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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Syria: U.S. War Making at the Expense of Democracy

Syria: U.S. War Making at the Expense of Democracy

A Fire that Needs to Burn Brightly

A Fire that Needs to Burn Brightly

They’re Baaack: Neocons Launch Push for Regime Change

They’re Baaack: Neocons Launch Push for Regime Change
Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, August 27, 2013

War in Syria: Madness on the Potomac By Doug Bandow Share

War in Syria: Madness on the Potomac

Saudi Arabia outlaws domestic violence

Saudi Arabia outlaws domestic violence

Landmark legislation is aimed at protecting women, children and domestic workers against domestic abuse, official says.[LIST_EMAIL_ID]&ct=t%28WAND_75_Saudi_Arabia_social_issues8_31_2013%29&gooal=eyJjaWQiOiI0YTc5MDk5NDUwIiwidGFnIjoiV0FORF83NV9TYXVkaV9BcmFiaWFfc29jaWFsX2lzc3VlczhfMzFfMjAxMyIsInVpZCI6IjI4MjBhZmIxZmJhZTBjOTllODhmYjZmNTIifQ%3D%3D|Q1dGUmVzaWRlbmNlQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ==&mc_cid=4a79099450&mc_eid=[UNIQID]

Obama, Syria, and Iran: The (Lonely and Declining) Empire Prepares to Strike Back (Self-Destructively and for No Strategic Purpose)

Obama, Syria, and Iran: The (Lonely and Declining) Empire Prepares to Strike Back (Self-Destructively and for No Strategic Purpose)

$52.6 billion The Black Budget

$52.6 billion

The Black Budget

U.S. spy network’s successes, failures and objectives detailed in ‘black budget’ summary

U.S. spy network’s successes, failures and objectives detailed in ‘black budget’ summary

U.S. spy agencies mounted 231 offensive cyber-operations in 2011, documents show

U.S. spy agencies mounted 231 offensive cyber-operations in 2011, documents show

By Barton Gellman and , WashPost, Published: August 30

Wheels Falling Off the Imperial Reality-Creating Machine By Lambert Strether of Corrente.

Wheels Falling Off the Imperial Reality-Creating Machine

By Lambert Strether of Corrente.

Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack
Rebels and local residents in Ghouta accuse Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan of providing chemical weapons to an al-Qaida linked rebel group.

Friday, August 30, 2013

As Kerry Makes Obama's Flimsy Case for War, Where Is Congress?

As Kerry Makes Obama's Flimsy Case for War, Where Is Congress?

Intervening in Syria is Stupid

The New Republic

The New Republic
You have read:
AUGUST 29, 2013

Intervening in Syria is Stupid

An attack would be illegal and ineffective. It wouldn't satisfy hawkish critics, either.


Max Blumenthal: How right wing conspiracy theories found a home in Egypt

Max Blumenthal: How right wing conspiracy theories found a home in Egypt

War in Syria: We Could Try Doing it Legally

Liberty Pell

At the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a woman asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" Without hesitation, Franklin replied,"A republic, if you can keep it."

War in Syria: We Could Try Doing it Legally

Quick, with more money at stake than you would care to lose and no lifeline calls to experts, what should the United States do about Syria? Surgical missile strikes are on offer, but the fear is they will lead to more.
Bzzzzz. Time’s up. You lose. Fortunately, your getting it wrong does not matter.
It is another matter if President Obama gets it wrong, and he will because Syria is a no win situation. “Tohu wabohu” – chaos and tumult – as the Hebrew Bible admonishes.

An Appeal to Gen. Dempsey on Syria

An Appeal to Gen. Dempsey on Syria

August 30, 2013
Gen. Martin Dempsey,  Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, has spoken soberly about the dangers from any military strike on Syria, but press reports indicate President Obama is still set on launching cruise missiles in the coming days, an action that former U.S. intelligence professionals say should prompt Dempsey’s resignation.

