Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Clinton’s link to Putin is the underreported ‘dossier’ bombshell
Clinton’s link to Putin is the underreported ‘dossier’ bombshell
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/clintons-link-to-putin-is-the-underreported-dossier-bombshell/2017/10/31/0623f2f4-ba87-11e7-be94-fabb0f1e9ffb_story.html?utm_term=.848df1daf7f1France: New Anti-Terrorism Law Takes Effect
France: New Anti-Terrorism Law Takes Effect
by Soeren Kern • October 31, 2017 at 5:00 am
- The new law authorizes prefects to order the closure of mosques or other places of worship for a period of up to six months if preachers are deemed to express "ideas or theories" that "incite violence, hatred or discrimination, provoke the commission of acts of terrorism or express praise for such acts."
- French police and intelligence services are surveilling around 15,000 jihadists living on French soil, Le Journal du Dimanche reported on October 9. Of these, some 4,000 are at "the top of the spectrum" and most likely to carry out an attack.
- Of the 1,900 French jihadists fighting with the Islamic State, as many as one-fifth have received as much as €500,000 ($580,000) in social welfare payments from the French state, Le Figaro revealed on October 26.
Police patrol the Champs-Élysées in Paris after a terrorist attack on
April 21, 2017, in which one police officer was killed and another
wounded. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
French President Emmanuel
Macron has formally signed a new counter-terrorism law which gives
prefects, police and security forces wide-ranging powers — without the
need to seek prior approval from a judge — to search homes, place people
under house arrest and close places of worship. The measure also
authorizes police to perform identity checks at French borders.
new law, adopted by the French Senate on October 18, makes permanent
many of the previously exceptional measures imposed under a two-year-old
state of emergency, which was introduced after the jihadist attacks in
Paris in November 2015. That state of emergency was slated to expire on November 1.
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2016 revealed the true nature of America’s left & right. It’s bad news. – Fabius Maximus website
Papadopoulos Plea Deal May Be the Most Revealing Clue About Where Mueller Is Heading - Bloomberg
What Do Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Dick Cheney, Oprah Winfrey, Erin Brockovich, Stephen Hawking, Harrison Ford, Robert Kennedy, Jr., Jon Krakauer, Michelle Obama, Dan Rathers, Malcolm Gladwell, and Yours Truly Have in Common? Smeared by a Soros-Funded Think Tank for Appearing on RT | naked capitalism
Mueller finally proves it: Hillary Clinton is guilty!
Mueller finally proves it: Hillary Clinton is guilty!
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/seems-like-everyones-colluding-with-russia-now/2017/10/30/25d3e122-bdb6-11e7-8444-a0d4f04b89eb_story.html?utm_term=.56dc87d61314Monday, October 30, 2017
Saudi Chief of Staff: We are Determined to Establish Legitimacy All Over Yemen | Asharq AL-awsat
Sunday, October 29, 2017
China Is Looking Forward to Trump’s Truancy at the East Asia Summit
China Is Looking Forward to Trump’s Truancy at the East Asia Summit
We are witnessing St. John Paul II’s prophesy of an ‘anti-Church’: Catholic priest | News | Lifesitenews
Trump Heralds GOP "Anger, Unity" As WSJ Warns Dems "The Russian Dossier Dam Is Breaking" | Zero Hedge
America's F-35s Can't Fly 22% of the Time, Repair Facilities Six Years Behind Schedule - Slashdot
Violence is So Bad in Kabul that Red Cross Clinics are Shutting their Doors | Asharq AL-awsat
NSA Document Says Saudi Prince Directly Ordered Coordinated Attack By Syrian Rebels On Damascus
Used to Afghanistan, Special Operators Suffer From Lack of Support in Africa – Foreign Policy
Puerto Rico Is Burning Its Dead, And We May Never Know How Many People The Hurricane Really Killed
Trump Vs. America’s Children: Child Poverty In America Is Indefensible
Trump Vs. America’s Children: Child Poverty In America Is Indefensible
Saturday, October 28, 2017
The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election
The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election
So why won’t the media admit as much?
By Nate Silver
On North Korea, 'We’re Fools If We Don’t Start Taking the President at His Word' - The Atlantic
Freelancing Isn't Feminist—It's Badly Negotiated Wage Labor for $5 an Hour | naked capitalism
Mattis Warns 'Massive' Response over Accelerating N.Korea Nuclear Attack Threat | Asharq AL-awsat
The Balfour Declaration at 100: Remembering Its Prophetic Jewish Critics
The Balfour Declaration at 100: Remembering Its
Prophetic Jewish Critics
Article Details
Prophetic Jewish Critics
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'Muhammad' is the Future of Europe
'Muhammad' is the Future of Europe
by Giulio Meotti • October 28, 2017 at 5:00 am
- During the next thirty years, the population of Africa is expected to increase by one billion.
- The French economist Charles Gave recently predicted that France will have a Muslim majority by 2057 -- and this estimate did not even take into consideration the number of expected new migrants.
