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Friday, July 18, 2014

Breaking Western Monopolies: Chinese Military Innovation Bearing Fruit | The Jamestown Foundation

Breaking Western Monopolies: Chinese Military Innovation Bearing Fruit | The Jamestown Foundation On July 10, several Chinese news outlets announced that China had taken an important step towards achieving “self-reliance” (zizhu baozhang) through the “breaking” (dapo) of a foreign monopoly on military-use computer airborne systems (People’s Daily Online, July 10). Many details of the two real-time operating systems (RTOS) have yet to be released, yet their implications for China’s national military industrial complex are nonetheless important, given it has long been criticized for its limited progress in indigenous innovation resulting from an over-reliance on foreign importation of technology and knowledge.[tt_news]=42637&tx_ttnews[backPid]=25&cHash=900c1639c56e3f650e2781e600a9c6ed&utm_source=The+Sinocism+China+Newsletter&utm_campaign=c0b1123fe1-Sinocism07_18_14&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_171f237867-c0b1123fe1-29615013&mc_cid=c0b1123fe1&mc_eid=5935182a65#.U8mkPxm5KHl

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