]
J&J CEO Says Annual Covid Vaccine Needed "For Years" As MSM Warns Virus Will "Circulate For Decades" | ZeroHedge
J&J CEO Says Annual Covid Vaccine Needed "For Years" As MSM Warns Virus Will "Circulate For Decades" | ZeroHedge: ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Israeli Drug Cured 29 of 30 Seriously-Ill COVID-19 Patients – PJ Media
Israeli Drug Cured 29 of 30 Seriously-Ill COVID-19 Patients – PJ Media: A new coronavirus treatment being developed at Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Medical Center appears to have cured 29 of 30 moderate and seriously ill COVID patient.
Amazon Bans Book Critical of Transgender Ideology – CatholicVote org
Amazon Bans Book Critical of Transgender Ideology – CatholicVote org: Amazon has removed Ryan T. Anderson’s book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement. The online retailer, which accounts for 83% of books sold…
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Run to the desert! Why we should seek out this place of struggle
Run to the desert! Why we should seek out this place of struggle: Run to the desert! Our heavenly Father reveals the glory of his beloved son at our Blessed Lord’s baptism by John, and then straight away Jesus is thrown into the contest of temptation in the desert. At first glance the desert may seem the place of struggle, the place of abandonment. Gazing at the arid Read More…
CCP Withheld Pandemic-Relevant Data From WHO, Leaked Documents Reveal
CCP Withheld Pandemic-Relevant Data From WHO, Leaked Documents Reveal: Internal documents that were leaked to The Epoch Times show that the Chinese communist regime has a large ...
CCP Withheld Pandemic-Relevant Data From WHO, Leaked Documents Reveal
CCP Withheld Pandemic-Relevant Data From WHO, Leaked Documents Reveal: Internal documents that were leaked to The Epoch Times show that the Chinese communist regime has a large ...
With millions looking for work, stigmas create a dearth of skilled tradespeople | PBS NewsHour
With millions looking for work, stigmas create a dearth of skilled tradespeople | PBS NewsHour: Jobless claims were high again this past week with more than 860,000 people filing for unemployment benefits for the first time. Millions of people are still looking for work, but some employers say they can't find enough skilled workers for certain jobs. That is due in part, they say, because of stigmas that need to change. Paul Solman reports for our series "Work Shift.”
Pfizer CEO shares his family's tragic story during the Holocaust - The Jerusalem Post
Pfizer CEO shares his family's tragic story during the Holocaust - The Jerusalem Post: Bourla's parents were of 2,000 survivors from a community of 50,000 nearly eradicated by the Holocaust in Thessaloniki, Greece where he was born.
US sanctions inflicted $1 trillion damage on Iran’s economy: FM | Business and Economy News | Al Jazeera
US sanctions inflicted $1 trillion damage on Iran’s economy: FM | Business and Economy News | Al Jazeera: After the US lifts sanctions and rejoins the JCPOA, Iran will expect some form of compensation, FM Zarif says.
The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere - The Washington Post
The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere - The Washington Post: What happened long before Russia hacked the DNC's emails.
This is How Broken Our Economy Really Is | by umair haque | Feb, 2021 | Eudaimonia and Co
This is How Broken Our Economy Really Is | by umair haque | Feb, 2021 | Eudaimonia and Co: That’s Jeff Bezos saying he quite literally has no way he can think of to spend his fortune, so colossal has it grown. Could you spend $100 billion? Now, if you’re wondering, “well, why in blazes…
Russia Approves Its Third COVID-19 Vaccine, CoviVac - The Wire Science
Russia Approves Its Third COVID-19 Vaccine, CoviVac - The Wire Science: CoviVac vaccine is made of a coronavirus that has been inactivated and can be transported and stored at temperatures of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius.
As coronavirus variants spread, the US struggles to keep up | Ars Technica
As coronavirus variants spread, the US struggles to keep up | Ars Technica: Without federal strategy or enough funding, US sequencing superpowers don't work.
Covid-19 Vaccination Delays Could Bring More Virus Variants, Impede Efforts to End Pandemic - WSJ
Covid-19 Vaccination Delays Could Bring More Virus Variants, Impede Efforts to End Pandemic - WSJ: Scientists say high rates of viral spread in a partially immunized population could encourage mutations that make the coronavirus harder to contain.