- No doubt, Africa's exploding population will try to reach the shores of a wealthy, senile Europe, which is already undergoing an internal demographic revolution. Europe, to retain its culture, will need to make hard-headed decisions, not just amuse itself to death. The question is: Will Europe protect its borders and civilization before it is submerged?
2015 and 2016, approximately 2.5 million migrants reached Europe,
according to a Pew Research Center report. Pictured: Migrants off the
coast of Libya attempt to cross the Mediterranean to Europe, on February
18, 2017. (Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images)
French President Emmanuel
Macron this summer ended up in the middle of a political storm -- with
accusations of "racism" -- for saying that women "with seven or eight
children" are responsible for the current condition of the African
continent, thus creating a challenge, according to Macron, that is
The United
Nations states that Macron is right. According to the UN's annual
demographic report, "World Population Prospects," one-sixth of the
world's population currently lives in Africa. By 2050, the proportion
will be one-quarter, and at the end of the century -- when Africa will
have four billion people -- one-third.
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Trump Justice Department: Wars are off limits to court review
This case gives the meaning of “quaint” to the statement of Abraham Lincoln in 2nd paragraph below, as William Polk wrote here:
The reason why the men who wrote the Constitution believed so strongly about limiting the power of the executive, despite their admiration for the reasoning of John Locke and Sir William Blackstone was their fear of tyranny. While the Supreme Court made no further comment on this issue, the then Congressman Abraham Lincoln almost half a century later, in 1848, gave what apparently everyone assumed to have been the intent of the Founders when he wrote that:
"The provision of the Constitution giving the war-making power to Congress was dictated, as I understand it, by the following reasons. Kings had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars, pretending generally, if not always, that the good of the people was the object. This, our Constitutional] Convention understood to be the most oppressive of all Kingly oppressions; and they resolved to so frame the Constitution that no one man should hold the power of bringing this oppression upon us…"
Abraham Lincoln in Letter to William Herndon on February 15, 1848.
Friday, October 27, 2017
We’re All Mad Here: Weinstein, Women, and the Language of Lunacy
We’re All Mad Here: Weinstein, Women, and the Language of Lunacy
“He has demons.” The language of madness is the last resort for a society that can no longer deny the evidence of structural oppression and violence.https://longreads.com/2017/10/23/weinstein-women-and-the-language-of-lunacy/?utm_source=Weekly+Longreads+Email&utm_campaign=b1dea278e3-Longreads_Top_5_October_27_2017&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_bd2ad42066-b1dea278e3-239031537&mc_cid=b1dea278e3&mc_eid=9528811089
Trump Placing Heavy Focus On Yemen In The Campaign To Counter Iran
Trump Placing Heavy Focus On Yemen In The Campaign To Counter Iran
By By Jay Solomon, / Thursday, October 26, 2017 10:00 AM
Given the maritime and missile threats
posed by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, senior U.S. officials have
indicated that the White House will continue expanding its assistance to
the Saudi-led coalition. The Trump administration is eyeing Yemen as a
critical theater in its stepped-up campaign to roll back Iranian
influence in the Arab world. Washington is particularly
It’s Not Just Niger — U.S. Military Activity Is a “Recruiting Tool” for Terror Groups Across West Africa
Trump’s new war in Afghanistan, by Chris Sands (Le Monde diplomatique - English edition, October 2017)
Guest Post: “The True Flag” and Wars of Choice by Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr. (USFS, Ret.)

“The True Flag” and Wars of
Remarks to a Committee for the Republic Salon with Stephen
Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr. (USFS, Ret.)
Senior Fellow, the Watson Institute for International and
Public Affairs, Brown University
October 26, 2017, Washington, D.C.
I’m Chas
Freeman. I chair the loose,
transpartisan coalition known as the Committee for the Republic. I want to welcome our members – especially
the contributors who sponsor these salons and make it possible for us to air
important issues that would otherwise go publicly unaddressed.
A very warm
welcome too to Stephen Kinzer. Stephen,
we are honored to have you back as our speaker at this evening’s
discussion. Your stalwart opposition to
the promiscuous interventionism that has replaced diplomacy in America’s
management of its foreign relations is directly relevant to the purposes of the
Committee for the Republic.
As you probably
know, the Committee came into being in 2003, when many here tonight worried
about how the American lurch into ill-defined wars in the Middle East might
damage the civil liberties and traditions of our republic. Sadly, these
concerns have proved justified, and, despite widening popular discomfort with
the state of the nation, things seem to be getting worse rather than
better. We Americans have come to accept
perpetual warfare as the norm for our society.
We now regard the “big government” and enormous national debt needed to
make constant war on other peoples and care for our own fallen warriors as
inescapable burdens on our body politic.
In military
affairs, for Americans, more is always better.
We have acquired a vested interest in big armies, big navies, big air
forces, big armaments industries, and big talk about how we will destroy
recalcitrant foreign societies. And
despite the clear language of our Constitution, we have stood ineffectually by
as Congress has yielded its power to authorize wars of choice to the Executive. The current, apparently limitless authority
of the president to launch wars at will, including nuclear wars, negates the
most distinctive and revolutionary element of our system of government: – the
decision to entrust the power to start wars exclusively to Congress.
