Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Ngo Dinh Netanyahu, Benjamin MacArthur by Leon T. Hadar
Ngo Dinh Netanyahu, Benjamin MacArthur
by Leon T. HadarIsraeli Cabinet Minister Calls For Pre-Emptive Attack On Iran
Israeli Cabinet Minister Calls For Pre-Emptive Attack On Iran
By Eli Clifton
DE BORCHGRAVE: Shining citadel redux
May 30, 2011
DE BORCHGRAVE: Shining citadel redux
By Arnaud de Borchgrave
Can Obama Beat the Israel Lobby?
Can Obama Beat the Israel Lobby? |
Israelis would do well to heed a warning by the sages of the Talmud: Tafasta merubah, lo tafasta! (If you try to grab it all, you risk losing it all!), notes Henry Siegman. |
A State of Palestine: The Case for UN Recognition and Membership
A State of Palestine: The Case for UN Recognition and Membership
Al-Shabaka Policy Brief
27 May 2011
Victor Kattanhttp://al-shabaka.org/policy-
Global economy: A high price to pay
FT.com - Analysis |
Iran and the Bomb How real is the nuclear threat? by Seymour Hersh
The New Yorker
Annals of National Security
Iran and the Bomb
How real is the nuclear threat?
by Seymour M. Hersh June 6, 2011
http://www.newyorker.com/Monday, May 30, 2011
Hay Festival 2011: ex-CIA man claims Barack Obama 'doesn't have a clue'
Hay Festival 2011: ex-CIA man claims Barack Obama 'doesn't have a clue'
David Cameron and Barack Obama ''don't have a clue'' about dealing with the war on terror, a former senior member of the CIA has claimed.
n Violation Of UN Resolution, Western "Boots" Are Now On The Libyan Ground from zero hedge by Tyler Durden
n Violation Of UN Resolution, Western "Boots" Are Now On The Libyan Ground
from zero hedge by Tyler Durden
The Fundamental Problem with Oil Prices
The Fundamental Problem with Oil Prices
This is a guest post by Derik Andreoli, Senior Analyst at Mercator International, LLCPHANTOM EFFICIENCY: U.S. Energy Consumption Is Well Below Peak, And That's Not A Good Thing
PHANTOM EFFICIENCY: U.S. Energy Consumption Is Well Below Peak, And That's Not A Good Thing
from Clusterstock by Gregor MacDonaldStanford's B-School Dean Weighs In On The Two (Potential) Bubbles
Stanford's B-School Dean Weighs In On The Two (Potential) Bubbles
from Clusterstock by Aimee Groth
After speculating about the two potential bubbles -- tech and higher business education -- the Economist went to Stanford's Graduate School of Business Dean Garth Saloner, whose institution would be at the intersection of both inflated industries. He says that there may be an education bubble, but that the U.S.'s Top 10 B-Schools would be immune. (It could look a lot like today's law school crisis.)
Oil and Gasoline Price Update
Oil and Gasoline Price Update
from Calculated Risk by CalculatedRisk
Oil and gasoline prices are probably the biggest downside risk to the economy right now. Oil prices are off slightly today, from the WSJ: Oil Prices Ease
The New Face of War from Antiwar.com Original by Conn Hallinan
The New Face of War
The assassination of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden did more than knock off U.S. Public Enemy Number One. It formalized a new kind of warfare, where sovereignty is irrelevant, armies tangential, and decisions are secret. It is, in the words of counterinsurgency expert John Nagl, “an astounding change in the nature of warfare.”Meet the Oil-Rich Mid-East Monarchies Hell-Bent on Pushing Back the Democratic Revolutions of the Mideast
Meet the Oil-Rich Mid-East Monarchies Hell-Bent on Pushing Back the Democratic Revolutions of the Mideast
from AlterNet.org by Pepe Escobar, Asia Times
A new regional political-military alliance emerges out of the 'Arab Spring,' laden with corporate contracts, missile deals, anti-Iran propaganda and oodles of oil money.
The Growing Political War Surrounding Coal Mining Is a 'Fight About Democracy'
The Growing Political War Surrounding Coal Mining Is a 'Fight About Democracy'
from AlterNet.org by Amy Goodman, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Bill Haney, Democracy Now!