Obama May Be Walking into an Impeachment Trap by Kevin Zeese

Obama May Be Walking into an Impeachment Trap

by Kevin Zeese

The Case for Helping Syria's Children—One Hundred Years Ago

The Case for Helping Syria's Children—One Hundred Years Ago

Images from a century ago, advocating for American aid to children in Syria and Turkey after they became victims of genocide

If The NSA Really Let Edward Snowden Do This Then Someone Needs To Be Fired

If The NSA Really Let Edward Snowden Do This Then Someone Needs To Be Fired

John Kerry's "Proof" Statement - Full Transcript

John Kerry's "Proof" Statement - Full Transcript

White House Considers Awarding Obamacare Subsidies, Intended For The Uninsured, To Labor Unions

White House Considers Awarding Obamacare Subsidies, Intended For The Uninsured, To Labor Unions

What would a US attack on Syria look like? : News : SunNews Video Gallery

What would a US attack on Syria look like? : News : SunNews Video Gallery

Will Boehner Stop Our Rogue President?

Will Boehner Stop Our Rogue President? Aug 29th, 2013 @ 11:00 pm › Patrick J. Buchanan

The Return of the Dodgy Dossier The case for bombing Syria is unraveling

The Return of the Dodgy Dossier
The case for bombing Syria is unraveling

Intelligence “Black Budget” Reveals Vast CIA Funding for Surveillance, Collection

Intelligence “Black Budget” Reveals Vast CIA Funding for Surveillance, Collection

Top secret document leaked by Snowden shows aims, successes and failures of $52 billion intelligence nexus.

NSA now admits spying on 75% of U.S. Internet traffic: Emails, texts, voice calls

NSA now admits spying on 75% of U.S. Internet traffic: Emails, texts, voice calls

Ex-CEO of McDonald's warns Obamacare forcing all employees into 25-hour work weeks Learn more:

Ex-CEO of McDonald's warns Obamacare forcing all employees into 25-hour work weeks

Syria: after years of distancing, how special is the US-UK relationship?

Syria: after years of distancing, how special is the US-UK relationship?


David Cameron made few references to the US in parliament – an oversight or a tactical calculation following the Iraq war?

Michael White Thursday 29 August 2013
The Guardian

Syria: after years of distancing, how special is the US-UK relationship?

Syria: after years of distancing, how special is the US-UK relationship?


David Cameron made few references to the US in parliament – an oversight or a tactical calculation following the Iraq war?

Michael White Thursday 29 August 2013
The Guardian

Obama Striking Assad Risks International Law Conflict


Obama Striking Assad Risks International Law Conflict

By Indira A.R. Lakshmanan - Aug 30, 2013
As U.S. officials work to convince the world that Bashar al-Assad’s regime used chemical weapons in Syria, the Obama administration is confronting questions about whether it has a legal right to respond with force.
The United Nations Security Council would need to authorize military action or the U.S. would have to be acting in self-defense for a strike to be legal under international law even if it may be justified, according to lawyers including Philip Carter.

Obama and the power to go to war,0,2055546.story


Obama and the power to go to war

The Constitution is clear: The president must make his case to Congress.

By Chris Edelson

The WMD Excuse, Again Be skeptical of the administration’s claims on Syria. By Alan Reynolds

The WMD Excuse, Again
Be skeptical of the administration’s claims on Syria.

The JFK Assassination Marked the End of the American Republic Interview with Martin Broeckers, author of JFK: Coup d’Etat in America

The JFK Assassination Marked the End of the American Republic

Interview with Martin Broeckers, author of JFK: Coup d’Etat in America

An Impeachable Offense

An Impeachable Offense

Make no mistake about it: President Obama’s 90-minute telephone conference call with a group of congressional “leaders” to consult about his plans to initiate a military attack on Syria does not comport with the U.S. Constitution, the higher law that the American people have imposed on federal officials. The Constitution is clear: The power to declare war lies with Congress, ...

If the British Can Stop Their Government From Waging War in Syria, Why Can't We?

