New Yorkers Came Together in Prayer for Alfie Evans Before Toddler’s Death,17310
Monday, April 30, 2018
Alfie Evans, the State, and Us
Alfie Evans, the State, and UsYou think the issue of the baby in England is just another story of individuals dealing with a personal tragedy? You're wrong. The story involves all of us. It involves all of us in a very serious manner. It is part of the thus far nonviolent civil war we fight here in America – a war, again, like the first Civil War, for the soul of our country. It is the war between Western, liberal Judeo-Christian values and the values of leftism. It's a war between the individual as the focus of our lives and culture and the big state as the focus.
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Saudi Arabia and the Gold Standard in a 123 Agreement | Neutron Bytes
Saudi Arabia and the Gold Standard in a 123 Agreement | Neutron Bytes: Opinion – My view is that the whole posture of KSA on enrichment is to get the US to keep the Iran deal so that it doesn’t have to spend $ billions on a uranium enrichment program it ca…
Thanks to Britain, Alfie Evans never got the chance for 'death with dignity' | TheHill
Thanks to Britain, Alfie Evans never got the chance for 'death with dignity' | TheHill: "It’s as if the courts and the hospitals are solely focused on promoting the narrative that they are both the final authority and infallible."
Why Alfie Evans Didn't Matter to So Many People
Why Alfie Evans Didn't Matter to So Many People: The beauty of Catholic teaching vs. the prevailing ethics of utilitarianism
Untangling the Ethics Around the Life and Death of Alfie Evans | The American Conservative
Untangling the Ethics Around the Life and Death of Alfie Evans | The American Conservative: As our power to artificially sustain life grows, the harder it becomes to determine who, when or if it's right to stop such efforts.
Killing Alfie Evans
Killing Alfie Evans: John Paul II: 'Death by starvation or dehydration is ... euthanasia by omission'
Outrage and Anger Over Death of Alfie Evans
Outrage and Anger Over Death of Alfie Evans
Woolfe tweeted Sunday, "You let a Catholic family down, Catholics in the country and an empty statement, more concerned with politically [sic] correctness and sub blame of the masses. If you want to empty the aisles you are doing a good job."
The violations in the case included the right of parents to choose therapy to safeguard the well-being of their child and the child's right to health and medical care of the highest standard.
This is contrary to the support received internationally from Pope Francis, who helped, alongside the Italian government, in securing medical air transportation from Alder Hey to Bambino Gesu hospital in Rome. Others expressing concern were American and Brazilian bishops, Polish president Andrzej Duda, Polish deputy prime minister Beata Szydło and Antonio Tajani, president of the European Parliament.
Baby Alfie, the Latest Victim of Omnipotent Government, by Ron Paul - The Unz Review
Baby Alfie, the Latest Victim of Omnipotent Government, by Ron Paul - The Unz Review: Twenty-three-month-old Alfie Evans, passed away in a British hospital on Saturday. While the official cause of death was a degenerative brain disease, Alfie may have been murdered by the British health system and the British high court. Doctors at the hospital treating Alfie decided to remove his life support, against the wishes of Alfie’s parents. […]
Will the Iran nuclear deal survive Trump’s wrecking crew? | Medea Benjamin | Opinion | The Guardian
Will the Iran nuclear deal survive Trump’s wrecking crew? | Medea Benjamin | Opinion | The Guardian: If the US pulls out, we could be heading down the path of another senseless war. That’s why the forces of the UN, Congress and the American public are so pivotal
Thinking about the Thinkable – LobeLog
Thinking about the Thinkable – LobeLog: by Robert E. Hunter The late Herman Kahn created a major stir in 1962, when he published a comprehensive and deeply unsettling study on thermonuclear war, Thinking About the Unthinkable. Fortunatel…
Frank Rich: Roy Cohn Was the Original Donald Trump
Frank Rich: Roy Cohn Was the Original Donald Trump: No behavior is too appalling to sophisticated New Yorkers as long as you are skilled at trading power and influence. Roy Cohn knew this. And he taught it to his longtime client Donald Trump only too well.
Frank Rich: Roy Cohn Was the Original Donald Trump
Frank Rich: Roy Cohn Was the Original Donald Trump: No behavior is too appalling to sophisticated New Yorkers as long as you are skilled at trading power and influence. Roy Cohn knew this. And he taught it to his longtime client Donald Trump only too well.