1 person liked this
"They’ve destroyed the unions, they’ve beaten up on the environment, they’ve violated federal health and safety standards, to [enrich] ... the executives of the company."
The Truth About the American Economy from Business Insider by Robert Reich
The Truth About the American Economy
The U.S. economy continues to stagnate. It’s growing at the rate of 1.8 percent, which is barely growing at all. Consumer spending is down.
It’s vital that we understand the truth about the American economy.
How did we go from the Great Depression to 30 years of Great Prosperity? And from there, to 30 years of stagnant incomes and widening inequality, culminating in the Great Recession? And from the Great Recession into such an anemic recovery?
BEHOLD, The Massive Sea Change Happening In The American Energy Industry
BEHOLD, The Massive Sea Change Happening In The American Energy Industry
Rolling Thunder Roars Into Washington
Rolling Thunder Roars Into Washington
Memorial Day Video Tribute
Memorial Day Video Tribute
Who cares in the Middle East what Obama says?
Who cares in the Middle East what Obama says?
President Obama has shown himself to be weak in his dealings with the Middle East, says Robert Fisk, and the Arab world is turning its back with contempt. Its future will be shaped without American influence
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Fukushima Daiichi... Sunday 5/29
Fukushima Daiichi... Sunday 5/29
from atomic power review by Will Davis
Some updates from Fukushima Daiichi...
Is a nuclear-free East Asia possible? A debate
Is a nuclear-free East Asia possible? A debate
What happened at Fukushima?
What happened at Fukushima?
More information has begun to emerge as to actually what happened at Fukushima, with it now being clear that full fuel melt-down did occur, perhaps even starting before the tsunami hit, although we are still some way off knowing what the longer term impacts will be, and what should done to avoid a recurrence. Indeed a global agency that covers nuclear safety, based on the 72-nation Convention on Nuclear Safety (which was set up after the 1986 Chernobyl meltdown), has decided to delay reporting on its assessment of the accident until August next year, saying that ‘the lessons-learned process cannot be completed until sufficient additional information is known and fully analyzed.’ This makes the UK safety review, to be completed by this coming September, seem a little hasty, but then the government evidently want to get on with processing the nuclear consents programme - the Generic Design Assessment has been delayed until the NII safety review is complete.
Fukushima 1 - no breakthough in sight
Fukushima 1 - no breakthough in sight
Tepco can't stabilize reactors by year-end: report
May 29, 2011, 6:46 p.m. EDT
Tepco can't stabilize reactors by year-end: report
Blinded by the Right
Blinded by the Right
The GOP's blatantly partisan love for Bibi obscures a dangerous reality: that unwavering support for Israel actually hurts wider U.S. interests in the Middle East.
Libya: Water Emerges as a Hidden Weapon
Libya: Water Emerges as a Hidden Weapon
Simba Russeau, Inter Press Service: "Libya's enormous aquatic reserves could potentially become a new weapon of choice if government forces opt to starve coastal cities that heavily rely on free flowing freshwater. With only five percent of the country getting at least 100 millimetres of rainfall per year, Libya is one of the driest countries in the world."
Read the Article
Simba Russeau, Inter Press Service: "Libya's enormous aquatic reserves could potentially become a new weapon of choice if government forces opt to starve coastal cities that heavily rely on free flowing freshwater. With only five percent of the country getting at least 100 millimetres of rainfall per year, Libya is one of the driest countries in the world."