If the British Can Stop Their Government From Waging War in Syria, Why Can't We?

Aetna Pulls Out Of Another Obamacare Health Exchange

Aetna Pulls Out Of Another Obamacare Health Exchange

Edward Snowden leaks again: five takeaways from the 'black budget'

Edward Snowden leaks again: five takeaways from the 'black budget'

The latest Edward Snowden leak reveals that the CIA claims the lion's share of the $52.6 billion classified 'black budget' that the US spent on its intelligence agencies in 2013, topping the NSA.

Snowden impersonated NSA officials, sources say

Snowden impersonated NSA officials, sources say

U.S. spy network’s successes, failures and objectives detailed in ‘black budget’ summary

U.S. spy network’s successes, failures and objectives detailed in ‘black budget’ summary

Poll: Americans Cared More About Snowden Than Sports, Celebrity Scandals This Summer By Steven Nelson

Poll: Americans Cared More About Snowden Than Sports, Celebrity Scandals This Summer

New Snowden Leak Reports ‘Groundbreaking’ NSA Crypto-Cracking Wired

New Snowden Leak Reports ‘Groundbreaking’ NSA Crypto-Cracking Wired

Naked Capitalism's Syria News Updates 8/30


Obama strike plans in disarray after Britain rejects use of force in Syria Guardian. The poodle turns.
Democrat Alan Grayson: Obama’s case for striking Syria “flatly false.” Miami Herald
So, What’s It Going To Be? Bashar al-Assad, The Onion
U.S. ready to go it alone on Syria after stinging British defeat AFP
Obama Set for Limited Strike on Syria as British Vote No Times
Unclassified Syria briefing exposes rifts among key lawmakers The Hill
U.S. Officials say ‘no smoking gun’ implicating Assad in chemical attack Reuters
Assad assassination attempt may have prompted chemical weapons strike NBC (but see emptywheel).
Joe Biden’s Case That Waging War Without Congress Is an Impeachable Offense The Atlantic

Teen employment hits record lows, suggesting lost generation McClatchy

Teen employment hits record lows, suggesting lost generation McClatchy


Secrecy News Blog:



Secret intelligence agency budget information was abundantly detailed in the Washington Post yesterday based on Top Secret budget documents released by Edward Snowden.  See "U.S. spy network's successes, failures and objectives detailed in 'black budget' summary" by Barton Gellman and Greg Miller, Washington Post, August 29.

The newly disclosed information includes individual agency budgets along with program area line items, as well as details regarding the size and structure of the intelligence workforce.  So one learns, for example, that the proposed budget for covert action in FY2013 was approximately $2.6 billion, while the total for open source intelligence was $387 million.

Some of the information only confirms what was already understood to be true. The budget for the National Security Agency was estimated to be about $10 billion, according to a recent story in CNN Money ("What the NSA Costs Taxpayers" by Jeanne Sahadi, June 7, 2013). The actual NSA budget figure, the Post reported, is $10.8 billion.

And the involuntary disclosure of classified intelligence budget information, while rare, is not unprecedented.  In 1994, the House Appropriations Committee inadvertently published budget data for national and military intelligence, the size of the CIA budget, and other details. ("$28 Billion Spying Budget is Made Public by Mistake" by Tim Weiner, New York Times, November 5, 1994)

But the current disclosure of intelligence budget information dwarfs all previous releases and provides unmatched depth and detail of spending over a course of several years, based on original documents.  The disclosure is doubly remarkable because the Post chastely refrained from releasing about 90% of the Congressional Budget Justification Book that it obtained.  "Sensitive details are so pervasive in the documents that The Post is publishing only summary tables and charts online," Post reporters Gellman and Miller wrote.

This is not a whistleblower disclosure; it does not reveal any illegality or obvious wrongdoing. On the contrary, the underlying budget document is a formal request to Congress to authorize and appropriate funding for intelligence.