We’ll Have Herd Immunity by April - WSJ
We’ll Have Herd Immunity by April - WSJ: Covid cases have dropped 77% in six weeks. Experts should level with the public about the good news.
New CDC school opening guidelines fail to 'follow the science' - STAT
New CDC school opening guidelines fail to 'follow the science' - STAT: President Biden vowed to "follow the science" to get kids back to school. The CDC's latest school opening guidelines don't do that.
Beyond Six Feet: A Guideline to Limit Indoor Airborne Transmission of COVID-19 | medRxiv
Beyond Six Feet: A Guideline to Limit Indoor Airborne Transmission of COVID-19 | medRxiv: The current revival of the world’s economy is being predicated on social distancing, specifically the Six-Foot Rule, a guideline that offers little protection from pathogen-bearing aerosol droplets sufficiently small to be continuously mixed through an indoor space. The importance of airborne transmission of COVID-19 is now widely recognized. While tools for risk assessment have recently been developed, no safety guideline has been proposed to protect against it. We here build upon models of airborne disease transmission in order to derive an indoor safety guideline that would impose an upper bound on the “cumulative exposure time”, the product of the number of occupants and their time in an enclosed space. We demonstrate how this bound depends on the rates of ventilation and air filtration, dimensions of the room, breathing rate, respiratory activity and face-mask use of its occupants, and infectiousness of the respiratory aerosols. By synthesizing available data from the best characterized indoor spreading events with respiratory drop-size distributions, we estimate an infectious dose on the order of ten aerosol-borne virions. The new virus is thus inferred to be an order of magn
America's Hidden Gulag | by Jacob Kang-Brown | The New York Review of Books
America's Hidden Gulag | by Jacob Kang-Brown | The New York Review of Books: In the summer of 2018, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents brought hundreds of people—flown thousands of miles from the Mexico–US border—to
What would human history look like if told through our relationships with animals?
What would human history look like if told through our relationships with animals?: Simon Barnes’s ‘The History of the World in 100 Animals’ is a unique way of looking back – and around.
The Australian Facebook News Ban Isn’t About Democracy — It’s a Battle Between Two Rival Monopolies
The Australian Facebook News Ban Isn’t About Democracy — It’s a Battle Between Two Rival Monopolies: On Thursday, Australians woke to find Facebook had banned all news on the platform. Liberal PM Scott Morrison has refused to back down over the laws that triggered the move. Beneath the rhetoric, Morrison’s stand is about serving the interests of News Corp, not saving democracy.
Ex-KGB Agent Says Trump Was a Russian Asset. Does it Matter?
Ex-KGB Agent Says Trump Was a Russian Asset. Does it Matter?: Donald Trump’s relation to Russia was never explained completely. Craig Unger’s new book, “American Kompromat,” has former KGB agent Yuri Shvets saying on the record that the KGB manipulated Trump in 1987 through flattery.
Need help being patient? Here’s advice from 3 early Christian authors
Need help being patient? Here’s advice from 3 early Christian authors: These are not easy times for anyone. We’re facing uncertainty on many fronts, starting with health and finances. And it’s very likely that the pandemic also is affecting our personal and family life. Anxiety often makes us impatient. This impatience creates additional problems in our relationships with loved ones and friends, and can make us hard Read More…
10 Lenten practices that have deep spiritual symbolism
10 Lenten practices that have deep spiritual symbolism: Lent is a beautiful season in the Catholic Church, one associated with many different signs, symbols and practices that are used in the liturgy to draw us deeper into the mysteries celebrated. Here are 10 such symbols, with links to articles that explain each in detail. What is the symbolism of ashes on Ash Wednesday? Read More…
12 Light-hearted memes that sum up the joy of marriage
12 Light-hearted memes that sum up the joy of marriage: In modern times, marriage is often described in stereotypes that can be quite negative. However, as National Marriage week ended yesterday, we thought it would be fun to look at the funny side of the sacrament. Of course marriage isn’t always easy, but in the struggles couples go through over the years there’s a lot Read More…
"One-Third Of Deaths Reported To CDC After COVID Vaccines Occurred Within 48 Hrs Of Vaccination" | Scoop News
"One-Third Of Deaths Reported To CDC After COVID Vaccines Occurred Within 48 Hrs Of Vaccination" | Scoop News: One-Third of Deaths Reported to CDC After COVID Vaccines Occurred Within 48 Hours of Vaccination • Children's Health Defense The numbers reflect the latest data available as of Feb. 12 from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System website. ...
