Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Glenn Greenwald: Report: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Repeated Requests for a Lawyer Were Ignored
Glenn Greenwald: Report: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Repeated Requests for a Lawyer Were Ignored
Mary Bottari: End Too Big to Fail: New Bipartisan Bill Aims to Prevent Future Bailouts, Downsize Dangerous Banks
Mary Bottari: End Too Big to Fail: New Bipartisan Bill Aims to Prevent Future Bailouts, Downsize Dangerous Banks
Gitmo Groups Call Out Obama Over Political Cowardice
Gitmo Groups Call Out Obama Over Political Cowardice
Protesting Israel's Nuclear Hypocrisy, Egypt Walks Out of Failed Non-Proliferation Talks
Protesting Israel's Nuclear Hypocrisy, Egypt Walks Out of Failed Non-Proliferation Talks
Obama Channels Clinton’s Worst Day in Office, Raises Doubts About Relevancy
Obama Channels Clinton’s Worst Day in Office, Raises Doubts About Relevancy
Like Clinton in April 1995, Obama struggles against forces out of his control.
By Ron Fournier, National Journal Big Pharma Is Killing Americans and Bankrupting the Country
How Big Pharma Is Killing Americans and Bankrupting the Country
by Thom Hartmann, AlterNet
Lifesaving medications and commonly prescribed drugs in
America today are absurdly expensive here – and only in this country –
because Big Pharma is ripping off Americans.
Israel gets fifth ‘nuclear-capable’ sub
Israel gets fifth ‘nuclear-capable’ sub
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Israel unveils its fifth Dolphin-Class submarine
Israel's Navy launches $500m Dolphin submarine
Israel Receives Fifth Dolphin-Class Submarine from Germany
Washington's Nuclear Hypocrisy
Israel: Iran has not crossed nuclear 'red line'
Iran's Nuclear Submarine Gambit
Navy's launches $500m Dolphin submarine
Why are Limbaugh, Levin, and Hannity so eager to see more dead Americans?
Posted: 30 Apr 2013 10:30 AM PDT
week on FOX, I spoke about the reasons why America is losing the war
with the mujahedin and it seems to have rattled and angered Rush
Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and Sean Hannity. I know this not because I
regularly tune into them, but because acquaintances of mine, who have a
much higher tolerance than [...]
New Mexico cuts corporate taxes to help diversify economy
New Mexico cuts corporate taxes to help diversify economy |
Susana Martinez, the first Latina governor of any US state, laughs
heartily as she recounts how a plan to cut corporate taxes in New Mexico
was approved amid great drama within the dying minutes of her state’s
annual legislative session in late March. “We were all holding our breath,” says the former district attorney, who is known for taking on tough child abuse and drug trafficking cases. Ms Martinez, a 53-year old Republican who is sometimes mentioned as a dark-horse White House contender in 2016 but denies she is interested, is part of a wave of conservative state governors trying – with mixed fortunes – to cut business taxes to attract and retain investment. “Businesses have choices and they can go anywhere in the world and if we don’t provide a business-friendly economy they’re not going to come here,” says Ms Martinez, who took office in early 2011. Read the next article in our Great Tax Race series. |
Feast of St. Joseph the Worker May 1
Wednesday is May 1st, Feast of St. Joseph the Worker
Life of Saint Joseph
—silent, capable and holyLife of Saint Joseph
—called by God as a young man to play the most important part in the drama of salvation after Mary, Jesus’ mother
—foster father of Jesus and protector of the Holy Family
In the Gospels, very few details are given to us about the man God chose to raise his Son on earth. Some of the information we know about Joseph comes from legends found in writings from the first six hundred years of Christianity. The saints and great teachers of the early Church reflected on the significance, virtue and holiness of Joseph. Great men and women have had a strong devotion to this saint up to the present time. Popes have entrusted to Saint Joseph the needs of the Church.