Read the Article
Mitt Romney Panders To Iowa Over Corn Ethanol Subsidies from Clusterstock by Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Oil, Democracy and 'Drill, Baby, Drill' (Guest Post) EconMatters
Oil, Democracy and 'Drill, Baby, Drill' (Guest Post)
EconMattersSaturday, May 28, 2011
The Gates Farewell Warning - Wall Street Journal
The Gates Farewell Warning - Wall Street Journal
Saudi Arabia, Iran and America in the Wake of the Arab Spring
From the Hoover Institution: http://www.advancingafreesociety.org/2011/05/24/saudi-arabia-iran-and-america-in-the-wake-of-the-arab-spring/
Saudi Arabia, Iran and America in the Wake of the Arab Spring
Joshua Teitelbaum | May 24, 2011 | 9:56 am
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Many in the West have looked upon the “Arab Spring” with hopeful optimism. But for the rulers of Riyadh the Arab Spring’s primary result has been a shaking of the strategic foundation and alignments that have shaped Saudi regional policy since the 1979 Iranian Revolution. The Saudis had previously believed that they were the leaders, with US backing, of a united Sunni coalition against Shiite Iran. Now its partners have fallen by the wayside – Egypt appears to be dropping out, Bahrain is threatened, and the US is wobbly. And, US President Obama’s speech on May 19 did not calm the Saudis down.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Many in the West have looked upon the “Arab Spring” with hopeful optimism. But for the rulers of Riyadh the Arab Spring’s primary result has been a shaking of the strategic foundation and alignments that have shaped Saudi regional policy since the 1979 Iranian Revolution. The Saudis had previously believed that they were the leaders, with US backing, of a united Sunni coalition against Shiite Iran. Now its partners have fallen by the wayside – Egypt appears to be dropping out, Bahrain is threatened, and the US is wobbly. And, US President Obama’s speech on May 19 did not calm the Saudis down.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Clinton in Pakistan for Reconciliation from the CFR
Clinton in Pakistan for Reconciliation
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Pakistan on an unannounced visit, expressing U.S. commitment to bilateral relations in an effort to alleviate tensions that have festered in recent weeks. Clinton cleared Islamabad of any potential involvement in Osama bin Laden's Abbottabad support system (BBC), claiming that there is no evidence that top Pakistani officials had any knowledge of the al-Qaeda leader's whereabouts. Clinton met with Pakistani Prime Minister Asif Ali Zardari and attended a news conference with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mike Mullen where she described the relationship with Pakistan as having reached a "turning point." Clinton's visit coincided with an announcement by U.S. officials that Pakistan will allow a CIA forensic team (Politico) to investigate bin Laden's hideout.
American diplomats traveling with Clinton said she would be pressing Pakistan on four areas of bilateral cooperation (WashPost) outlined by the State Department last week, including the CIA investigation, operations against terrorist safe havens, aiding U.S.-Afghan talks with the Taliban, and countering anti-Americanism in the Pakistani public. In the month since bin Laden's killing, U.S. lawmakers threatened to reduce financial aid to Islamabad (Reuters), while Pakistan countered by requesting the U.S. cut its military trainers in the country by half.
In this CFR Policy Innovation Memo, Daniel S. Markey argues that Washington should use the post-bin Laden crisis to create a more effective working partnership with Islamabad that will serve U.S. interests over the short and long run.
On Politico, Toby Dalton and George Perkovich write that the United States and Pakistan can begin rebuilding trust by setting aside the debate over the security of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal and working together to build Pakistan's economy.
In this article from the Brookings Institution, Bruce Riedel writes that America's deeply troubled relations with Pakistan are likely to get worse. A host of issues divide Washington and Islamabad, and all are getting more difficult to manage.
Osama bin Laden's death raised pointed questions over the legitimacy of Pakistan's counterterrorism efforts and the viability of its relationship with the United States. Four experts discuss whether, and on what terms, the United States should continue aiding Pakistan.
Pakistan's stability is of great consequence to regional and international security. Examine the roots of its challenges, what it means for the region and the world, and explore some plausible futures for the country in CFR's Crisis Guide: Pakistan.
Reader’s Guide: Pakistan’s Terror Ties and the Shifting Relations Between Pakistan and the U.S.
Reader’s Guide: Pakistan’s Terror Ties and the Shifting Relations Between Pakistan and the U.S.
Charles Krauthammer's Big Lie
Charles Krauthammer's Big Lie
Saudi Bid to Curb Iran Worries U.S.
Saudi Bid to Curb Iran Worries U.S.
Saudi Arabia Scrambles to Limit Region’s Upheaval By NEIL MacFARQUHAR
Saudi Arabia Scrambles to Limit Region’s Upheaval
China Real Time Report MAY 27, 2011 Should the U.S. Sell More F-16s to Taiwan?

MAY 27, 2011
Should the U.S. Sell More F-16s to Taiwan?
