It Begins: Iowa and an Avalanche of Mayhem
Yet though Frederick certainly enjoyed Lucera and his Arab friends there, this was a policy not of toleration but of exploitation. Lucera was certainly a city where Islam was tolerated and protected: Frederick would not allow papal missionaries there to harass the Muslims. But Lucera was also a refugee camp and a reservation. The Muslims had to live there and had no choice but to be loyal to Frederick because he was their only protector.Lucera, in other words, was the very definition of a gray zone. It was an enclave of Muslims in Europe who were more or less prospering. It had official support from the authorities in the person of Frederick II. But many Christians considered the city an outpost of the enemy.
Muslims in the crusader countries will find themselves driven to abandon their homes for a place to live in the Khil?fah, as the crusaders increase persecution against Muslims living in Western lands so as to force them into a tolerable sect of apostasy in the name of “Islam” before forcing them into blatant Christianity and democracy.ISIS, in other words, views all forms of Islam that don’t correspond to its own peculiar Salafist interpretation as not only apostasy, but as way stations on the road toward the ultimate abandonment of the religion.
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The Trans-Pacific Partnership Fraud
Jomo Kwame Sundaram
The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), negotiated in Atlanta in
October 2015 and to be signed in Auckland in February 2016, privileges
foreign investors while imposing substantial costs on partner countries.
Touted as a ‘gold standard’ 21st century trade deal, it is critical to
ascertain ...
The Lesson from Davos: No Connection to Reality
Roberto Savio
The rich and the powerful, who meet every year at the World Economic
Forum (WEF), were in a gloomy mood this time. Not only because the day
they met close to eight trillion dollars has been wiped off global
equity markets by a "correction". But because no leader could be in a
buoyant mood.
Eisenkot said there were two “existential threats” to Israel, and both are currently “declining.” One was the threat of nonconventional weaponry, including both Iran’s nuclear program and Syrian chemical weapons…These comments should be unremarkable, since Israel’s security establishment has long given support, if cautious support, to diplomacy with Iran and the accord reached as a result. But Eisenkot’s remarks are still worth pointing out because of the sad state of affairs in the American discourse about Iran.
First, he said Israel faces no existential threats right now, because Obama’s Iran nuclear deal has removed the greatest threat to Israel’s existence…
As for the Iranian nuclear agreement, he said it is “a strategic turning point” that includes “many risks but also opportunities.”
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It is still 3 minutes to midnight |
the past year, the international community has made positive strides in
regard to humanity’s two most pressing existential threats: nuclear
weapons and climate change. In July 2015, at the end of nearly two years
of negotiations, six world powers and Iran reached a historic agreement
that limits the Iranian nuclear program and aims to prevent Tehran from
developing nuclear weaponry. And in December of last year, nearly 200
countries agreed in Paris to a process by which they will attempt to
reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide, aiming to keep the increase in
world temperature well below 2.0 degrees Celsius above the
pre-industrial level.
the diplomatic successes on Iran and in Paris have been offset, at
least, by negative events in the nuclear and climate arenas. The members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Science
and Security Board find the world situation to be highly threatening to
humanity—so threatening that the minute hand of the Doomsday Clock must remain at three minutes to midnight, the closest it has been to catastrophe since the early days of above-ground hydrogen bomb testing.North Korea’s nuclear test, vastly expensive nuclear modernization programs in the United States and around the globe, the world’s collective inability to effectively deal with nuclear waste, and the drumbeat of continued climate change remain very serious challenges. And as the Board writes in the 2016 Doomsday Clock Statement, “When we call these dangers existential, that is exactly what we mean: They threaten the very existence of civilization…” The video recording of the Doomsday Clock international news conference will be posted on our website within a few hours of the conclusion of the program. Board members Thomas Pickering, Lawrence Krauss, Sivan Kartha, and Sharon Squassoni were joined via a live, two-way link from Stanford University by California Governor Jerry Brown, former Secretary of State George Shultz, and former Secretary of Defense William J. Perry. As the signatories to 2016 Doomsday Clock Statement make clear, the Earth remains perilously and inexcusably close to metaphorical midnight. You can read the full report on the Bulletin’s website at It is still 3 minutes to midnight. |
Out of Bounds, Off-Limits, or Just Plain Ignored
Six National Security Questions Hillary, Donald, Ted, Marco, et al., Don’t Want to Answer and Won’t Even Be Asked
By Andrew J. Bacevich
To judge by the early returns, the presidential race of 2016 is shaping up as the most disheartening in recent memory. Other than as a form of low entertainment, the speeches, debates, campaign events, and slick TV ads already inundating the public sphere offer little of value. Rather than exhibiting the vitality of American democracy, they testify to its hollowness.
Present-day Iranian politics may actually possess considerably more substance than our own. There, the parties involved, whether favoring change or opposing it, understand that the issues at stake have momentous implications. Here, what passes for national politics is a form of exhibitionism about as genuine as pro wrestling.
Click here to read more of this dispatch.
Speakers Added to Doomsday Clock Announcement |
You can see the entire news conference on the Bulletin's website. And if you haven’t taken our Doomsday Clock Survey, we invite you to do so now. Survey results are not taken into account by the Science and Security Board, whose decision on the 2016 time of the Clock has already been made, but we would like to know your thoughts about the existential threats of our time. The poll will close at 12 p.m., EST, tomorrow. It is now 3 minutes to midnight. Watch the live-stream on Tuesday, January 26th, as we announce the time for 2016. News event speakers at the National Press Club event are: · Rachel Bronson, executive director and publisher, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists; · Lawrence M. Krauss, chair, Bulletin Board of Sponsors, foundation professor, School of Earth and Space Exploration and Physics departments, and director, Origins Project, Arizona State University. · Thomas R. Pickering, member, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Science and Security Board, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, the Russian Federation, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, and Jordan; · Sharon Squassoni, member, Bulletin Science and Security Board, senior fellow and director, Proliferation Prevention Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC; and · Sivan Kartha, member, Bulletin Science and Security Board, senior scientist and climate change expert, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), and co-leader of the SEI research theme “Reducing Climate Risk.” Speakers at the Stanford University event are: · Jerry Brown, Governor of the State of California; · George P. Shultz, Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford distinguished fellow, Hoover Institution, and former U.S. Secretary of State; and · William J. Perry, senior fellow, Freeman Spogli Institute, and former U.S. Secretary of Defense. |