And then there are the stories . . . Stories from every century and from diverse places recount the protection of Joseph. Passed down from generation to generation, and enshrined in families, religious communities, and countries, these stories reveal to us the virtues, attitudes, and qualities of Joseph. There is, for instance, the story from the 1800s of the miraculous staircase of Our Lady of Light Chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The Sisters of Loretto conducted a school in Santa Fe., Twenty years after its founding in 1853, they decided to add a chapel to the campus. It would be patterned after the Sainte Chapelle in Paris, with vaulted ceiling, buttresses, and spires instead of the simple lines of the adobe churches of Santa Fe. Antoine Mouly and his son, architects from France who were already in Santa Fe building the Saint Francis Cathedral, were hired by the sisters to design the chapel. Five years later, when the chapel was completed, everyone realized that a dreadful mistake had been made. There was no access to the choir loft. Carpenters were consulted, but there seemed to be no solution other than installing a ladder to the choir loft or tearing down the structure, both of which were unacceptable. Because the sisters needed the space for their growing student body, they began a novena to Saint Joseph, the patron saint of carpenters. On the last day of the novena, the story goes, a man appeared at the convent with a donkey and a toolbox. He was looking for work, he told the sisters, and he asked if he could build a staircase for the chapel. The sisters were delighted. The gray-haired man had only a hammer, a saw, and a T-square.
Months later he finished, and disappeared without waiting for pay or thanks. The superior went to the local lumberyard to at least pay for the wood, only to discover that no wood had been obtained from the yard for the staircase in the school’s chapel.
The circular staircase the mysterious carpenter built is considered today to be an architectural masterpiece. It makes two complete 360-degree turns, yet has no central supporting pole as other circular staircases have. The staircase hangs with no support! Architects who have studied the staircase have said it defies the Law of Gravity. There isn’t a single nail in the structure, only wooden pegs. The splicing of the wood is precise, beyond what would have been possible using the tools of that period. And even more mysteriously, the wood used in the staircase did not come from New Mexico. The sisters were convinced that the carpenter was Saint Joseph himself. The humble, quiet ways of this mysterious benefactor are exactly what one would expect of the foster father of Jesus.
This week's Strength for the Week excerpted from St. Joseph: Help in Life's Emergencies
The Latest National Security coverage from FP 4/30
The Latest National Security coverage from FP
- How to Defeat Cyber Jihad
- A crash at Bagram; Bags of cash to Karzai; FP’s 500 most powerful people include Hagel, Dempsey; Tara Sonenshine to leave State; Petraeus’ comeback “like the invasion of Iraq”; Goodbye to Carter Ham, and a little bit more.
- When America Became a Cyberwarrior
- How to Save the Republican Party
- Why America Still Needs Aircraft Carriers
- For Pentagon brass, major shrinkage; What the CW decision on Syria says about Iran; Jonathan Lee heads to the NSC, Dempsey is here all week, folks; Geoff Morrell part of the buzz; and a little bit more.
- Brief Interviews with Hideous Terrorists
- Should You Go to Law School?
- Did the FBI Bungle the Tsarnaev Case?
- Help wanted at the Pentagon; Wilkerson being investigated for an extramarital affair; Mikulski wants some R-E-S-P-E-C-T; Hagel pressed on Syrian CW; Hand sanitizer as sexual assault prevention tool; and a little bit more.
The Driver An exclusive look inside the mysterious death and life of the world's most dangerous terrorist not named Osama bin Laden.
The Driver
An exclusive look inside the mysterious death and life of the world's most dangerous terrorist not named Osama bin Laden.
Why Insurance Exchanges Won’t Work: People Don’t Like Choosing Insurance
Why Insurance Exchanges Won’t Work: People Don’t Like Choosing Insurance Update: Daily News Brief April 30, 2013 Israel Launches First Gaza Attack Since Cease-Fire
Top of the Agenda: Israel Launches First Gaza Attack Since Cease-Fire
Israel launched on Tuesday its first targeted attack (Reuters)
on a militant in Gaza since its eight-day Pillar of Defense operation
in November, killing a Palestinian in an air strike that put further
strain on a five-month-old cease-fire. The attack comes on the heels of
violence in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, where a Palestinian killed a
Jewish settler. Hamas, which rules Gaza, condemned the Israeli attack
but also signaled eagerness to preserve the truce. Meanwhile, Arab
countries endorsed a Mideast peace plan (Haaretz) Monday that allowed for shifts in Israel's 1967 border, moving them closer to President Barack Obama's two-state vision.