But the disclosure seems likely to be welcomed in many quarters (while scorned in others) both because of a generalized loss of confidence in the integrity of the classification system, and because of a more specific belief that the U.S. intelligence bureaucracy today requires increased public accountability.

Though it has never been embraced as official policy, the notion of public disclosure of individual intelligence agency budgets (above and beyond the release of aggregate totals) has an honorable pedigree.

In 1976, the U.S. Senate Church Committee advocated publication of the total intelligence budget and recommended that "any successor committees study the effects of publishing more detailed information on the budgets of the intelligence agencies."

In a 1996 hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, then-Chair Sen. Arlen Specter badgered DCI John Deutch about the need for intelligence budget secrecy.

"I think that you and the Intelligence Community and this committee have got to do a much better job in coming to grips with the hard reasons for this [budget secrecy], if they exist. And if they exist, I'm prepared to help you defend them. But I don't see that they exist. I don't think that they have been articulated or explained," the late Sen. Specter said then.

Committee Vice Chair Sen. Bob Kerrey added: "I would concur in much of what the Chairman has just said. I do, myself, believe not only the top line, but several of the other lines of the budget, not only could but should, for the purpose of giving taxpayer-citizens confidence that their money is being well spent."

In 2004, the 9/11 Commission itself recommended disclosure of intelligence agency budgets: "Finally, to combat the secrecy and complexity we have described, the overall amounts of money being appropriated for national intelligence and to its component agencies should no longer be kept secret" (at page 416, emphasis added).

These are clearly minority views.  They could have been adopted at any time -- as disclosure of the aggregate total was -- but they haven't been.  (And even these voices did not call for release of the more detailed budget line items that are now public.)  And yet they are not totally outlandish either.

The initial response of the executive branch to the Washington Post story will be to hunker down, to decline explicit comment, and to prohibit government employees from viewing classified budget documents that are in the public domain.  Damage assessments will be performed, and remedial security measures will be imposed.  These are understandable reflex responses.

But in a lucid moment, officials should ponder other questions.

How can public confidence in national security secrecy be bolstered?  Is it possible to imagine a national security secrecy system that the public would plausibly view not with suspicion but with support, much as the strict secrecy of IRS tax returns is broadly understood and supported?  What steps could be taken to reduce national security secrecy to the bare minimum?

Looking further ahead, is it possible to devise an information security policy that is based on "resilience" to the foreseeable disclosure of secrets rather than on the fervently pursued prevention of such disclosure?

The Latest from FP 8/30

U.S. could go it alone in attack on Syria after U.K. rejection

U.S. could go it alone in attack on Syria after U.K. rejection

  • The U.S. is reportedly still considering military intervention against Syria for the latter country's suspected use of chemical weapons despite Britain's parliament last night ruling out such action.

China warns U.S. against attack on Syria

China warns U.S. against attack on Syria,0,4025128.story

CFR Daily News Brief 8/30 France Backs Punitieve Action Against Syria

Daily News Brief
August 30, 2013

Top of the Agenda: France Backs Punitive Action Against Syria
Note: There will be no Daily Brief on Monday, September 2 due to the Labor Day holiday.
President François Hollande said the alleged chemical weapons attack on a Damascus suburb last week "must not remain unpunished," (France24) and that Paris was working with its allies on an appropriate response. The French leader's support for possible punitive strikes on Syria follows a defeat of Prime Minister David Cameron in a parliamentary vote (Guardian) on the principle of military action, a rare rebuke of a British leader's intentions to wage war. In Washington, the Obama administration briefed members of Congress on its intelligence, saying that there was "no doubt" that chemical weapons were used in Syria (Reuters).
"The change reflects the reality that Britain and the rest of Europe are neither able nor willing to play a substantial role in [Asia and the Middle East] that will define the 21st century. Instead, European politics are likely to become more parochial, focused mostly on matters of governance and economic policy on the continent," CFR President Richard Haass writes in the Financial Times.