North Korea has shown how to play nuclear poker with Trump - Iran may follow suit | Middle East Eye
North Korea has shown how to play nuclear poker with Trump - Iran may follow suit | Middle East Eye: Iran went the extra mile to adhere to the JCPOA nuclear deal. Now it fears that was a mistake
Pope, others mourn death of British toddler Alfie Evans | National Catholic Reporter
Pope, others mourn death of British toddler Alfie Evans | National Catholic Reporter: Pope Francis said he was mourning the death of English toddler Alfie Evans, who died four days after doctors withdrew his life support system.
The 23-month-old boy died at about 2:30 a.m. April 28 aft...
The 23-month-old boy died at about 2:30 a.m. April 28 aft...
Mattis: US Troop Withdrawal Possible If Korea Peace Deal Is Reached – News From
Mattis: US Troop Withdrawal Possible If Korea Peace Deal Is Reached – News From Mattis: US Troop Withdrawal Possible If Korea Peace Deal Is Reached | Says diplomats will have to work on question of South Korea deployments
Alfie Evans' Death Illustrates The Monstrous Logic Of The Welfare State
Alfie Evans' Death Illustrates The Monstrous Logic Of The Welfare State: It wasn't in the 'best interests' of Alfie Evans to die. It was in the best interests of the British welfare state to demonstrate its power.
Pope's Address to 'A Rare Life' Association - ZENIT - English
Pope's Address to 'A Rare Life' Association - ZENIT - English: 'Every human life is unique, and while the disease is rare or extremely rare, it is life that is so first and foremost'
Pope on Every Human Life: Safeguard Little Flame in Midst of Dark Night - ZENIT - English
Pope on Every Human Life: Safeguard Little Flame in Midst of Dark Night - ZENIT - English: Addressing 'A Rare Life' Association, Reminds Life Is First and Foremost
Even amid suffering, love highlights value of every life, pope says
Even amid suffering, love highlights value of every life, pope says: Love is a miraculous force that helps the parents of sick children focus on the beauty of their children's lives and keeps the flame of hope for a cure alive, Pope Francis told an Italian couple and a group of their supporters.
Are We Waiting Until America Becomes as Uninhabitable for Jews as France?
Are We Waiting Until America Becomes as Uninhabitable for Jews as France?
China Sends Foreign Minister to Pyongyang - WSJ
China Sends Foreign Minister to Pyongyang - WSJ: China’s sending its foreign minister to North Korea as Beijing seeks to avoid being sidelined by its neighbor’s top-level negotiations with Seoul and Washington.
When Mountains Don’t Move | Triple Arrow
When Mountains Don’t Move | Triple Arrow: I don’t believe it’s possible to go through life without challenges that test faith. Life brings both beauty and tragedy, while we ride the periods in between. We have those emotional high…
China tells Donald Trump: we can help make America’s infrastructure great again | South China Morning Post
Report US-China Business Council April 2018
APRIL 2018
The End of US National Interest – LobeLog
The End of US National Interest – LobeLog: by John H. Johns and Trita Parsi It was not even a month ago that Donald Trump signaled that he wanted to get U.S. troops out of Syria. “I want to get out. I want to bring our troops back hom…
The brave new world of genetic genealogy - MIT Technology Review
The brave new world of genetic genealogy - MIT Technology Review: The combination of DNA and genealogy is a potentially a huge force for good in the world, but it must be used responsibly.
2017 was the year consumer DNA testing blew up - MIT Technology Review
2017 was the year consumer DNA testing blew up - MIT Technology Review: More people took genetic ancestry tests last year than in all previous years combined.
The Golden State Killer Is Tracked Through a Thicket of DNA, and Experts Shudder - The New York Times
The Golden State Killer Is Tracked Through a Thicket of DNA, and Experts Shudder - The New York Times: The arrest of a suspect has set off alarms among some scientists and ethicists worried that consumer DNA may be widely accessed by law enforcement.
Sprint and T-Mobile to Merge, in Bid to Remake Wireless Market - The New York Times
Sprint and T-Mobile to Merge, in Bid to Remake Wireless Market - The New York Times: The two companies are betting that regulators will finally allow the American wireless market to shrink to just three national players.