"It seems that the main, if not the only, difference among the initiatives
is that the policy during the Bush administration (2001 to 2009) was
ABC — Anything But Clinton; when Obama took over in 2009, the policy
gave way to ABB — Anything But Bush. And the unfortunate result of these
games of ego and politics is the same: ABP — Anything But Peace,"
writes Akiva Eldar for al-Monitor.
"Nothing can change unless Mr Obama chooses to lead. Mr Kerry's economic initiative may lead to marginal improvements
in a Palestinian economy strangled by the occupation. Mr Obama now
needs to put flesh and bones on the vision of Palestine he evoked last
month," writes a Financial Times editorial.
"Some Israeli analysts suggested that with Hamas governing Gaza - the coastal territory should be stabilised and treated as a state separate from the West Bank, where the Palestinian Authority controls Palestinian areas," writes Yolande Knell for the BBC.
China became top personal computer market in 2012: IHS
China became top personal computer market in 2012: IHS
San Francisco (AFP) April 29, 2013 - China unseated the United States last year as the top market for personal computers due to demand in rural areas where people opt for desktop machines, according to market tracker IHS iSuppli. PC shipments to China tallied 69 million units in 2012 while 66 million were shipped to the United States, where booming popularity of tablets and smartphones has eaten into sales of laptop or desktop ... more
San Francisco (AFP) April 29, 2013 - China unseated the United States last year as the top market for personal computers due to demand in rural areas where people opt for desktop machines, according to market tracker IHS iSuppli. PC shipments to China tallied 69 million units in 2012 while 66 million were shipped to the United States, where booming popularity of tablets and smartphones has eaten into sales of laptop or desktop ... more
Outside View: U.S. at risk of double-dip recession
Outside View: U.S. at risk of double-dip recession
College Park, Md. (UPI) Apr 29, 2013 - The U.S. Commerce Department reported that consumer spending advanced 0.2 percent in March - much weaker than the 0.3 percent and 0.7 percent registered in January and February. Extraordinary year-end bonuses and dividends - intended to dodge higher taxes in January - boosted consumer activity in January and February but now households are hunkering down. Much weaker consumer spendin ... more
College Park, Md. (UPI) Apr 29, 2013 - The U.S. Commerce Department reported that consumer spending advanced 0.2 percent in March - much weaker than the 0.3 percent and 0.7 percent registered in January and February. Extraordinary year-end bonuses and dividends - intended to dodge higher taxes in January - boosted consumer activity in January and February but now households are hunkering down. Much weaker consumer spendin ... more
Op-Ed Columnist A World Without Work By ROSS DOUTHAT
Op-Ed Columnist
A World Without Work
Interview: Farming on Planet Monsanto "A Farmer's Life, in Focus and on Film"
Interview: Farming on Planet Monsanto
"A Farmer's Life, in Focus and on Film" -- Director Ramin Bahrani's latest film "At Any Price" tells the story of a man who runs a farming empire and sells genetically modified seeds. We talked recently with Bahrani about the pressures of farming in the current Monsanto-dominated environment and how the country has changed since Alexis de Tocqueville wrote "Democracy in America."
"A Farmer's Life, in Focus and on Film" -- Director Ramin Bahrani's latest film "At Any Price" tells the story of a man who runs a farming empire and sells genetically modified seeds. We talked recently with Bahrani about the pressures of farming in the current Monsanto-dominated environment and how the country has changed since Alexis de Tocqueville wrote "Democracy in America."
Robert Scheer on Privacy "Google's Spymasters Are Now Worried About Your Secrets"
Robert Scheer on Privacy
"Google's Spymasters Are Now Worried About Your Secrets" -- There is a growing acceptance and indeed a demand for additional surveillance cameras, cellphone eavesdropping, location checks and biometric identifiers.