Krauthammer’s Complaint
May 27, 2011
By Matt Dusshttp://middleeastprogress.org/
In a remarkable shift, neoconservative columnist Charles Krauthammer has recognized that the Palestinians are willing to accept a Palestinian state consisting solely of lands occupied by Israel during the Six Day War in 1967 — the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. The Palestinians’ position today, writes Krauthammer, is this: “The 1967 lines. Period. Indeed, in September the Palestinians are going to the United Nations to get the world to ratify precisely that — a Palestinian state on the ’67 lines.”
Friends Without Benefits
Friends Without Benefits |
The U.S. is Israel's BFF, but the feeling isn't mutual. |
Ron Paul on the state of the Republic
The Last Nail - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-olNr4UuVqY
Ron Paul addresses the usual empty chamber of the House of Representatives on the state of the republic.
Ron Paul addresses the usual empty chamber of the House of Representatives on the state of the republic.
Manufacturing at risk from global shift to Asia
Manufacturing at risk from global shift to Asia
The Mideast Peace Process: Washington Makes Things Worse
May 26, 2011
The Mideast Peace Process: Washington Makes Things Worse
AIA Issues Report on Defense Investment
AIA Issues Report on Defense Investment
Bill Gates Calls on United States, Global Leaders to Invest in Agriculture in the Developing World
Bill Gates Calls on United States, Global Leaders to Invest in Agriculture in the Developing World |
New Report on the Economic Value of 171 College Majors Links College Majors to Earnings
New Report on the Economic Value of 171 College Majors Links College Majors to Earnings
The Heritage Foundation's "Saving the American Dream" Plan Cuts Most Debt, Taxes & Federal Spending
The Heritage Foundation's "Saving the American Dream" Plan Cuts Most Debt, Taxes & Federal Spending |
EU Outlines New Policy in Response to Arab Spring
EU Outlines New Policy in Response to Arab Spring
Amnesty International Issues Global Call to Action on 50th Anniversary, as Demands for Human Rights Transform Middle East and North Africa
Amnesty International Issues Global Call to Action on 50th Anniversary, as Demands for Human Rights Transform Middle East and North Africa
Mexico's Economy on Track Due to Strong Foreign Direct Investment
Mexico's Economy on Track Due to Strong Foreign Direct Investment |
Major Report Shows Problematic Developments in the Struggle Against al Qaeda and Associated Movements
Major Report Shows Problematic Developments in the Struggle Against al Qaeda and Associated Movements
Lessons Learned From $1 Billion in Transportation Stimulus Spending
Lessons Learned From $1 Billion in Transportation Stimulus Spending
True Torah Jews React to Netanyahu Speeches
True Torah Jews React to Netanyahu Speeches
Supreme Court Finds No Federal Conflict with Arizona Laws Protecting Legal Workers
Supreme Court Finds No Federal Conflict with Arizona Laws Protecting Legal Workers
Feeding America Warns Proposed Budget Cuts Will Lead to Significantly Increased Hunger in America
Feeding America Warns Proposed Budget Cuts Will Lead to Significantly Increased Hunger in America |
ACLJ: Supreme Court Decision "Victory for Arizona and Other States" as AZ Immigration Law Is Upheld
ACLJ: Supreme Court Decision "Victory for Arizona and Other States" as AZ Immigration Law Is Upheld
GM to Invest $331 Million, Add 110 Jobs in Arlington, Tex.
GM to Invest $331 Million, Add 110 Jobs in Arlington, Tex.