The reason the
founders thought the Executive did not deserve such power is the focus of our
vice chair, John Henry’s latest, wittiest, and most entertaining play, The Republic for which We Stand. The play, which debuted to rave reviews in
Virginia, will be performed by members of the Committee – you know who you are
– in the Congressional Auditorium at the United States Capitol Visitors Center
on November 7. There, at 6:30 pm, the
Committee for the Republic will confer Defender of Liberty awards on a heroic
member or two of Congress for upholding congressional prerogatives with respect
to the war power. The play will begin at
7 pm. Have a look at the details on the
Committee’s website. I urge you to call
the play to the attention of your representatives in Congress. If they show up, they will enjoy some pretty
good slapstick while being reminded of the responsibilities the American people
have entrusted to them.
That’s 6:30 on
Tuesday, November 7, at the Congressional Auditorium of the Capitol Visitors
In our
republic, the President of the United States swears an oath to the Constitution
before delivering an inaugural address.
Based on some of what President Trump said during his campaign, I and
others had hoped we might hear something like this from him last January 20:
“I pledge to the American people that, as
your president and the commander-in-chief of your armed forces, I shall
vigorously defend the United States of America against any attack, but I will
initiate no war except upon a vote in Congress declaring it, defining its objectives,
and funding it, as required by our Constitution, which reserves the right to
authorize wars of choice to the Congress alone.
I have inherited multiple wars from my predecessors that were not so
authorized. I intend to submit these
wars, one-by-one, to Congress for consideration and an up-or-down vote. I will take the failure of Congress to
declare these wars as a mandate to end them on the best terms and as
expeditiously as possible.”
That is not
what we heard. If the president cannot
bring himself to say such words, we must look to the Congress to muster the
courage to assert its powers under the Constitution.
There is now
apparent concern about the currently unconstrained power of the president to
launch a nuclear attack on other nations at will. The answer to this and related anxieties is
to take steps to implement the Constitution.
We should clarify in legislation that any order by the president to our
military directing a non-retaliatory attack on another nation that has not been
explicitly approved by Congress is both illegal and an impeachable
offense. We should return to respect for
our founders’ carefully considered framework for decisions about war and
peace. My hope is that members of
Congress will yet form a bipartisan caucus devoted to promoting the
constitutional exercise of the war power.
All this is
very germane to the subject of this evening’s salon: Stephen Kinzer’s latest
No one has been
more eloquent than Stephen, my friend and colleague at Brown’s Watson Institute
for International and Public Affairs, in making the case against a shoot-first,
think-later approach to foreign affairs.
Stephen, in your numerous op-eds and books, you have helped us
understand how self-adulation and self-righteousness can lead us to compromise
our ideals while wounding our national interests.
Ladies and
gentlemen, Stephen Kinzer’s new book, The
True Flag: Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, and the Birth of American Empire,
wipes away a lot of national amnesia. It
shows how, at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century,
Americans earnestly debated whether to take Manifest Destiny global, thereby
contradicting the anti-imperialist principles on which our nation had been
founded. Our decision to do so continues
to influence our fate. The True Flag is at once a great read, a
delightful reminder of past American eloquence on issues central to our
national purposes and identity, and a reminder that populist nationalism can
sometimes overwhelm common sense.
In the opening
years of the twenty-first century we Americans have again made fateful
decisions about our role in the world.
We have chosen to go all out in
defense of the crumbling status quo, that is: the global military primacy
created by our past imperial belligerence.
But this time we have made our decisions without notable public debate
or discussion. The True Flag inspires us to do
better than that, while offering a cautionary tale about the consequences
of failing to do so.
Stephen, in addition
to telling us how – against our better judgment – we became an imperial power,
I hope you will give us your thoughts on what implications that has for our
present and future health as a nation.
Is there any reason to expect that we will be capable of breaking free
of our past?
The podium is
Thursday, October 26, 2017
No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists
No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists
https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulroderickgregory/2017/02/18/no-one-mentions-that-the-russian-trail-leads-to-democratic-lobbyists/#4db3c0a53991Forget the 'slippery slope' — Israel already is an apartheid state: Neil Macdonald - CBC News | Opinion
After the end of the startup era
After the end of the startup era
https://techcrunch.com/2017/10/22/ask-not-for-whom-the-deadpool-tolls/?ncid=rss&utm_source=tcfbpage&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Techcrunch+%28TechCrunch%29&utm_content=FaceBook&sr_share=facebookTillerson Doesn’t Understand What He’s Doing to the State Department | The American Conservative
Why the U.S. Intelligence Community Fears Russia's Growing Military Might | The National Interest Blog
Crown Prince: Negotiations with Amazon, Alibaba to Develop Neom’s Technologies | Asharq AL-awsat
Franciscan Friars of Atonement Novena to St. Jude
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