Pakistan Paves Way for Release of Doctor Who Helped Hunt Down Bin Laden | Asharq AL-awsat
Pakistan Paves Way for Release of Doctor Who Helped Hunt Down Bin Laden | Asharq AL-awsat: Middle-East Arab News and Opinion - Asharq Al-Awsat is the world’s premier pan-Arab daily newspaper, printed simultaneously each day on four continents in 14 cities
The Alfie Evans case is straight out of a dystopia (Opinion) - CNN
The Alfie Evans case is straight out of a dystopia (Opinion) - CNN: The Alfie Evans case is straight out of a dystopia, writes bioethicist Carter Snead. The heart of the problem is that, according to the UK Courts' interpretation of the relevant law, a life of permanent disability and dependency, whether long or short, is not worth living.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Alfie Evans' Mother Honors His Memory With a Beautiful Poem |
Alfie Evans' Mother Honors His Memory With a Beautiful Poem | Alfie Evans' Mother Honors His Memory With a Beautiful Poem
Hospital That Killed Alfie Has Been Caught Selling Child Organs
Hospital That Killed Alfie Has Been Caught Selling Child Organs: ... was harvesting organs from living children and selling them ...
Alfie Evans and Our Moral Crossroads -
Alfie Evans and Our Moral Crossroads - by Charles C. Camosy, 4 . 25 . 18 Physicians have many ways of influencing medical decisions made by the parents of children in their care. Certain studies can be cited in support of what the physician desires, and studies pointing in a different direction can be ignored. Directive, emotive, and exaggerated language can be …
How Alfie Evans became the latest weapon in the conservative attack on universal health care - The Washington Post
How Alfie Evans became the latest weapon in the conservative attack on universal health care - The Washington Post: The right has been attacking universal health care for decades. But they can't deny the reality: It works.
A court is an unfit place for a case like Alfie Evans and its moral complexity | Kenan Malik | Opinion | The Guardian
A court is an unfit place for a case like Alfie Evans and its moral complexity | Kenan Malik | Opinion | The Guardian: The legal system is inadequate when dealing with matters of life and death
US Holocaust Museum exhibition examines America's response to nazism abroad | World news | The Guardian
US Holocaust Museum exhibition examines America's response to nazism abroad | World news | The Guardian: A new exhibition looks at the motives, pressures and fears that shaped America’s response to the murder of Jews in Europe in the 1930s and 40s
As Alfie Evans dies, calls grow for better ways to support grieving parents | UK news | The Guardian
As Alfie Evans dies, calls grow for better ways to support grieving parents | UK news | The Guardian: Leading consultant says new approach needed to end disputes between parents and hospitals
White House Correspondents' Dinner Stunned By Comedian's Unfunny Personal Attacks
White House Correspondents' Dinner Stunned By Comedian's Unfunny Personal Attacks: "If the #WHCD dinner did anything tonight, it made the chasm between journalists and those who don't trust us, even wider"
Loathsome and Unfunny | National Review
Loathsome and Unfunny | National Review: Most comedic acts at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner are unfunny, but last night’s performance by someone named Michelle Wolf set a new standard by being both loathsome and unfunny (I wasn’t there, by the way, and haven’t gone in ...
A Prayer for Those Who Are Mourning
A Prayer for Those Who Are Mourning: Dearest God
I'm hurting after the death of my beloved,
I'm hurting after the death of my beloved,
Are we waiting until America becomes as uninhabitable for Jews as France? - Opinion - Israel News |
Are we waiting until America becomes as uninhabitable for Jews as France? - Opinion - Israel News | Trump hatred is blinding U.S. Jews to anti-Semitism from the Left. If it’s over for Jews in Europe, we American Jews should worry we aren’t far behind
South and North Korea: Handshake, Peace Talks Hurt U.S. Defense Stocks | Fortune
South and North Korea: Handshake, Peace Talks Hurt U.S. Defense Stocks | Fortune: South and North Korean leaders shared a friendly handshake, waving away fears of nuclear war. Defense stocks such as Boeing slipped into the red.
Bishop Barron's Daily Gospel Reflection Sunday, April 29, 2018

Regina Coeli Address: On the Lord Jesus as the Vine (Full Text) - ZENIT - English
Regina Coeli Address: On the Lord Jesus as the Vine (Full Text) - ZENIT - English: ‘He Invites Us to Remain United to Him to Bear Much Fruit’
Pope Francis Prays for Success of Korean Summit - ZENIT - English
Pope Francis Prays for Success of Korean Summit - ZENIT - English: 'I pray to the Lord that the hope of a future of peace and more fraternal friendship won’t be disappointed...'