Arming the Syrian Rebels is Pouring Petrol on the Fire
the Syrian Rebels is Pouring Petrol on the Fire
Assad believes he is fighting for his life. His fall would not only see Syria's collapse, but could engulf Lebanon and even Iraq. We must look to the alternatives: better a distant hope than an imminent disaster, writes Sir Andrew Green.
By Sir Andrew Green, former British Ambassador to Syria
Assad believes he is fighting for his life. His fall would not only see Syria's collapse, but could engulf Lebanon and even Iraq. We must look to the alternatives: better a distant hope than an imminent disaster, writes Sir Andrew Green.
By Sir Andrew Green, former British Ambassador to Syria
Is Long-term Economic, Political Discontent Ahead? By Stuart Rothenberg
Is Long-term Economic, Political Discontent Ahead?
By Stuart Rothenberg
Not all European states can be Germany
Not all European states can be Germany
German labour reforms in other eurozone countries is not a magic potion
and could be a dangerous poison, says Alexander Privitera
China’s ‘peaceful rise’ is not assured
China’s ‘peaceful rise’ is not assured
wars are more often a product of tribalism combined with nationalism,
reinforced by insecurities and arms races, writes John Plender
Syria undermines Obama’s strategy
Syria undermines Obama’s strategy
president’s policy is to pivot to Asia rather than frittering away
resources in the bloody backwaters of the Middle East, writes Gideon
Monday, April 29, 2013
Pentagon claims $757 million overbilling by contractor in Afghanistan
Pentagon claims $757 million overbilling by contractor in Afghanistan
The principal food supplier to US troops in Afghanistan is embroiled in a costly dispute with the Pentagon that has attracted congressional interest
By Richard H.P. Sia
Fed faces calls for radical reform
Final thoughts on Zionism’s success and Arab failure

Final thoughts on Zionism’s success and Arab failure
By Alan Hart
am withdrawing from the battlefield of the war for the truth of history
as it relates to the making and sustaining of the conflict in and over
Palestine that became Israel, and the following is an explanation of
Kerry in the Mideast: Tilting at Windmills by Mitchell Plitnick
Kerry in the Mideast: Tilting at Windmills
- 15
The Lost Two Decades Of the EU and USA?

Daisuke Kotegawa
The Lost Two Decades
Of the EU and USA?
Mr. Kotegawa is the Research Director for the Canon
Institute for Global Studies in Japan. He addressed the
Schiller Institute conference in Frankfurt, Germany April
14, on the panel, “The Future of Eurasian Cooperation.”
FAS Roundup: April 29, 2013 B-2 to carry new nuclear missile, report on aftermath of Fukushima and much more.
Having trouble reading this email? View it on the web.
Having trouble reading this email? View it on the web.
Our American Pravda The major media overlooked Communist spies and Madoff’s fraud. What are they missing today?
Our American Pravda
The major media overlooked Communist spies and Madoff’s fraud. What are they missing today?
Trying to Slam the Bailout Door By GRETCHEN MORGENSON
Trying to Slam the Bailout Door
Cheney Kept Bush in Dark on Covert Tactics
Cheney Kept Bush in Dark on Covert Tactics
No Deposits are Safe From Confiscation
* No Deposits are Safe From Confiscation
Big Pharma Killing Cancer Patients with Astronomical Prices
Big Pharma Killing Cancer Patients with Astronomical Prices
An influential group of cancer experts has warned that the high prices charged
by pharmaceutical companies for cancer drugs are effectively condemning patients
to death.
The group of more than 100 leading cancer physicians from around the world,
including nine from the UK, accuse the drug industry of “profiteering” –
making a profit by unethical methods [...]
An influential group of cancer experts has warned that the high prices charged
by pharmaceutical companies for cancer drugs are effectively condemning patients
to death.
