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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Global Health Ebola Update

Snuffing Out the Next Outbreak
“What would it take to make the health systems in Africa ready to snuff out the next Ebola outbreak at the first next case?” In this exclusive commentary, David Bishai, a professor in the Department of Population and Family Health Sciences at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, poses that question and begins to answer it.

He writes, “We seem to have forgotten that the world already pioneered a technology that stops epidemics in their tracks and works extremely well in poor populations beset with urbanization, migration, and distrust. Many countries conquered epidemics despite poverty, without using vials and syringes or gleaming shiny hospitals and in complete ignorance of DNA and the human genome.”

What is this 150-year-old technology? Functional local public health departments, explains Bishai who offers practical steps to help public health departments around the world boost their practices.
Global Health NOW (

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