Pope Expresses Condolences Upon Death of Alfie Evans - ZENIT - English
Pope Expresses Condolences Upon Death of Alfie Evans - ZENIT - English: 'I am deeply moved by the death of little Alfie. Today I pray especially for his parents, as God the Father receives him in his tender embrace.'
Book review of Fascism: A Warning by Madeleine Albright and The Road to Unfreedom by Timothy Snyder - The Washington Post
Book review of Fascism: A Warning by Madeleine Albright and The Road to Unfreedom by Timothy Snyder - The Washington Post: Two books — by Madeleine Albright and Timothy Snyder — weigh the nation’s course.
Book review: The road to unfreedom | IRRUSSIANALITY
Book review: The road to unfreedom | IRRUSSIANALITY: Timothy Snyder doesn’t like Donald Trump. Really, really doesn’t like him. He fears that under Trump, American (and also European) democracy may collapse into some sort of nasty fascist tyranny. An…
China’s Challenge to Democracy - WSJ
China’s Challenge to Democracy - WSJ: The democratic cause is on the defensive today, and China’s pragmatic authoritarianism now offers a serious rival model, based on economic progress and national dignity.
The west closes its ears to Douma testimony
The west closes its ears to Douma testimony, April 28, 2018
A Nobel Prize for Trump and Kim Is No Joke - Bloomberg
A Nobel Prize for Trump and Kim Is No Joke - Bloomberg: If they manage to achieve peace in Korea, they’ll be genuine heroes, whatever else they are.
Scarier than John Bolton?, by Philip Giraldi - The Unz Review
Scarier than John Bolton?, by Philip Giraldi - The Unz Review: Think of Nikki Haley for President!
Are the Russians Correct?, by W. Patrick Lang - The Unz Review
Are the Russians Correct?, by W. Patrick Lang - The Unz Review: The US Government claims that 100% of the 100 plus cruise missiles launched by the coalition it heads reached their targets on Syrian government chemical warfare connected sites. The Syrian and Russian governments state that 75% of these missiles did not reach their targets. Who should we believe? The extreme nature of the US claim […]
American Greatness in the Mideast Means Protecting Israel - American Greatness
American Greatness in the Mideast Means Protecting Israel - American Greatness: The American-led Middle East order is collapsing. Rival powers and regional actors now jockey for position in the region, in an attempt to form the next order there. While America’s position as the de facto regional hegemon has imploded, we still
The Toddler and the Pontiff | commentary
The Toddler and the Pontiff | commentary: With every minute that passes, the odds of a successful rescue get longer. But there is one long-shot hope left.
Bishop Barron's Daily Gospel Reflection Saturday April 28, 2018

Europe: Safeguard Values or Disappear
Europe: Safeguard Values or Disappear: We no longer replace our numbers; instead we rely on immigration to compensate for the shortfall in births. This immigration is for the most part Muslim; the effect of our demographic decline is, therefore, the Islamization of Europe. The response of
Life at the Top With Rupert Murdoch
Life at the Top With Rupert Murdoch: Rupert Murdoch stands astride the Atlantic. He is the most successful newspaper publisher in the United Kingdom and the proprietor of Fox, the most successful cable news channel in the United State…
Israeli Defense Minister: We Don’t Want War in Gaza, Lebanon | Asharq AL-awsat
Israeli Defense Minister: We Don’t Want War in Gaza, Lebanon | Asharq AL-awsat: Middle-East Arab News and Opinion - Asharq Al-Awsat is the world’s premier pan-Arab daily newspaper, printed simultaneously each day on four continents in 14 cities
The west closes its ears to Douma testimony
The west closes its ears to Douma testimony: The response from the US, UK and France to a briefing on Thursday at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the Hague was perve
James Comey & Hillary Clinton Emails: Foregone Conclusion | National Review
James Comey & Hillary Clinton Emails: Foregone Conclusion | National Review: The Obama Justice Department was never going to allow Clinton to be charged.
Alfie Evans, R.I.P.: British Doctors & Judges Overstepped Their Bounds | National Review
Alfie Evans, R.I.P.: British Doctors & Judges Overstepped Their Bounds | National Review: U.K. doctors and judges wronged the parents of Alfie Evans by blocking them from transferring him to a Vatican hospital.