Latest CCMR Study Shows Continued Erosion of U.S. Share of Global IPO Market
Latest CCMR Study Shows Continued Erosion of U.S. Share of Global IPO Market |
OPEC braces to meet rising oil demand
OPEC braces to meet rising oil demand
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UPI) May 26, 2011 - OPEC's crucial ministerial meeting June 8 in Vienna is threatened by political turbulence as relations between its two top producers, Saudi Arabia and Iran, deteriorate and Libya is torn by civil war. On top of that, a power struggle in Tehran between President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is likely to intrude as the cartel deliberates how to handle a pr ... more
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UPI) May 26, 2011 - OPEC's crucial ministerial meeting June 8 in Vienna is threatened by political turbulence as relations between its two top producers, Saudi Arabia and Iran, deteriorate and Libya is torn by civil war. On top of that, a power struggle in Tehran between President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is likely to intrude as the cartel deliberates how to handle a pr ... more
GCC expansion aims for 'club of kings'
GCC expansion aims for 'club of kings'
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (UPI) May 26, 2011 - The Gulf Cooperation Council's drive to induct Jordan and Morocco into the 30-year-old alliance, a proposed union some are already calling "a club of kings," is a product of the unprecedented political upheaval sweeping the Arab world. It's also because the Saudis and their partners see U.S. power waning in the Middle East while Iran's is rising and because they believe the United State ... more
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (UPI) May 26, 2011 - The Gulf Cooperation Council's drive to induct Jordan and Morocco into the 30-year-old alliance, a proposed union some are already calling "a club of kings," is a product of the unprecedented political upheaval sweeping the Arab world. It's also because the Saudis and their partners see U.S. power waning in the Middle East while Iran's is rising and because they believe the United State ... more
Now is not the time to raise interest rates
Now is not the time to raise interest rates Inflation targeting is like shooting clay pigeons, not throwing darts. To hit target we must aim where the clay is going to fly, not at a fixed board, says Adam Posen
How we dined with Mladic and failed our duty
How we dined with Mladic and failed our duty The west’s readiness to appease Gen Mladic came down from the top at Number 10 and the Elysée palace writes Adam LeBor
truggling to lead our hectic world
Struggling to lead our hectic world At a moment when trends beyond their control demand urgent attention, governments are losing their capacity to act, writes Philip Stephens
Middle East: The direct approach
FT.com - Analysis |
Same Netanyahu, Different Israel by Daniel Levy
Same Netanyahu, Different Israel
The Demographic Challenges to Peace by Daniel Levy
The Demographic Challenges to Peace by Daniel Levy
Weak US data fuel fears of slowing recovery
Weak US data fuel fears of slowing recovery The US economy has stumbled deeper into the mud of another soft patch, with revised data showing a weaker pattern of growth in the first quarter
Investors protect against US default
Investors protect against US default Purchases of insurance against a sovereign debt default increase amid fierce battle in Congress over raising the debt ceiling
Arab democracies win G8 aid pledge
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Medvedev offers 2020 date for missile solution
Medvedev offers 2020 date for missile solution
Deauville, France (AFP) May 26, 2011 - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Thursday after talks with US President Barack Obama that an ultimate solution to the long-running row over missile defence may not happen until after 2020. Medvedev and Obama met on the sidelines of the G8 summit in Deauville, France, and also discussed the economy, counter-terrorism and Russia's pending entry into the World Trade Organization. Befo ... more
Deauville, France (AFP) May 26, 2011 - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Thursday after talks with US President Barack Obama that an ultimate solution to the long-running row over missile defence may not happen until after 2020. Medvedev and Obama met on the sidelines of the G8 summit in Deauville, France, and also discussed the economy, counter-terrorism and Russia's pending entry into the World Trade Organization. Befo ... more
G8 summit urges Russia to mediate with Libya
G8 summit urges Russia to mediate with Libya
Deauville, France (AFP) May 26, 2011 - The world's great industrial powers met Thursday at a G8 summit dominated by revolt in the Arab world, backing the popular struggle for democracy and seeking a way out of the Libyan war. Russia said it had been contacted by Libyan strongman Moamer Kadhafi's prime minister seeking to negotiate a deal, and had been asked by Western G8 partners to pursue contacts with the regime to seek to reso ... more
Deauville, France (AFP) May 26, 2011 - The world's great industrial powers met Thursday at a G8 summit dominated by revolt in the Arab world, backing the popular struggle for democracy and seeking a way out of the Libyan war. Russia said it had been contacted by Libyan strongman Moamer Kadhafi's prime minister seeking to negotiate a deal, and had been asked by Western G8 partners to pursue contacts with the regime to seek to reso ... more
Third Depression Watch
Third Depression Watch
Last year I warned that we seemed to be heading into the “Third Depression” — by which I meant a prolonged period of economic weakness:China Breeds Chaos
China Breeds Chaos
By: DAN BLUMENTHAL | The Wall Street JournalAssisting Islamabad at this point shows just how responsible an international player Beijing is.
