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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Mitt Romney’s Man on Iran | Al Akhbar English

I may offer this for context on today’s situation, here is an excellent
background article by Max Blumenthal on Eliot Cohen from 2012. It is
relevant today in my opinion because Cohen has been so out-spoken
in his opposition to Trump (and in favor of expansive war), which was
based on the earlier perception that Trump was less interventionist than
Cohen, et al., and that Trump wasn’t joining in the chorus condemning
Russia. But that must be put in context by
understanding Cohen’s own ideology, which I will describe as radical
militaristic extremism, of the same sort displayed back in the 1930s -
1940s which led its practitioners then to Stalingrad and the Battle of
Midway, for starters. Trump has redeemed himself
in the eyes of the radical militarists with his attack on Syria and
threats against Russia and North Korea. Perversely, Trump’s own extreme
militarism previously  shown on every issue but Russia, has “cleansed”
Cohen and his many fellow militarists who once
served in the Bush administration from condemnation for what many
consider to have been war crimes by that administration unde the
Nuremberg standard, to include incitement to commit aggressive war.
Cohen’s current book, The Big Stick (a review of which was
shared on Salon recently, I believe), is a continuation of that
incitemen to commit aggressive war, in my opinion. Unfortunately for the
U.S., Cohen’s views have been adopted by virtually all the
establishment think tanks across the spectrum, just as his foreign
predecessor's views were by the respective Japanese and German
establishments back in the 1930s. 
Todd Pierce

Mitt Romney’s Man on Iran | Al Akhbar English

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