Alfie Evans dies at Alder Hey hospital after life support withdrawn | UK news | The Guardian
Alfie Evans dies at Alder Hey hospital after life support withdrawn | UK news | The Guardian: Parents of boy with with rare degenerative brain disease say they are heartbroken after his death in hospital
Alfie Evans dies amid outpouring of prayer, support
Alfie Evans dies amid outpouring of prayer, support: Ailing toddler Alfie Evans died in the early hours of Saturday morning after being removed from life support.
Catholic Republicans, Democrats protest Ryan's ouster of House chaplain
Catholic Republicans, Democrats protest Ryan's ouster of House chaplain: Paul Ryan has come under fire from Catholic Republicans and Democrats for forcing the resignation of House Chaplain Father Pat Conroy.
Friday, April 27, 2018
Prayer for Baby Alfie Evans
Prayer for Baby Alfie Evans
A Dying Father, His Son and One Last Road Trip - The New York Times
A Dying Father, His Son and One Last Road Trip - The New York Times: In Jesse Ball’s new novel, “Census,” a retired doctor — facing a dire prognosis — embarks on a journey with his only child, who has Down syndrome.
This Is the Real Reason Britain Won't Release Alfie Evans to Italy
This Is the Real Reason Britain Won't Release Alfie Evans to Italy: This Is the Real Reason Britain Won’t Release Alfie Evans to Italy
Alfie Evans: Another Child Sacrifice on Britain's NHS Altar
Alfie Evans: Another Child Sacrifice on Britain's NHS Altar: The world is witness to slow-motion child murder.� The perpetrators are the NHS.
Alfie Evans case pits Catholic powers against UK’s ‘civilization of death’ – POLITICO
Alfie Evans case pits Catholic powers against UK’s ‘civilization of death’ – POLITICO: Polish president says the boy must be saved, and Italians give him citizenship to bring him to Rome.
Alfie Evans Case: America's Future? | National Review
Alfie Evans Case: America's Future? | National Review: Given America's current trajectory, something like the Alfie Evans case could easily happen here in the future.
The Alfie Evans case has proven that we need to change the law in favour of parents | The Independent
Why Aren't U.S. Liberals Outraged About Alfie Evans? - Bloomberg
Why Aren't U.S. Liberals Outraged About Alfie Evans? - Bloomberg: A British baby's right to life should be clear to everyone.
The Guardian view on Alfie Evans: a true tragedy | Editorial | Opinion | The Guardian
The Guardian view on Alfie Evans: a true tragedy | Editorial | Opinion | The Guardian: Editorial: The dreadful case of a terminally ill child whose parents cannot accept his condition offers no easy consolation
Why Single-Payer Health Care Denies Care To Children Like Alfie Evans
Why Single-Payer Health Care Denies Care To Children Like Alfie Evans: Single-payer advocates ask what the difference is between Alfie and an American who dies because he is too poor to afford care. It deserves an answer.
Vatican hospital director: ‘Ideological battle’ is keeping Alfie Evans in UK | News | LifeSite
Vatican hospital director: ‘Ideological battle’ is keeping Alfie Evans in UK | News | LifeSite: The director suspects that British authorities harbor hostility toward Bambino Gesù.
Alfie Evans update: Beautiful pictures of Vatican prayer vigil dedicated to 23-month-old | World | News |
Alfie Evans update: Beautiful pictures of Vatican prayer vigil dedicated to 23-month-old | World | News | MEMBERS of the Italian association Comitato Articolo have taken part in a Novena vigil prayer dedicated to Alfie Evans as part of a desperate plea for the 23-month-old to recover, it has emerged.
Alfie Evans update: British MEP says 'hospitals make MISTAKES' | UK | News |
Alfie Evans update: British MEP says 'hospitals make MISTAKES' | UK | News | ALFIE EVANS remains in hospital after his life support machine was switched off on Monday night and British MEP Steven Woolfe has come out to campaign for parents to have a right to make decisions about their child’s treatment – insisting hospitals can make “mistakes” and “errors of judgement”.
California’s Love Affair With Big Oil: from Marine ‘Protection’ to Cap-and-Trade
California’s Love Affair With Big Oil: from Marine ‘Protection’ to Cap-and-Trade: My long series of articles investigating the power of Big Oil in California, including my coverage of the passage last year of Jerry Brown’s legislation
Move Over Chernobyl, Fukushima is Now Officially the Worst Nuclear Power Disaster in History
Move Over Chernobyl, Fukushima is Now Officially the Worst Nuclear Power Disaster in History: The radiation dispersed into the environment by the three reactor meltdowns at Fukushima-Daiichi in Japan has exceeded that of the April 26, 1986 Chernobyl
'Anti-Catholicism in America' examines impact of religion, bigotry on early US | National Catholic Reporter
'Anti-Catholicism in America' examines impact of religion, bigotry on early US | National Catholic Reporter: Six years ago, I gave a very positive review to Maura Jane Farrelly's book Papist Patriots: The Making of an American Catholic Identity. (Here and here.) That work focused narrowly on the culture ...