Thousands of Sadr Supporters Rally Against U.S. in Baghdad By: Tim Craig | The Washington Post
Thousands of Sadr Supporters Rally Against U.S. in Baghdad
By: Tim Craig | The Washington PostIn a defiant warning to U.S. and Iraqi officials, thousands of young men marched through Baghdad's Sadr City Thursday to prove they could restart the insurgency if American troops do not leave the country by the end of the year.
Obama: The West Still Leads the World in the 21st Century By: Steven Thomma | McClatchy Newspapers
Obama: The West Still Leads the World in the 21st Century
By: Steven Thomma | McClatchy NewspapersSetting the stage for a G-8 summit starting Thursday in France, President Barack Obama spoke Wednesday from one heart of "Old Europe" to assert that the U.S.-European alliance will lead the 21st century even as new powers such as China, India and Brazil emerge.
Can the United States Afford to Lead the World? Can It Afford Not To?
Can the United States Afford to Lead the World? Can It Afford Not To?
Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Law Punishing Undocumented Immigrant Hiring
Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Law Punishing Undocumented Immigrant Hiring
Michael Doyle, McClatchy Newspapers: "The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld an Arizona law that harshly penalizes businesses for knowingly hire illegal immigrants. The highly anticipated decision keeps intact the 2007 Legal Arizona Workers Act. Employers could have their business licenses suspended or revoked for hiring illegal immigrants, under the law. The law also requires Arizona employers to use a federal program called E-Verify to check the immigration status of potential workers. Justices likewise upheld this provision, with Robert calling it 'entirely consistent' with federal law. In a ruling that could exert pressure on Congress and other states, the court - in what amounts to a 5-3 decision - declared that Arizona's law fits within the state's powers and does not infringe on federal turf."
Read the Article
Michael Doyle, McClatchy Newspapers: "The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld an Arizona law that harshly penalizes businesses for knowingly hire illegal immigrants. The highly anticipated decision keeps intact the 2007 Legal Arizona Workers Act. Employers could have their business licenses suspended or revoked for hiring illegal immigrants, under the law. The law also requires Arizona employers to use a federal program called E-Verify to check the immigration status of potential workers. Justices likewise upheld this provision, with Robert calling it 'entirely consistent' with federal law. In a ruling that could exert pressure on Congress and other states, the court - in what amounts to a 5-3 decision - declared that Arizona's law fits within the state's powers and does not infringe on federal turf."
Read the Article
G8 to Focus on Mideast
G8 to Focus on Mideast
Leaders from the Group of Eight (BBC)
In a letter sent to G8 officials ahead of the meeting, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner urged fellow nations to support the democratic transitions in the Arab and Muslim world, including economic aid and a debt-swap initiative for Egypt (AFP)
The Japanese government is hoping to win support for a trade agreement that could help revive its economy, battered by the March disasters and ensuing nuclear crisis. Prime Minister Naoto Kan is expected to push Europe to loosen trade restriction and open its borders to Japanese imports (FT)
Discussions over a replacement candidate for the managing director of the IMF (WSJ)
This CFR backgrounder provides analysis of the expectations for the G8 summit
This op-ed for the Guardian discusses Lagarde's potential to fill the lead role at the International Monetary Fund
In this op-ed for the Financial Times, Joseph Stiglitz calls on the international community to help nurture the democratic movements in the Mideast
Fuel Economy Question Remains: What’s the Number for 2025?
Fuel Economy Question Remains: What’s the Number for 2025?
White House climate aide says Obama’s ‘clean energy standard’ is alive
White House climate aide says Obama’s ‘clean energy standard’ is alive
White House sees compromise with Republicans on some energy issues
White House sees compromise with Republicans on some energy issues
Lagarde offers bigger voice to emerging nations
Lagarde offers bigger voice to emerging nations Christine Lagarde, the frontrunner to become the next managing director of the IMF, has sought to head off opposition from developing economies to her candidacy, promising in an interview with the FT that they would be fairly represented at senior positions at the fund
Glenn Hubbard: Forget the debt ceiling and focus on debt
Glenn Hubbard: Forget the debt ceiling and focus on debt On May 15, the US hit its “debt ceiling” of $14,300bn, covering publicly owned debt held by the Federal Reserve and government trust funds, and Washington is in a furore. While budget debates are often more talk than action, this one needs more talk – but of a different kind. That the US has an unsustainable fiscal trajectory is clear, but the problem is not the debt ceiling per se. My wife and I don’t vote on whether we will pay our bills. Rather, we discuss whether our spending or income needs adjustment. So too must it be for our national “family”.