"In recent days, a notable number of members of the online jihadist community—some involved directly and others indirectly in the conflict in Syria—have been somewhat fixated on a widespread fear that their leaders, personnel, and bases will also be the target of Tomahawk cruise missiles," writes Charles Lister in Foreign Policy.
"A pinprick attack portends more months or years of civil war, leading to an eventual Assad-Iran victory or perhaps a divided country. The jihadist groups, now a minority in the opposition, will grow as the war drags on … We'd support a larger military intervention aimed at regime change," says a Wall Street Journal editorial.

India will reportedly ban use of US e-mail services

India will reportedly ban use of US e-mail services

Summary: The government is said to be planning a formal notification to employees banning them from using e-mail providers with servers in the U.S. such as Gmail, to increase the security of confidential government information.

Why Windows tablets won't usurp enterprise iPads – however much IT might want them to

Why Windows tablets won't usurp enterprise iPads – however much IT might want them to

Summary: The iPad isn't being used as a desktop or laptop replacement in businesses – which may give hybrid devices such as Microsoft's Surface a chance to gain a foothold.

Would Martin Luther King Have Supported a Syrian Intervention?

Would Martin Luther King Have Supported a Syrian Intervention?

Widows Celebrate a Little At Last By Sudeshna Sarkar

Widows Celebrate a Little At Last

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Obama should be stripped of his Nobel Peace prize if he starts Syria war

Obama should be stripped of his Nobel Peace prize if he starts Syria war

Medicare Ruling Would Hurt Alzheimer's Patients

Medicare Ruling Would Hurt Alzheimer's Patients

Why Wall Street Wants Summers And Why The Rest Of Us Should Not

Why Wall Street Wants Summers And Why The Rest Of Us Should Not

In One Sentence, Here's Why It's Going To Be A 'Toxic Autumn' In Washington DC

In One Sentence, Here's Why It's Going To Be A 'Toxic Autumn' In Washington DC

Mainstream Media Beats War Drums Again - Did We Learn Nothing for Iraq?

Mainstream Media Beats War Drums Again - Did We Learn Nothing for Iraq?

Before attacking Syria, let's know the truth.

The High Probability of Being Poor in America

The High Probability of Being Poor in America

The number of Americans that struggle with joblessness and poverty throughout their lifetime is still exceedingly high.

Don't Attack Syria

The National Interest
Published on The National Interest (
Source URL (retrieved on Aug 29, 2013):

Don't Attack Syria

August 29, 2013

For all his stirring rhetoric about ending America's decade of war, President Obama appears intent on extending it for several years more. A missile strike against Syrian targets will not result in Bashar Assad's removal from power any more than the Clinton-era strikes against Afghanistan and Sudan resulted in regime change in those countries. On the other hand, full-scale Western intervention in the Syrian civil war, at a minimum along the lines of the 2011 operation against Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, will provide Russia on the one hand, and Iran and Hezbollah on the other, the excuse for even more intense and open support of the Assad regime. Indeed, Hezbollah, with Iranian connivance, is likely to retaliate against American military or even civilian targets elsewhere in the world.

How an Insular Beltway Elite Makes Wars of Choice More Likely

How an Insular Beltway Elite Makes Wars of Choice More Likely
by Conor Friedersdorf
The Atlantic

On Syria, Let’s Be Clear: What We’re About to Do Is Go to War

On Syria, Let’s Be Clear: What We’re About to Do Is Go to War
by Paul Whitefield
Los Angeles Times,0,3076808.story

An attack on Syria will only spread the war and killing

An attack on Syria will only spread the war and killing

Instead of removing the chemical weapon threat, another western assault on the Arab world risks escalation and backlash

The Empire's WMD Hypocrisy

The Empire's WMD Hypocrisy
With much righteous indignation, President Obama is somberly indicating to the American people that he effectively has no choice — he must go to war, on his own initiative and employing what is effectively his private army, against Syria owing to the Syrian government’s purported use of chemical weapons against its own people. Where have we heard that one before? Come on! Why can’t Obama, like ...