Kazuo Ishiguro: 'AI, gene-editing, big data ... I worry we are not in control of these things any more' | Kazuo Ishiguro | The Guardian
Kazuo Ishiguro: 'AI, gene-editing, big data ... I worry we are not in control of these things any more' | Kazuo Ishiguro | The Guardian: The Nobel-winning author talks about scaring Harold Pinter, life after death – and his new novel about an ‘artificial friend’
What Does a Real Hymn Look Like? - The Catholic Thing
What Does a Real Hymn Look Like? - The Catholic Thing: Anthony Esolen: It’s not Dante and doesn’t try to be. It is good solid craftsmanship, solid sense, plain speech, yet powerfully understated.
Israel publishes Pfizer COVID vaccine data, 99.2% protective against serious illness | Seeking Alpha
Israel publishes Pfizer COVID vaccine data, 99.2% protective against serious illness | Seeking Alpha: The latest data from Israel's Ministry of Health shows that the coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer (PFE) and BioNTech (BNTX) is 98.9% effective at preventing death caused by COVID-19
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Catholic Charities works hard to tend to Texans in crisis
Catholic Charities works hard to tend to Texans in crisis: Catholic Charities all over Texas are mobilizing efforts to aid those in need during the ongoing historic winter weather crisis.
Why does Lent last 40 days?
Why does Lent last 40 days?: Each year the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church celebrates forty days of prayer and fasting before the great celebration of Easter. This number is very symbolic and has deep ties to multiple biblical events.
Road map to U.S. fusion power plant comes into clearer focus—sort of | Science | AAAS
Road map to U.S. fusion power plant comes into clearer focus—sort of | Science | AAAS: National academies lay out to-do list to build multibillion-dollar plant by 2035
USCCB: Equality Act would ‘punish’ religious groups opposed to gender ideology
USCCB: Equality Act would ‘punish’ religious groups opposed to gender ideology: The U.S. bishops’ conference (USCCB) has come out in opposition to the Equality Act, which was introduced in the U.S. House on Thursday.
Feminist Voices Decry Democrat-Proposed Equality Act – CatholicVote org
Feminist Voices Decry Democrat-Proposed Equality Act – CatholicVote org: CV NEWS FEED // As progressives begin to push the Equality Act in the House of Representatives, a chorus of American women are decrying the controversial…
US Reaffirms Commitment to 'Defend' Saudi Arabia - News From
US Reaffirms Commitment to 'Defend' Saudi Arabia - News From The US military wants bases in western Saudi Arabia
The Atrocious Prosecution of Julian Assange -
The Atrocious Prosecution of Julian Assange - What do Biden and Trump have in common? (Aside from jerking Iran around over the nuclear treaty, proclaiming support for a phony, unelected pretender to the Venezuelan presidency, Juan Guaido, and posturing aggressively toward China?) Both Biden and Trump support the utterly baseless Espionage Act case against journalist and publisher Julian Assange. Make no mistake, More
African Union says Russia offers 300 million doses of Sputnik V vaccine | Reuters
African Union says Russia offers 300 million doses of Sputnik V vaccine | Reuters: The African Union's (AU) vaccine task team said on Friday that Russia had offered it 300 million doses of its Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine along with a financing package for countries wanting to secure the shots.
How fires have spread to previously untouched parts of the world | Environment | The Guardian
How fires have spread to previously untouched parts of the world | Environment | The Guardian: Fires have always been a part of our natural world. But they’re moving to new ecosystems previously untouched by fire – and this is concerning scientists
Moose's Family Sneak Into Man's Backyard And Decide To Make It Their Own | The Animal Rescue Site News
Moose's Family Sneak Into Man's Backyard And Decide To Make It Their Own | The Animal Rescue Site News: A mother moose and her two babies showed up unexpectedly and made themselves right at home in his garden.
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