Congress Makes the Case for Palestinians
May 26, 2011
By Matt Dusshttp://middleeastprogress.org/
A Palestinian Revolt in the Making? Jesse Rosenfeld and Joseph Dana
A Palestinian Revolt in the Making?
The Palestinian Right to Dream
The Palestinian Right to Dream
by Peter Beinart
http://www.thedailybeast.com/Tomgram: Ira Chernus, Ass-Backwards in the Middle East
Tomgram: Ira Chernus, Ass-Backwards in the Middle East
Obama pushes Europe not to support Palestinians' U.N. statehood bid
Obama pushes Europe not to support Palestinians' U.N. statehood bid
British Premier David Cameron is noncommittal on the Palestinians' statehood bid at a joint news conference in London. The U.S. is deeply worried support for the unilateral step would isolate Israel.
Business Travel Day
Dear Readers
I am on business travel today so posting will be brief this morning; but willresume
after I reach my destination.
I am on business travel today so posting will be brief this morning; but willresume
after I reach my destination.
Brics must put up a fight for IMF top job
Brics must put up a fight for IMF top job Time for emerging markets to get down to the bare-knuckled politics that Europe is now engaged in, writes Eswar Prasad
IMF succession: A contested quarry
FT.com - Analysis |
Energy headlines: US regulator charges oil traders
Energy headlines: US regulator charges oil traders
May 25, 2011 8:25 am by FT Energy Source
- CFTC charges traders over oil price – FT
- Oil price jumps as Goldman raises forecasts – The Telegraph
- GE to invest in buoyant gas market – FT
- Shift in power generation lifts gas turbine makers – FT
- Big dogs of oil tangle over gas subsidies – WSJ
- Tymoshenko charged over gas contract – FT
- Shell huts Caspian office – The Telegraph
- Tullow buys North Sea assets – FT
- IAEA launches investigation into Japan nuclear accident – WSJ
- Spent reactor fuel ‘greater risk in US than Japan’ – NY Times
- Mol buy-back to cost €1.9bn – FT
- China’s utilities defy planners to cut production – NY Times Green blog
- US and EU step up Iran nuclear sanctions drive – FT
- US agencies to use only alternative fuel vehicles – Argus
- US smart grid to cost billions and save trillions – Reuters
- Oil price jumps as Goldman raises forecasts – The Telegraph
- GE to invest in buoyant gas market – FT
- Shift in power generation lifts gas turbine makers – FT
- Big dogs of oil tangle over gas subsidies – WSJ
- Tymoshenko charged over gas contract – FT
- Shell huts Caspian office – The Telegraph
- Tullow buys North Sea assets – FT
- IAEA launches investigation into Japan nuclear accident – WSJ
- Spent reactor fuel ‘greater risk in US than Japan’ – NY Times
- Mol buy-back to cost €1.9bn – FT
- China’s utilities defy planners to cut production – NY Times Green blog
- US and EU step up Iran nuclear sanctions drive – FT
- US agencies to use only alternative fuel vehicles – Argus
- US smart grid to cost billions and save trillions – Reuters
Hungary’s Mol: never again
Hungary’s Mol: never again Mol Duna refineryHungary is taking no chances with control of Mol (MOL:BUD), the national oil company. After announcing a €2.88bn deal to buy back a controversial 21.2 per cent stake from Surgutneftgaz, the secretive Russian energy group, Budapest is proposing to up its stake further, to up to 24 per cent.
FT podcast: Energy Weekly
FT podcast: Energy Weekly In this week’s podcast: Crude oil predicted to hit $130; UK green investment bank to open early next year; US energy policy; plus, comments from Energy Source.