The group of more than 100 leading cancer physicians from around the world,
including nine from the UK, accuse the drug industry of “profiteering” –
making a profit by unethical methods [...]
CIA Bribing Karzai with Bags of Cash...Literally
CIA Bribing Karzai with Bags of Cash...Literally
KABUL, Afghanistan — For more than a decade, wads of American dollars packed
into suitcases, backpacks and, on occasion, plastic shopping bags have been
dropped off every month or so at the offices of Afghanistan’s president —
courtesy of the Central Intelligence Agency.
All told, tens of millions of dollars have flowed from the [...]
The Latest National Security coverage from FP 4/29
The Latest National Security coverage from FP
- A crash at Bagram; Bags of cash to Karzai; FP’s 500 most powerful people include Hagel, Dempsey; Tara Sonenshine to leave State; Petraeus’ comeback “like the invasion of Iraq”; Goodbye to Carter Ham, and a little bit more.
- When America Became a Cyberwarrior
- How to Save the Republican Party
- Why America Still Needs Aircraft Carriers
- For Pentagon brass, major shrinkage; What the CW decision on Syria says about Iran; Jonathan Lee heads to the NSC, Dempsey is here all week, folks; Geoff Morrell part of the buzz; and a little bit more.
- Brief Interviews with Hideous Terrorists
- Should You Go to Law School?
- Did the FBI Bungle the Tsarnaev Case?
- Help wanted at the Pentagon; Wilkerson being investigated for an extramarital affair; Mikulski wants some R-E-S-P-E-C-T; Hagel pressed on Syrian CW; Hand sanitizer as sexual assault prevention tool; and a little bit more.
- Not convinced: WH, Pentagon respond to report of CW in Syria; Five House chairmen accuse HRC of lying; Hagel in Cairo, Dempsey in China; Cartwright on drones: “we might have ceded some of our moral high ground;” and a little bit more.
Congress wants to spend $436 million on new Abrams tanks, Army says it doesn’t want any more
Congress wants to spend $436 million on new Abrams tanks, Army says it doesn’t want any more
Washington's Nuclear Hypocrisy
Washington's Nuclear Hypocrisy
Washington sanctions North Korea and Iran while bolstering its own nuclear arsenal and turning a blind eye to Israel's.
Minister No
Minister No
Sergei Lavrov and the blunt logic of Russian power.
Chas Freeman: Chinese preparing to sideline Pyongyang?
Here is an account of highlights from a 24-minute podcast interview Cobban conducted with ChasFreeman on Friday, along with a link to the whole
The podcast is well worth listening to since it contains a lot
more interesting information and analysis than Cobban was able to put into
the short newsfeed piece.
Also, of course, people should buy Chas Freeman's new book on China...
Helena Cobban,
Owner, Just World Books.
Visit our webstore at!
Just World Books and my long-running blog Just World News are projects of Just World Publishing, LLC.
Italy will lead eurozone revolt against austerity
Italy will lead eurozone revolt against austerity
What do the following have in common: the tax imposed on Cypriot bank
deposits last month, a Portuguese court’s annulment of some of the
government’s austerity measures, and the recent political stand-off in
They all suggest the European crisis is far from over despite the calm brought to financial markets by European Central Bank President Mario Draghi’s promise last summer to buy unlimited amounts of the debt-ridden countries’ obligations, argues Komal Sri-Kumar.
They all suggest the European crisis is far from over despite the calm brought to financial markets by European Central Bank President Mario Draghi’s promise last summer to buy unlimited amounts of the debt-ridden countries’ obligations, argues Komal Sri-Kumar.
The Caribbean: A darkening debt storm
The Caribbean: A darkening debt storm
region is struggling to conquer its mountain of debt and its economic
fragility is exacerbating the strategic dangers posed by organised
crime. By Robin Wigglesworth and Benedict Mander
The Great Tax Race - how and why nations help companies avoid tax
The Great Tax Race - how and why nations help companies avoid tax
As the G20 pledges to crack down on multinational tax avoidance, a
Financial Times series looks at how and why governments help companies
reduce their tax burden.
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