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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Double Standard in Defending Christians

Double Standard in Defending Christians

by James J. Zogby
Christians in the Levant, especially those in Syria, Iraq, and Palestine, are facing grave challenges that are either misunderstood or ignored in the West. In recent years, protecting them or even acknowledging their existence has only been a concern of policy-makers or advocacy groups when it has fit their accepted narratives or political agendas for the region.
The Christians of Palestine, for example, are for the most part ignored. They are an uncomfortable burden to right-wing evangelicals who will only allow themselves to see Israel through ideological blinders. They view the in-gathering of the Jews to Israel as a necessary prerequisite for “the end of days”: the battle of Armageddon, the conversion of the Jews to Christianity, the return of the Messiah, and all that follows.
These evangelicals come to the Holy Land as pilgrims to the places where Jesus walked. They visit the holy sites, all the while ignoring the existence of a Christian community whose presence in Palestine dates back two thousand years. Because right-wing evangelicals have become fervent defenders of Israeli policies, they not only refuse to acknowledge the grave injustices suffered by their co-religionists, they render them invisible.

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