Experts Point To Long, Glorious History Of Successful U.S. Bombing Campaigns

Experts Point To Long, Glorious History Of Successful U.S. Bombing Campaigns

 Aug 27, 2013 |,33642/

Attacking Syria Global cop, like it or not

Attacking Syria

Global cop, like it or not

The American administration sees no alternative to an attack on Syria

The US used chemical weapons in Iraq - and then lied about it

The US used chemical weapons in Iraq - and then lied about it

Now we know napalm and phosphorus bombs have been dropped on Iraqis, why have the hawks failed to speak out?

Little Sisters of the Poor: The Feast Day of Jeanne Jugan

Little Sisters of the Poor
The Feast Day of Jeanne Jugan
Dear friends of Saint Jeanne Jugan,
On Friday, August 30, we Little Sisters will celebrate the solemnity of our Foundress, Saint Jeanne Jugan, in each of our Homes. Please join us in thanking God for this servant of the elderly poor.
Be assured of a grateful remembrance in Friday's Mass as we pray for all of our families, friends and supporters, asking for St. Jeanne's intercession for your intentions.

- The Little Sisters of the Poor
"Sister and servant of the poor, Jeanne Jugan, we sing to you.
Your loving heart calls us to serve the lowly,
and to praise: Blessed be God!"

- from a hymn written for Saint Jeanne's canonization in 2009

Executive Excess 2013: Bailed Out, Booted, and Busted

Executive Excess 2013: Bailed Out, Booted, and Busted

Nearly 40 percent of the CEOs on the highest-paid lists from the past 20 years were eventually "bailed out, booted, or busted."

Missouri’s Poorest Residents Won’t Benefit From Obamacare

Missouri’s Poorest Residents Won’t Benefit From Obamacare
Missouri's low income residents can’t get free or low-cost health coverage through Medicaid, nor can they get federal tax credits to help pay for private insurance.

Here’s where middle-class jobs are vanishing the fastest Washington Post

Here’s where middle-class jobs are vanishing the fastest Washington Post

Syria news updates from Naked Capitalism

Syria chemical weapons response poses major test for Obama LATimes. “One U.S. official who has been briefed on the options on Syria said he believed the White House would seek a level of intensity ‘just muscular enough not to get mocked’ but not so devastating that it would prompt a response from Syrian allies Iran and Russia.” So it’s a “bully on the playground” style of foreign policy.
Military strikes on Syria ‘as early as Thursday,’ US officials say NBC News
State Dept Admits it Doesn’t Know Who Ordered Syria’s Chemical Strike Foreign Policy
Bomb Syria, Even if It Is Illegal NYT. The liberal media.
How an Insular Beltway Elite Makes Wars of Choice More Likely The Atlantic
The march to war in Syria is just another convulsion by a dying Westphalian system Hullabaloo
82 House members say Obama needs approval from Congress on Syria The Hill

Reinventing Batteries for Electric Vehicles: Interview with ARPA-E Deputy Director Cheryl Martin

Reinventing Batteries for Electric Vehicles: Interview with ARPA-E Deputy Director Cheryl Martin

The chemical weapons of Syria Charles P. Blair

The chemical weapons of Syria

Thinking outside Fukushima Charles D. Ferguson

Thinking outside Fukushima

Charles D. Ferguson

Charles D. Ferguson

Ferguson, president of the Federation of American Scientists, is the author of...
This month—nearly two and a half years after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station—the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) finally admitted that it needed outside help to control the numerous problems at its stricken plant.

U.S. WC-135C nuclear radiation sniffing plane spotted over Europe. En-route to Syria?

U.S. WC-135C nuclear radiation sniffing plane spotted over Europe. En-route to Syria?