Alfie Evans' parents to meet doctors in bid to take him home
Alfie Evans' parents to meet doctors in bid to take him home: The father of terminally ill toddler Alfie Evans said Thursday that he plans to meet doctors to discuss taking his son home from a British hospital.
Medical experts who are religious leaders look at faith, health, healing
Medical experts who are religious leaders look at faith, health, healing: Religions provide hope, meaning and models of behavior that have been proven to promote health, healing and long life, said speakers at a Vatican meeting.
Charlie Gard's parents express support for Alfie, want to change UK law to prevent parent-hospital conflicts
Charlie Gard's parents express support for Alfie, want to change UK law to prevent parent-hospital conflicts: Charlie Gard’s parents say they have been watching the Alfie Evans case “with heavy hearts,” and have pledged to try and change British law to “prevent parents experiencing painful and prolonged conflicts with medical professionals.”
Parents to work with hospital for treatment plan for Alfie Evans
Parents to work with hospital for treatment plan for Alfie Evans: Just days after Alfie Evans' life support was removed at a Liverpool hospital, his parents say they want to “build a bridge” with the hospital staff as they treat their son.
CROSSTALK: The reality of Cold War 2.0 - Washington Times
CROSSTALK: The reality of Cold War 2.0 - Washington Times: Politicians and experts still debate whether the United States and Russia are in a new cold war. Let's end the suspense. Cold War 2.0 is a reality.
Bishop Barron's Daily Reflection Friday, April 27, 2018
Friday of the Fourth Week of Easter
Lectionary: 283
Reading 1 Acts 13:26-33
When Paul came to Antioch in Pisidia, he said in the synagogue:“My brothers, children of the family of Abraham,
and those others among you who are God-fearing,
to us this word of salvation has been sent.
The inhabitants of Jerusalem and their leaders failed to recognize him,
and by condemning him they fulfilled the oracles of the prophets
that are read sabbath after sabbath.
For even though they found no grounds for a death sentence,
they asked Pilate to have him put to death,
and when they had accomplished all that was written about him,
they took him down from the tree and placed him in a tomb.
But God raised him from the dead,
and for many days he appeared to those
who had come up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem.
These are now his witnesses before the people.
We ourselves are proclaiming this good news to you
that what God promised our fathers
he has brought to fulfillment for us, their children, by raising up Jesus,
as it is written in the second psalm,
You are my Son; this day I have begotten you.”
Gospel Jn 14:1-6
Jesus said to his disciples:“Do not let your hearts be troubled.
You have faith in God; have faith also in me.
In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.
If there were not,
would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come back again and take you to myself,
so that where I am you also may be.
Where I am going you know the way.”
Thomas said to him,
“Master, we do not know where you are going;
how can we know the way?”
Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Russians Establish $1 Million Jewish Prize With Israel - The New York Times
Russians Establish $1 Million Jewish Prize With Israel - The New York Times: In another sign of growing ties between the countries, an annual award created by billionaires will honor people who attribute their achievement to Jewish values.
How to make the most of the new Gmail | ZDNet
How to make the most of the new Gmail | ZDNet: Google's Gmail major rewrite introduces many new, useful features. Here's how to use the Gmail improvements, which are ready now.
China is trying to lure Trump into a bad deal on trade - The Washington Post
China is trying to lure Trump into a bad deal on trade - The Washington Post: The White House should not fall for a Beijing-styled quick fix.
“Fake News” a Growing New Threat to Press Freedom – LobeLog
“Fake News” a Growing New Threat to Press Freedom – LobeLog: by Thalif Deen When a Malaysian politician of a bygone era was asked about the “leading newspapers” in his country, he shot back: “We don’t have any leading newspapers in our country because all ou…
'Heaven Is Not Boring,' Says Pope at Morning Mass - ZENIT - English
'Heaven Is Not Boring,' Says Pope at Morning Mass - ZENIT - English: Reminds Heaven Is Place of Eternal Joy Where We Meet Jesus & Are Happy Forever
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