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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Israel’s Real Agenda by Philip Giraldi

Israel’s Real Agenda
by , November 15, 2012

Most observers have become wearied by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s frequently voiced demands that Iran must be attacked because it is a threat to the entire world. The reality is otherwise, that Iran’s theocratic government’s security apparatus oppresses mostly its own people and its military lacks the capabilities that would enable it to threaten either Israel or the United States. Israel’s government knows that perfectly well and has even concededthat Iran currently has no nuclear weapons program, a viewpoint shared by America’s CIA. It also knows that any attemptby its air force and navy to attack Iran would be fraught with peril, quite likely leading to a regional war in which Israel would sustain considerable damage even if it would ultimately prevail due to its superior armaments provided by the United States.

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