Another Western War Crime In The Making by PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS

Obama's Syria Moment

Another Western War Crime In The Making


Operation Samson: Israel's Deployment of Nuclear Missiles on Subs from Germany

Operation Samson: Israel's Deployment of Nuclear Missiles on Subs from Germany

Many have wondered for years about the exact capabilities of the submarines Germany exports to Israel. Now, experts in Germany and Israel have confirmed that nuclear-tipped missiles have been deployed on the vessels. And the German government has long known about it. By SPIEGEL

CFR Daily News Brief 8/29 Focus on Chemical Evidence in Syria

Council on Foreign Relations Daily News Brief
August 29, 2013

Top of the Agenda: Focus on Chemical Evidence in Syria
U.S. intelligence officials said that evidence tying Syrian president Bashar al-Assad to recent chemical weapons use is not a "slam dunk" (AP)—a reference to faulty intelligence prior to the Iraq war—but concluded that Syrian forces were most likely responsible for the attack that killed hundreds near Damascus last week. In London, the chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee said that the Syrian government is responsible for chemical weapons attacks (FT), but did not divulge any evidence. Prime Minister David Cameron's government agreed to hold a vote on military action in Syria (WSJ), which is expected early next week. United Nations inspectors in Syria are expected to complete their work on Saturday (NYT), but their mandate precludes them from identifying who is responsible for the alleged use of chemical weapons.
"I tend to be wary of the military toolbox, and I strongly opposed the Iraq war and the Afghan 'surge.' But in conjunction with diplomacy, military force can save lives. We saw that in Bosnia and Kosovo under Bill Clinton (who appears to favor a more forceful American approach in Syria), and we saw that just this year in Mali," writes Nicholas D. Kristof in the New York Times.
"Instead of worrying about U.S. credibility or the president's reputation, the administration should focus on what can be done to reinforce the longstanding norm against the use of weapons of mass destruction," writes Jonathan Mercer in Foreign Affairs.
"The President now has a very broad view of his unilateral war powers; this military action is being rushed, and formal congressional approval is not a priority in light of the President's self-induced credibility crisis and the overwhelming military and diplomatic demands of planning the intervention; the White House doesn't want to expend (or doesn't have) the resources that seeking and winning congressional approval would require; it doesn't want to suffer through the formal national debate; and it fears it might lose the debate," writes Jack Goldsmith on Lawfare.

Pope Calls For End of Violence in Syria Appeals to International Community to Be More Responsive

Pope Calls For End of Violence in Syria

Appeals to International Community to Be More Responsive

Pope, Jordanian king agree dialogue 'only option' in Syria

Pope, Jordanian king agree dialogue 'only option' in Syria,0,6564091.story

Pope Says Only Dialogue Can End Syria Strife

Pope Says Only Dialogue Can End Syria Strife

Syria Is Not Kosovo

Syria Is Not Kosovo

Israeli-Palestinian Talks Are Quietly Foundering logo

Israeli-Palestinian Talks Are Quietly Foundering

by Mitchell Plitnick
If John Kerry wants to find a silver lining in the heavy criticism US foreign policy has faced due to the events in both Egypt and Syria, he might find it in, of all places, the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

Why is Microsoft keeping the final release of Windows 8.1 secret?

For the first time in modern history, Microsoft is releasing a new Windows version that its traditional partners, developers and IT pros, won't get early access to. Why the change in policy? And will this decision backfire?

The Latest from FP 8/29

Even if Assad used chemical weapons, the west has no mandate to act as a global policeman

Even if Assad used chemical weapons, the west has no mandate to act as a global policeman 

  • The Guardian, Thursday 29 August 2013                 

  • It is true that the UN security council is not a reliable global policeman. It may be slow to take action, or paralysed because of disagreement between members. But do we want the US or Nato or "alliances of willing states" as global policemen either? Unlike George Bush in 2003, the Obama administration is not trigger-happy and contemptuous of the United Nations and the rules of its charter, which allow the use of armed force only in self-defence or with an authorisation from the security council. Yet Obama, like Bush and Blair, seems ready to ignore the council and order armed strikes on Syria with political support from only the UK, France and some others.