Energy headlines: Shell in Russian talks
Energy headlines: Shell in Russian talks
May 26, 2011 9:16 am by FT Energy Source
- Shell chief Voser in Russian talks – FT
- Shell talks leave BP in shadows – The Times
- BP should return to gulf within a year, says Oppenheimer – Argus
- Arcadia denies oil manipulation- FT
- Chevron chiefs face shareholders after $18bn Ecuador fine – The Guardian
- Resource stock lead global rebound – FT
- Cairn India profit soars – WSJ
- Iran says Opec will try to fill crude gap – FT
- China luring crude from US – Bloomberg
- Investors urged to note opportunities in Iraq – FT
- Exxon says fracking is safe – WSJ
- Investors demand clarity on shale gas – FT
- Chevron shareholders defeat proposal on fracking disclosure – WSJ
- Second largest gas field found in Turkmenistan – The Telegraph
- North Sea tax rise will cost £12bn, industry warns – FT
- Bill allows US military to use high-carbon ‘liquid coal’ – NY Times Green blog
- Wind forecast upgrade should mean drop in fossil fuel use – The Guardian
- Total extends offer for SunPower – Reuters
- UK nuclear plants to undergo EU stress tests – The Telegraph
- Swiss propose an end to nuclear power – FT
- Europe divided over nuclear power – The Guardian
- Japan PM vows to boost renewable energy – Reuters
- Shell talks leave BP in shadows – The Times
- BP should return to gulf within a year, says Oppenheimer – Argus
- Arcadia denies oil manipulation- FT
- Chevron chiefs face shareholders after $18bn Ecuador fine – The Guardian
- Resource stock lead global rebound – FT
- Cairn India profit soars – WSJ
- Iran says Opec will try to fill crude gap – FT
- China luring crude from US – Bloomberg
- Investors urged to note opportunities in Iraq – FT
- Exxon says fracking is safe – WSJ
- Investors demand clarity on shale gas – FT
- Chevron shareholders defeat proposal on fracking disclosure – WSJ
- Second largest gas field found in Turkmenistan – The Telegraph
- North Sea tax rise will cost £12bn, industry warns – FT
- Bill allows US military to use high-carbon ‘liquid coal’ – NY Times Green blog
- Wind forecast upgrade should mean drop in fossil fuel use – The Guardian
- Total extends offer for SunPower – Reuters
- UK nuclear plants to undergo EU stress tests – The Telegraph
- Swiss propose an end to nuclear power – FT
- Europe divided over nuclear power – The Guardian
- Japan PM vows to boost renewable energy – Reuters
Oil industry losing the shale PR battle
Oil industry losing the shale PR battle As questions about hydraulic fracturing – fracking as it is known in the industry – continue to build, the oil and gas industry is finding investors asking for more transparency as to how companies are going to face the growing risks to production.
Serbia confirms arrest of Ratko Mladic
Serbia confirms arrest of Ratko Mladic Serbia has confirmed the arrest of Ratko Mladic, the long-sought former Serbian general charged by international authorities with committing war crimes during the Balkan civil wars in the 1990s.
Boris Tadic, president, said: "On behalf of the Republic of Serbia I can announce the arrest of Ratko Mladic. Extradition process is underway."
Boris Tadic, president, said: "On behalf of the Republic of Serbia I can announce the arrest of Ratko Mladic. Extradition process is underway."
Middle East is pulled towards Asia by economics and affinity Afshin Molavi | The National (UAE)
Amidst efforts by the Gulf Arabs to decouple their foreign policies from the United States, the Saudi U.S. Relations Information Service featured this item. http://www.susris.com/2011/05/25/the-meeting-of-west-east-asia-molavi/
Middle East is pulled towards Asia by economics and affinity
Afshin Molavi | The National (UAE)
Middle East is pulled towards Asia by economics and affinity
Afshin Molavi | The National (UAE)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Libya: End and Beginning of a European Foreign Policy
Libya: End and Beginning of a European Foreign Policy on 2011/5/25
Nakba Denials Must Be Condemned by Yousef Munayyer
In a rebuttal to Michael Medved’s Daily Beast article on how the media distort the Mideast debate, Yousef Munayyer writes that the U.S. knew all along that the creation of Israel would endanger the Palestinian people.
Nakba Denials Must Be Condemned
by Yousef Munayyer
May 25, 2011 | 10:58am
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