    Pity the Germans!

    Pity the Germans!

    Why can the U.S. military detain anyone worldwide for exercising press freedom?
    By , August 28, 2013


    The U.S. Will Regret Intervention in Syria

    The U.S. Will Regret Intervention in Syria

    UK backs limited action against Bashar al-Assad in Syria By John Aglionby and Hannah Kuchler

    UK backs limited action against Bashar al-Assad in Syria

    CONFIRMED: US Claims Against Syria - There is no Evidence By Tony Cartalucci

    If nothing else, this piece confirms the low esteem in which our intelligence agencies are held and the propensity of senior USG officials for politically convenient, foregone conclusions.

    CONFIRMED: US Claims Against Syria - There is no Evidence

    By Tony Cartalucci

    Rethinking Relationships – US, KSA, Egypt, Syria, Russia: A Conversation with Chas Freeman

    Rethinking Relationships – US, KSA, Egypt, Syria, Russia: A Conversation with Chas Freeman

    Former Israeli intelligence chief: Trust Kerry on Syria

    Former Israeli intelligence chief: Trust Kerry on Syria

    Did the White House Help Plan the Syrian Chemical Attack?

    Did the White House Help Plan the Syrian Chemical Attack?

    U.S. Has No Moral Standing to Condemn Assad

    U.S. Has No Moral Standing to Condemn Assad
    by Sheldon Richman
    The Future of Freedom Foundation

    NSA Intimidation Expanding Surveillance State

      NSA Intimidation Expanding Surveillance State
    by Bruce Schneier
    USA Today

    Obama’s War of Choice in Syria Isn’t Defensive or Humanitarian

    Obama’s War of Choice in Syria Isn’t Defensive or Humanitarian
    by John Glaser
    Huffington Post

    Three Good Reasons to Liquidate Our Empire

    Three Good Reasons to Liquidate Our Empire
    by Chalmers Johnson
    Foreign Policy in Focus

    More War in Syria William Pfaff

    More War in Syria

    William Pfaff

    How an Insular Beltway Elite Makes Wars of Choice More Likely

    How an Insular Beltway Elite Makes Wars of Choice More Likely

    The pressure on President Obama to intervene in Syria is hyped -- and the pressure to stay out of the conflict is unjustly ignored.

    Signs of a new push in US pivot to Asia

    Signs of a new push in US pivot to Asia

    Amazon Asks Supreme Court to Decide Sales Tax Fight

    Amazon Asks Supreme Court to Decide Sales Tax Fight

    US Neocon Hawks Take Flight Over Syria

    US Neocon Hawks Take Flight Over Syria

    In Syria, Obama's Calculations Reveal Stupidity of US Imperialism

    In Syria, Obama's Calculations Reveal Stupidity of US Imperialism

    Decentralize to Neutralize Turmoil in Middle East

    Decentralize to Neutralize Turmoil in Middle East

    Wednesday, August 28, 2013

    "Military Intervention In Syria", US Training "Rebels" Since 2011 And The Complete Grand Plan - The March 2012 Leak

    "Military Intervention In Syria", US Training "Rebels" Since 2011 And The Complete Grand Plan - The March 2012 Leak

    THE BOTTOM LINE Remember Iraq? The US needs to leave Syria alone

    Remember Iraq? The US needs to leave Syria alone

    Syria Brzezinski: Syria strategy is a 'well-kept secret'


    Brzezinski: Syria strategy is a 'well-kept secret'

    Observing King Obama’s Syrian madness, II: Learning Americans are irrelevant

    Posted: 28 Aug 2013 02:48 AM PDT
    If you did not see Bret Baier’s program on FOX TV in the 6pm (Eastern) hour last night, and hear his Syria-focused discussion with U.S. Army General Jack Keane (ret’d), please try to pull it off the Internet and listen. While mostly a rehashing all the we-must-attack-Syria things that have been said across the media [...]

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